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What the freemasons, PTB dont want you to know

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posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:17 AM
The geometric universe, platonic geometries throughout nature e.g. Hurricanes eye, zp phi spin path, all is vibration, cymatics and much more.... The hidden knowledge is no longer just for the controllers.

We are now in the Apocalypse which translates as “the revealing or “the lifting of the veil between truth and secrecy” and the truths of secret societies such as the freemasons are now out in the open for those who have eyes to see.

The platonic solids

Commenly used is the star form of the tetrahedron, which is just two tetrahedrons. Here is how they are derived from the flower of life.
Then from Metatron’s cube...

Named after the Greek philosopher Plato who made them famous for associating them with the classical elements, they actually go back much further than Plato’s time.

The Platonic solids have been known since antiquity. Ornamented models of them can be found among the carved stone balls created by the late neolithic people of Scotland at least 1000 years before Plato (Atiyah and Sutcliffe 2003). Dice go back to the dawn of civilization with shapes that augured formal charting of Platonic solids
from wiki

Archeological researchers Jeffrey Goodman and A.M. Davie have dated the above stone polyhedra to as far back as 20,000 B.C, they speculate they might have been used as projectiles in hunting and warfare, but the accuracy of carving makes this unlikely.

Historian Lucie Lamy provides evidence of the knowledge about the platonic solids in Egypt as early as the Egyptian Old Kingdom, 2500 B.C.

The Roman dodecahedra is shown below

Roman icosahedra

The above two objects remain a complete mystery.

The function or use of the dodecahedra remains a mystery; no mention of them has been found in contemporary accounts or pictures of the time. Speculated uses include candlesticks (wax was found inside one example); dice; survey instruments; that they were used to calibrate water pipes; and army standard bases. It has also been suggested that they may have been religious artifacts of some kind. This latter speculation is based on the fact that most of the examples have been found in Gallo-Roman sites
Perhaps the best answer Ive heard is that they actually originated from the druids and were later seized by the Romans. To read more about the possible druidic origins of these mysterious objects visit Druidic Dodecahedra?

Evidence of platonic geometries


Note the top and bottom of the icosahedrons are hexagonal


Starting with the most famous here we have a hexagon on the north pole of Saturn, first spotted from the voyager flyby thirty years ago.

Cassini got some great images in 2009 shown below


It has since been recreated in their labs, but not explained. Any avid alternative researcher knows that it occurs and how to re-create it, but they havn’t explained why the phenomena occurs in the first place. They won’t be able to sufficiently using a freemason manipulated paradigm.

Such polygonal formations have been observed in the center of major hurricanes on Earth, says Barbosa Aguiar, though they quickly dissipate. “Most planetary scientists are not aware of how ubiquitous these sorts of patterns are in fluid dynamics.”

Grid maps

Many are probably aware of the Becker/Hagen’s grid maps which is what you get when an icosahedron is superimposed over a globe shown below. The lines correspond to things like lay lines, seismic fracture zones or animal migration paths and the points correspond to things like the Bermuda triangle or the devils sea of Japan (I think its so bad the Jap authorities might have declared it a no go zone).

Sanderson was the first to seriously look for a correlation between these anomalies, he found they were not randomly spaced over the globe, but rather conformed to platonic geometry.

Sanderson worked on this puzzle with several associates throughout the 60s and into the 70s. He tackled huge volumes of data, mostly from anomalous reports declared by hundreds of pilots and mariners, and systematically organized them.

Using statistical analysis to crunch all the data together, concerning all the different places where these events occurred on the globe, Sanderson was able to derive twelve common points of anomalous occurrence on the Earth.

Amazingly, these twelve points were all equally, harmonically spaced from each other!

More amazingly, they make an icosahedron! Dr. Hagens and Dr. Becker picked up the work started by Sanderson.

A group of Russian scientists Nikolai Goncharov, a historian, Vyacheslav Morozov, an engineer and Valery Makarov, an electronics specialist added to it the dodecahedron to get the map below.

