posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:19 AM
So, is anyone going to talk about his comments at the 2:35 mark where he correctly states that there is very little the federal government can do
about this leak? People have been going on and on about the government reaction but like Mr Zakaria said the government can’t do much about this
After all, what government agency specializes in oil leak clean up? When was the last time the government staged exercises in which they practice
cleaning up oil spills? They do a ton of drills for responding to terror threats and war games, but I don’t remember the last time they practiced
cleaning up an oil spill. Do people not remember the 1980 Mexican oil leak which was very similar to BP’s and took 11 months to stop? Seriously,
what can the feds do? What can even BP do?
Not much emphasis is put on oil spill cleanup. Our technology hasn’t advanced that much with regards to this type of oil spill cleanup and it’s
not like there is many thousands of miles of boom prepositioned either. As well, do people not realize that it’s easier to put men into space then
operate where the leak is occurring?
I’m all for holding people accountable for their mistakes and missteps but I’m also all for being realistic about what can and cannot be done
about a situation. Quite frankly, many people are being quite unrealistic about what the government can and can’t do. I don’t know, maybe it is
the years upon years that people have been told how advanced we have become as a society technologically wise, that people think that we can
accomplish anything, and do it immediately. It’s a sad situation in the Gulf with the damage from the leak and the tragic loss of life.