posted on Mar, 11 2003 @ 06:50 AM
Midnight - You've got to check your facts out. Saddam used *chemical* weapons against the Kurds, and killed 5000 in the worst single attack. No
evidence for biological attacks. Also, why would he attack a nuclear state like Israel? He only launched missles last time in a last gasp attempt to
turn Arab public opinion behind him, and that would only have happened if Israel retaliated.
And people who are anti-war are not supporting Saddam. They are opposing George Bush.
Provide the evidence that he still has WMD's and you'd get my support. But there is no evidence in the public domain right now, the inspectors are
saying that he's being cooperative and we need to let them finish their job. If they say Saddam hasn't disarmed, *then* we can get a UN mandate and
remove the regime by force.
Until that point any war is premature, and extremely damaging to international law and order.
You people are nuts if you think that this will improve security for the US!!