In nature we have the Circogonia icosahedra, a species of Radiolaria

wiki article on Radiolaria


Is the universe a dodecahedron?

Oct 8, 2003
The standard model of cosmology predicts that the universe is infinite and flat. However, cosmologists in France and the US are now suggesting that space could be finite and shaped like a dodecahedron instead. They claim that a universe with the same shape as the twelve-sided polygon can explain measurements of the cosmic microwave background – the radiation left over from the big bang – that spaces with more mundane shapes cannot (J-P Luminet et al. 2003 Nature 425 593).
Btw, Plato ascribed the Dodecahedron to “the heavens” or the universe.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Less impressive than its Saturn cousin but still worth a look is this possible dodec on Jupiter.

Seen in the Artic heat profile. Interestingly the Nasa article below discusses the Vortex seen at the polar region, these vortices will be important for later when I describe how the geometry forms.

The Zodiac are arranged according to the dodecahedron
Pdf article, dodeca zodia

This promo footage for tracking Ivan was quickly taken down off air, presumably the guys upstairs (possibly freemasons) told them to change it.
Its not just Ivan the terrible, check out the Isabel pics in this Peer reviewed Journal article this Peer reviewed Journal article . Again, the fact they are vortices at each point is important to how the geometry forms, explained later in the thread.
Here we see it looking more like a pentagram than a pentagon

Below is a nested pentagonal feature on the Uranian moon Miranda.


So anything happening at 19.5 degrees?, just a bit...

- Mayan ruins in the Yucatan of Mexico
- Face on Mars
- The tallest volcano and mountain in the solar system, Olympus mons on Mars (three times taller than mount Everest)
- The great red spot on Jupiter
- The dark spot on Neptune
- Cydonia (apparently martin pyramids)
- Saturn’s dark cloud bands
- Hurricanes form on Earth at 19.5º latitude
- On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degrees north and south.
- On Venus, active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio
- The sacred and highly volcanic Hawaii region, the largest volcano Mauna-Kea is at 19.5


The below pic is from Battaner, Florido et al. (1997). Could it be that the universe follows an egg carton octahedral distribution? Are there freemasons in NASA? Who really controls all the red tape around scopes such as Hubble? Is this just what “slips through the cracks?”

The fractal octahedron network of the large scale universe
In the next paper Battaner and Forido talk about the unexpected lattice structure of filaments that form polyhedra.
Magnetic fields and the large-scale structure

Below is a slide courtesy Nassim Haramein

The red square nebula

Not to be confused with the similar Red Rectangle Nebula

As above, so below....

This is a zoom up of some NCl crystal, in other words, salt.

Geometries in rotating fluids

Here is a paper where the phenomena has been re-created in a lab.
Polygons on a Rotating Fluid Surface
Thomas R. N. Jansson, Martin P. Haspang, K°are H. Jensen,
Pascal Hersen and Tomas Bohr
Physics Department, The Technical University of Denmark,

Their explanation given was admittedly just speculation; largely it still remains a mystery. The strong azimuthal shear forces from the stationary edges in the bucket that are apparently causing the instabilities, just don’t exist in other observations of the phenomena, hence it’s not a full explanation.

Atomic level

Table of elements, arranged platonically

Below is tetrahedron (sp3) atomic config from wiki

Below is the octahedral pic, an example is Sulfur hexafluoride

Fullerene, wave or particle?

Below is a pic of Dodecahedrane C20H20, a Platonic Hydrocarbon. It’s the smallest of the Bucky balls, named after Richard Buckminster Fuller.

Below is C60

The structure of C60 is a truncated (T = 3) icosahedron, which resembles a soccer ball of the type made of twenty hexagons and twelve pentagons, with a carbon atom at the vertices of each polygon and a bond along each polygon edge.

It is also the most common in terms of natural occurrence, as it can often be found in soot.

