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does your body vibrate ???????

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posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:31 AM
well first pardon my spelling and all that other stuff i have never been good at it

ok now i dont know why but ever since i can think back to when i was a little kid i noticed that when ever i get woken up fast or i wake up to fast my body feels like its vibrating ? its very strange now i never rly put any thought into it but i have been reading a bit on how our brains work on a certin freakquency and alot of people think life works in the same way ..

now i believe this might be true unless i am missing somthing but please enlighten me for i do not poses that much knowledge in this area.

but i want to share with you a story as to why this might be true .
my auntie julie passed away in i 2002 then my mother karen passed away in 2007 they were both very young my mom was 47 my aunt was about 40 now my auntie judith is the only one alive and she has been having theese dreams of my mom and auntie julie.

now in the dream judith always sees my mom in a frail state and sitting down while my auntie julie is holding her hand . so the last dream judith had she asked julie why are you always holding karens hand ? and julie replys cause she has not learnd yet
so then judith would ask learnd what ? and julie would say learnd the energy of this life your life and her hands have only begun to vibrate .....

now to me this makes alot of sens be4 it never mase sens and i was thinking maybe the reson i feel like i am viborating is because in order for us to dream and go other places we have to learn how to tune into it such as my mom and when we do we get the sensation of vibration ???

i hope all this makes sens to you guys i know its hard to understand cause of my poor spelling and stuff and i am very sorry i hope that you can help me out here or call me crazy but i thank you for your time and i love you all many thanks


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:39 AM
This sounds like the early stages of Astral Projection. One's body usually "vibrates" in order to leave the physical body and into the spiritual one. Very interesting stuff.

Here you might find some info: Here

It does talk about those vibrations.
Also some quick google searches on Astral Projection will bring you some interesting reads.
Good luck!

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:40 AM
I know what you are talking about exactly.

It is the blood returning to the parts of your body that you were laying on or what have you. at least thats what i get from your description.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by mel0101

wow this is scary but interesting heh so thats where i have been going ? thank you so much ill read up on this

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by LittleIndianJr.

no my friend this is far differint .. i know what that feeling is .. but this really feels like my whole body is viberating

thank you


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

No problem! But that's might take on it lol, it might just as well have a logical explanation. But the dream experience part on your post just reminded me of this.

Hope it some what helps

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

It's the feeling caused by reactivition of specific nerves which were inactive during the sleep - it is the physiological way of nature to prevent people hurting themselves when asleep.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by mel0101

ya it does alot i was thinking it had somthing to do with what you refer to but i am not sure ill have to gather as much info on it as i can . i was wondering have you ever had this happen to you ?

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by v01i0

ya i had that thought as well but its the dream part that rly makes me wonder alot

thank you kind sir for your post

[edit on 13-6-2010 by Nephi1337]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

To be honest, no I have not but it is a topic that I am really interested in and I myself have tried to achieve this. I guess some people are naturally more "in tuned" with their bodies or spiritual sides.

I have gotten to the point where I feel weightless and/or am falling through the bed but then I get excited or scared and wake up

The whole body vibrating does sound like this but it's all on what you experience you know?
There's a couple of Astral Projection threads on this site also and people who have said they've experienced it, that might also help you.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

You are welcome.

At those moments of waking up, many people experience similar feelings, some even sleep paralysis - it is where your consciousness starts to wake up and your nerve system switches to "awake" mode, so to speak. People also experience vivid dream-like hallucinations during those moments. For example, they may imagine getting up bed, going to do normal things they do in the mornings and suddenly wake up again, realizing they have done none of that. That is just one example.

My hunch would be that your experiences are because of your body and organs are starting to move on active phase of being awake. Of course, there are other "explanations" such as astral projections as already mentioned. You can decide yourself, which you prefer. If you believe that it's the reason for your vibrations, as your previous post indicates, it is allright. It may be as good explanation as others.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by mel0101

well i hate to do this because you have far more info on this then i do but if there is any advice i can give you on this the best thing i can say is the first time i noticed it is when i was having leg pains so i decided to lay down and imagin my toes were disapering then i went higher and higher then be4 i knew it i was asleep and woke up vibrating

and thank you to you too my good man

[edit on 13-6-2010 by Nephi1337]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by v01i0

ya i have had the sp infact i posted a possible cure for it at one point but this this is very differint i guess one would have to experance it first hand ..but like you i look for a down to earth explanation because like many others i fear the unknown its only natural ..but once more my brother thank you for your reply and i couldnt have said it better my self

thank you kind sir

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

My body doesn't vibrate but I get the shakes sometimes. I never knew why. Like I can't hold my hand perfectly still for instance.

I think that is normal. I don't know.

Sometimes I also feel like I can feel the ground shaking through my feet. But I think that is just my blood flowing or heartbeat.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by belial259

well some people are very sensitve to the earth like for instance my mom .she used to feel little earth quakes and ide be in the same room with her and not feel a thing ..but ide say that you might be picking up on the same thing possible

many thanks


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:56 AM
I get that sometimes....

sometimes my body vibrates other times it feels like the room is shaking.
I'm usually not completely awake when it happens ... then it stops.
and I wonder if there was an earthquake sometimes

very strange sensation

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by ALIEИ

yup you got it ... i have only had the room thing once but all waking up vib is indeed strange ....i dono maybe it does have somthing to do with the nurvus system waking up ''

thank you my brother for the post

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

It feels like electricity going through your body but you don't feel any pain.
These vibrations are appearing while you are in mind awake/body asleep state. Robert Monroe called this state "focus 10".

When you will experience it next time, try to focus on these vibrations and you will notice that you are able to control frequency and intensity of vibration.
You can learn to use focus 10 to tune into astral projections and wake induced lucid dreams.

You may also try to communicate with your spiritual guide directly from focus 10. Voice of your guide will be very familiar and he/she will call you by name.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Nephi1337
reply to post by v01i0

ya i have had the sp infact i posted a possible cure for it at one point but this this is very differint

Well, I wasn't really saying that the experience you mentioned in OP was sleep paralysis, but it could be because of same mechanics; you may feel the vibrations because of you nerve system is waking up. Thought the sleep paralysis may not be far away from it. The fact that you've had sleep paralysis may support this hypothesis; your waking process may be slightly different to most people. In the end, I dunno and all this is just speculation.

Whatever the reason may be, observe it - utilize it if possible.

Good luck


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Etherguide

wow ya thats it it does feel like electric current running through the body that is very interesting see i am fighting here with is it the body waking up from being paralised or is it really a vibration ..all i can say is that it does feel just as you say and electric vibration ..

thank you so much for your post my good man


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