posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 08:58 AM
Yea right now I'm just a little north of the Windy City.
I just got of a 6 month stint where I worked in west Tennessee and while it was super hot, humid, and there were several floods, I gotta say, the
majority of these southerners like the following:
Nascar, bonfires, four wheelers, land, and GUNS!!!!! Basically the attitude down there is that you can get their guns over their dead bodies.
THe southern hospitality does exist. They'll feed you and give you a place to stay in a heart beat ...but not all of them are up on what we here at
ATS know. I prodded around intellectually subliminally bringing up nwo, illuminati, etc ...but many of them have no idea about it.
There is still a strong anti-black sentiment, still a separatist mentality (I was referred to by Yanky for all 6 months), but some of the folks would
give me the last dollar in their pockets and the last shirt off their backs.
I think when the SHTF th rural areas have the best possibility of making through the storm.
As far as what folks I can get along with, I'm very universal. I've been in debates and hung out with college professors, millionaire businessmen,
down to construction workers, farmers, skate boarders, breakdancers, etc. WHile these are all different sub-groups ...the underlying factor is having
respect for everyone and being careful what you say.
As far as land, I do think being up stream and up wind from major cities is a good idea, as well as being further away from the boarders, having
fertile soil (which leaves out the possibility of living in desert areas)