In 1999, researchers from the University of Vienna demonstrated that wave-particle duality applied to molecules such as fullerene

The team of physicists at the University of Vienna in Austria have also observed wave-like behaviour in the most massive molecule yet - a fluorinated 'buckyball'. It is twice as large as the previously biggest molecule known to exhibit quantum wave-like behaviour
The signature of wave-particle duality in quantum particles is the wave-like interference pattern produced when a beam of particles passes through a 'double-slit'. Wave-particle duality has been seen in electrons, atoms and small molecules but not in the macroscopic world due to the wavelength being so small for large objects that we cannot detect their interference in a practical experiment.
While I cant find an exact diagram, it is somewhat similar to this experiement setup.

Basically the bucky balls are shot at the slits and then are seen to (from the interference pattern) turn into a wave, and then re-assemble back into buckyballs again!

This has become somewhat famous due to the implications, Wikipedia even talks about these buckyball experiment on the main wave-particle duality wiki

[edit on 13-6-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:19 AM
This phenomenon is key to solving the puzzle. It helps one to see how the mystical phrase “all is vibration” many intuitively perceive from meditation could be true.

From Wikipedia

Cymatics (from Greek: κῦμα "wave") is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid
In the modern era, it started...

In 1787, the jurist, musician and physicist Ernst Chladni published Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klangesor Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Music.In this and other pioneering works, Chladni, who was born in 1756, the same year as Mozart, and died in 1829, the same year as Beethoven, laid the foundations for that discipline within physics that came to be called acoustics, the science of sound. Among Chladni´s successes was finding a way to make visible what sound waves generate. With the help of a violin bow which he drew perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced those patterns and shapes which today go by the term Chladni figures. (se left) What was the significance of this discovery? Chladni demonstrated once and for all that sound actually does affect physical matter and that it has the quality of creating geometric patterns.
Dr. Hans Jenny picked up the work (in 1967) after the American mathematician Nathaniel Bowditch (1815) and their predecessor Chladni.
By using water, iron fillings and other viscous substances as well as just sand, Dr. Jenny came up with some visually fantastic results in the modern age of photography.

Split page

Aether Vibrations
If you read only one link I’ve given you, make it this one.

Ill give a very brief introduction into how these geometries are formed here. For a more detailed explanation I plan on releasing part two of this thread (in this same thread) as its already getting rather long, If you can’t wait for the sequel then the above link will go a long way into understanding the theory of everything, the convergence of science and spirituality.

Everything is vibration...

These red dots are called nodes.

Note the waves form nodes where they interfere, that make up the points or vertices of the geometric. Below, although 2D, is the same principle of how the spherical waves interfere at nodes to form the vertices of the platonic solid in 3D

The nodes of the wave are evenly spaced, as are the vertices of the platonic solids.

A higher frequency, shorter wavelength corresponds to more node points and hence more vertices in the resultant platonic. For example tetrahedral is a lower frequency than dodecahedral or icosahedral. To transmute something all you have to do is alter the frequency its vibrating at.

But vibrations or waves need a medium right, so what is vibrating?

Waves require something to propagate through, sound needs air and ripples in a pond need water. But since the Michaelson-Morley experiment supposedly single-handedly disproved ether theory mainstream science has erroneously assumed electromagnetic waves somehow don’t need a medium, they can supposedly travel through absolutely nothing in the vacuum of space.

Aether theory is making a comeback in a big way, but many don’t choose to call it that for fear of ridicule (can you say programming? my high school physics textbooks literally made ether the butt of jokes).

Our universe is multi dimensional and it is made of one substance and one substance only! This substance is called aether and it is a vibrating fluid-like energy that permeates the physical vacuum. Matter as we know it is created moment by moment as a standing wave, a vortex in the physical vacuum. It is the condensed center of these vortexes that creates the illusion of a separate particle. All matter in the universe is interconnected since the particle fields extend to the far corners of the universe.

The vibrations behind matter are aetheral, the energy of god, the zpe, quantum foam, the vacuum energy, what all the derivative fundamental forces gravity, electro magnetism, strong and weak nuclear force (and torsion waves) emanate from. The Aether (as in 20,21st century Russian aether theories, like Kozyrev’s ) is the fundamental that links it all together, it’s the missing link in the unified field theory of everything.

If we have that link and unification then tptb loose us. We don’t need their oil, we will have zpe energy. We wont need big pharma, we will use chi, or life-force for seemingly miraculous healing.

Aether is also called prana, Kundalini, chi, Akasha among many other names. Although they can be slightly different expressions it is the same fundamental energy that permeates everything.

With spiritual connection we won’t respond to their fear propaganda, and can find truth within, rendering secrecy useless.

Now think of a glass of water, if you start to vibrate it slowly, you will quite clearly see wave fronts in the glass. When we increase the frequency, it will be harder to notice the water surface is vibrating. If we add in all possible vibrations with frequencies ranging from extremely low to indefinitely high, the sum result of all these vibrations will turn the water into a smooth surface again. The water has become calm again. This calmness however is illusionary since the water is both at rest and shaking like hell all at the same time!

That is what the zero point field in essence is; it’s complete stillness (0 Hz) and filled with an infinite cascade of Golden harmonics all at the same time.

It is a vector zero resultant, two fleas head butting gives a vector zero resultant but so too does two elephants head butting, but its not the same thing.

Phi, Spin path to the zero point

Notice how the hurricane “arms” follow the golden ratio, Phi, or Fibonacci.

And the eye of the hurricane is where we saw the geometry earlier.

The golden ration is the key for the perfect spin path of the spiral down to the zero point to create the path for hyperdimensional transfer, to and from our reality matrix

The torus can be perfectly described by a set of Phi spirals.

Each Phi spiral is actually a series of pure sine waves. It is a well-known principle in physics that any complex wave shape can be created from the sum of simpler pure sine waves with different frequencies and amplitudes. This principle is called the Fourier principle. The Phi spiral is constructed from a series of harmonics with wavelengths that comply with the Golden Mean version of the Fibonacci sequence


[edit on 13-6-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:27 AM

When these Phi spirals circle around the torus they meet and interfere. As a result of this interference two new additional waves will be created. What is important to notice is that both new waves will have wavelengths that are again in the Fibonacci series. This allows that the interference will be non-destructive since the interference will simply result in more harmonics in the Fibonacci series.
Whilst destructive interference is the norm in wave interference, the only exception in nature is when the waves interfere with Golden Mean ratio wavelengths! In other words, the Phi spiral can re-enter itself around the torus shape without destroying itself. So the Phi spiral is the universe’s only possible way to nest and become self-organizing. This is how stable matter can be formed from electromagnetic energy as a form of pure wave interference.

The below pic probably seems familiar to many of you..
It’s right throughout nature.

Conclusion, but there can be no end.

This OP is getting too long but I also wanted to talk about...

-Black holes are actually a torus
-Can dna be a wave like the bucky ball?
- what did the ancients know?

-E= mc2 and the torus

Light in a straight line is energy, loving light bent around a focal point creates matter and it’s the universal consciousness that keeps the waves centered! If the universal mind of the universe, God is the light and love of the world, like the Bible has always told us; we can now appreciate it from a scientific perspective!

- Even in plasma physics scientists have discovered microscopic Fibonacci spirals
- Can dna change by the local aether frequency increasing? Like how the cymatic shape changes with the frequency
- String theory, all is vibration
-Octaves of sound, light and matter. Platonic shape per rung of octave, with the sphere beginning and ending the octave.
- mass is inertia


The universe is one infinite being experiencing many different facets of itself. The aether or the godforce is whats behind creation, the intelligent energy. Sacred geometry is key to understanding how the matrix functions and was formed, and the truth of it is painfully simple.

The universe is infinite, infinity is unity. All is one.

Still the mind, and you will see you are everything, every being every place every emotion every situation. All is one and that one is you. Other people are other selves, they are you (infinite consciousness) having a different set of experiences.

How do you rule over the masses when they believe they are all God? How do you divide and conquer when all beings believe they are one? How do you have a wealthy elite and starving poverty when each person sees another as an other-self, an other expression of the same fundamental infinite divine?

You don’t.

And that is why you will find more disinfo/mind control/programming around the concept of oneness than anything else.
You are the creator of the universe experiencing your own creation, through a holographic subset fractal portion you created to have the experience through. The wild ride of re-merging with the all you have always been, beckons.

You are God in amnesia, wake up from your induced coma and smell the roses, life is sweet.

Blessings to all

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:38 AM
helpfull but soo 2004.

this is not what anyone not wants you to know; but is a part.

how does a platonic solid exist imiginarily through a braid? how does dodecahedrce codecies equate to ionary code(0,1's)?why does binary code equal on and off but on the other side of a braid there is no off because of ions?

why do you think this form of information is knowledge that is power in the now; when it is past?

present more data...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Ausar

So long as its helpfull to sombody all grouped together, its doing more good than stored in my history.

I agree it may not be what they dont want you to know anymore, but it certainly leads to truths they dont want the masses knowing, truths that are empowering to the masses, dangerous for TPTB. But there is signs of suppression of this type of knowledge, like why dont the public know such simple facts?

We live in an illusion, I dont claim to know how it all works because thats impossible from within the illusion.

The key message to take home from such info is that your own mind is also part of the all and knowledge need not be searched for abroad,

look within.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:08 AM
Well done bro!!

I often think about taking the time to put something like this together and never do.
Im soo glad you did! Thank you!
This is the Truth.
and with this ....
we can do/know/be/experience..
everything we are meant to.

You rock, mate. I love you. lol

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:12 AM
This is fascinating stuff polarwarrior. I didn't understand all of it, and I did think the Greek ship was a bit far-fetched, but I fully agree with the concept of the unity of all things.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:18 AM
i was lecturing my grandmother on knowledge and it was about ufo's; i told her that in all sense of reality it is impossible for me to teach my child the knowledge i have now, and that i will continue to gain knowledge and my child will be in the wilderness of others who will teach him the best way they can because as knowledge progresses so does time and it compounds outside of time, a simple i love you is sometimes; from my perspective of knowledge telling my child i hate them for spilling something i had to pick up and then change their clothes over that made me late to work in dropping them off to see their grandmother. i am trying to say that you are talking to your own ears.

this is Montessori school information; by my perception of time.

off topic and related and on topic; are you familiar with dan winter. how do you imagine the human body interacts in an active fashion with what looks like non active "solids"?

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:22 AM
Excuse me for asking, but exactly how does all of this geometry help me in any way?

Knowledge is NOT power. Application of knowledge is power. Even if I understood this, what in the world would I do with it? For that reason, even if I were to believe that freemasons understand how to use it, if I don't understand it myself, then it's useless. It's like telling a 1st grader that E=mc^2 and telling him "This is powerful information." It is useless to the 1st grader and even to most college graduates. The only people who use this equation are people taking tests or doing advances physics.

People love to say they know the secrets of this or that organization. I'm not buying it though. And, Freemasons are architects and like a fraternity. I have seen no proof that they are anything other than a group of people who use their connections to their advantage IF that.

Manly P Hall was a Freemason, and he died a philosopher. From his talks I've heard online, he sounds like a very kind person. I don't think he was evil.

People obsess over the unknown, hence religion...and now we are seeing people obsess over secret societies as if they are god-like entities.

I'm not buying it!

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

one must realize the vast amount of knowledge which is in some way hidden may have been commonly taught. this info is new to me and greatly appreciated. dont let one pompous anus discourage you. i dould love to read more.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:27 AM
I do think you are on to something. Frequency, vibration, and resonant frequency seem to be behind all the secrets that are studied by our government. I am not sure Hutchison wasn't a loon, but if he was, he fooled them for a while. And Meyer had the same thing with his hydrogen splitter. But masons aren't secretly trying to make things look like pentagons, and pentagrams. If I had my way I would try to make things look like shapely naked women. But thats just me.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 09:20 AM
that was a great!! and the first time i have heard or read about that.
whether it helps me or not it was fascinating info.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Thank you for the post and I am happy you are excited by the "finds".

As a matter of interest [to me maybe] my child whom is 8 is taught this in school through creating shapes whilst learning his times tables and the two times tables at his age have a great pentagon shape. He is taught Cymatics through metal plates and violin bows etc. This is common in Waldorf Schools.

To be fair the information is not "hidden" but has been in math , nature and books for many a blue moon. The internet just makes it easier to locate, books on the subject in the past were more difficult to locate unless a prior interest was evident.

Well maybe you have a small point the pentagram was of interest to the "Brotherhood" this club was part of a school of Pythagoras, they did take an oath never to reveal the secret of their math on penalty of death. They wore a symbol of the pentagram within a pentagon.

have fun on your journey. ;]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:58 PM
Fascinating stuff, and i'll be checking the links further. This is a compelling theory and encapsulates 'new-age' thinking. As a Christian, who was a new age thinker, obviously I have some difficulties with accepting that the Bible is little more than a veiled astrology book.
From my perspective, Satan has been on the scene since the beginning, and as the master deciever will use all means to undermine Jesus Christ. This includes ancient architecture, art, secret societies etc.
The fact that you can show design and geometric shapes is further proof to me of an intelligent designer, rather than some mystical big bang of randomness. The theories about consciousness could be true, they may be mechanisms by which the design works. Just because artists like Da Vinci drew some pictures and made statues and buildings to reflect their interpretation of the Bible, does not mean that their interpretation was true in the first place.

Unfortunately, as lovely as the oneness idea is, it is directly at odds with trusting in Jesus Christ as the only saviour. As we attribute secret societies to worshipping Satanic forces, it would seem obvious that the opposing force of evil - Jesus Christ is the one we should worship.
I understand that this might be thought of as me being 'caught in the religious trap' - but facts are facts - I see plenty of evidence of Satanic influence in the world - and no oneness.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by sinthia
Fascinating stuff, and i'll be checking the links further. This is a compelling theory and encapsulates 'new-age' thinking. As a Christian, who was a new age thinker, obviously I have some difficulties with accepting that the Bible is little more than a veiled astrology book.
From my perspective, Satan has been on the scene since the beginning, and as the master deciever will use all means to undermine Jesus Christ. This includes ancient architecture, art, secret societies etc.

You are completely right, but I am missing in this list the music between geometry and astronomy.
the Trivium
- grammar
- rhetoric
- logic
the Quadrivium
- arithmetic
- geometry
- music
- astronomy

Music was decoded in threads:
Joh. Seb. Bach as Jesus

440 Hertz versus 432 Hertz.

And the grammer can be eplained as defined in Psalm 118:22
The stone that the builders rejected (And masons are builders)

[edit on 13-6-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Hey you deserve much appreciation! I read your entire thread, good job my friend, you have taught me a lot today.

How do you rule over the masses when they believe they are all God? How do you divide and conquer when all beings believe they are one? How do you have a wealthy elite and starving poverty when each person sees another as an other-self, an other expression of the same fundamental infinite divine? You don’t. And that is why you will find more disinfo/mind control/programming around the concept of oneness than anything else. You are the creator of the universe experiencing your own creation, through a holographic subset fractal portion you created to have the experience through. The wild ride of re-merging with the all you have always been, beckons.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
The universe is one infinite being experiencing many different facets of itself. The aether or the godforce is whats behind creation, the intelligent energy. Sacred geometry is key to understanding how the matrix functions and was formed, and the truth of it is painfully simple.

The universe is infinite, infinity is unity. All is one.

Still the mind, and you will see you are everything, every being every place every emotion every situation. All is one and that one is you. Other people are other selves, they are you (infinite consciousness) having a different set of experiences.

How do you rule over the masses when they believe they are all God? How do you divide and conquer when all beings believe they are one? How do you have a wealthy elite and starving poverty when each person sees another as an other-self, an other expression of the same fundamental infinite divine?

You don’t.

And that is why you will find more disinfo/mind control/programming around the concept of oneness than anything else.
You are the creator of the universe experiencing your own creation, through a holographic subset fractal portion you created to have the experience through. The wild ride of re-merging with the all you have always been, beckons.

You are God in amnesia, wake up from your induced coma and smell the roses, life is sweet.

Your research is grade A - thank you for compiling it all

Though i must say, that as great a read as all the research you;ve collated was, I believe that it is the above quotation from your OP that says it all.

I personally think that THIS is the truth that TPTB don't want us to know and/or realise.

If the masses TRULY awoke to this fact then the world would change overnight. I believe that their may be a subtle hint of it amoung the populace, but it is not really understood or appreciated.

If your geometry and the like can prove it in a more 'laymans' manner then it would be a great service for sure

Thanks for a great read. s&f

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:30 AM
Fascinating information. Richard Feynman once said that if you meditate sufficiently on the implications of the Double Slit Experiment, the secrets of quantum mechanics would become known to you.

I was absolutely stunned when I found out how little evidence there actually is - behind all the hype - for dark matter, dark energy, and the big bang. In reality, the observations simply do not match the theories without considerable ad hoc modifications. The only logical conclusion is that our current theories of light and gravity are incorrect.

One thing I didn't understand. There are only five platonic solids. Yet these are supposed to correspond to an infinite amount of wavelengths? Can you explain this please?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 04:46 AM

One thing I didn't understand. There are only five platonic solids. Yet these are supposed to correspond to an infinite amount of wavelengths? Can you explain this please?

It seems to occur in an ocatve. You know how in music you have the note A, and then you have the note A in the higher and lower octaves as well.

The Vedic texts were the first to arrange the platonic solids in an octave format. Light and sound are in octaves so why not matter, seeing as they are all vibration. Im not sure who or what wrote the vedas but there is some amazing stuff in them im sure you've probably heard of. The Vedas ascribed the god Purusha to the icosohedron, and Prakriti the dodeca etc.

So each platonic corrosponds to different wavelenghts, the size of the formation is the amplitude and the nodal lengths are the vortice length, the wave that form them come in octave and so too do them resultant solids.

The octave of the platonic goes from spere to icosa to the octahedron, then star tetrahedron (merkaba) then dodecahedron, icosa again then back to sphere to round out the octave.

We entities also progress through an octave of being. They are called densities (but many are using the term dimension). Humans are third density beings, hence all the talk about going to 4D you've probably heard. When the entity raises its frequency enough (Im sure you've been told to raise your vibrations by a new ager) it hits the critical point where the quanta boundry for the phase change occurs and the entity transitions or ascends to the next level of the octave. Similar to how an increasing frequency of the cymatic hits a critical point where the formation changes suddenly. There is also lots of talk around about the merkaba as the vehicle for ascension coming from people who know not of the platonic octave, funnily enough it all fits in.

Note also that there are pyramids (half an octahedron) all over the planet, thats because, as mentioned in the vedas, the octahedron is the third in the octave and we humans are third density beings, so the octahedral shape is the favourable amplifier/funnel for metaphysical work. I dont think it coincidence that ancients on different sides of the globe all built the pyramid, they knew something.

But there are also sub octaves within a level of each octave and sub-sub octaves within them. Essentially there are infinity octaves, infinity densities, infinity wavelengths.

So one platonic solid doesnt just represent one density, or frequency, but they are in indicator of where the aetheral vibrations forming it are in the local octave. And its the underlying vibrations that are really important, not so much their illusery constructions, but by matching up geometric with vibation one begins to probe beyond the illusion while only directly percieving whats within.

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