America has an identity crises. Plain and simple, we have entered an era that is unprecedented in our nation. A time that, were my grandfather alive
today, would completely disgust him as it would represent the rapid loss of what he had helped build.
There is lots of blame to spread around. We could blame Nazi infiltration post WWII. We could blame the socialist agenda pushed through public and
university schools. We could blame pop culture, placating the masses with mindlessness. Or we could blame institutionalization. I mean, the list
could literally go on and on.
But all of it boils down to one thing: American's stopped being American's. Once the 60's came to a halt, people were ready to have peace. We
began to trust our government too much. To give them too much credit.
"Give me liberty, or give me death". This is the mantra of the American. The current increase in police interference in our daily lives, with
greater and greater violence, spits in the face of this mantra. The complete fear of people in far flung land landing another sucker punch has given
us the patriot act, the most ironically incorrect name for legislation in national history. Our citizens are incarcerated for buying drugs that were
provided by the government (via the CIA/military) to begin with.
We are seeing greater and greater numbers of American's accepting government aid. During the current times, i can understand this more than
previously, but the idea needs to be to get back to the point where this is not needed, and then do not allow our nation to be put in such peril ever
The reason I am making this thread is to serve as a reminder of a few things to my fellow Americans:
- during the upcoming political season, remember that not only have both parties failed us, neither party has relevant candidates to offer. Do not
allow yourself to be a part of the "Democrat vs Republican" debate. If you see this debate occurring, shut it down or walk away from it. We cannot
take our nation back until we unite for the cause. This silly dichotomy is not going to help.
- our national identity is based on not only being fiercely independent, but also somewhat unruly. You do not have to comply. Begin questioning
everything, politely at first and less politely afterwords. Do not accede your rights without a fight. Guard them jealously.
- ask for nothing, and be thankful for what you get. our national greed is killing us, and the feeling of entitlement is as anti-American as it
- above all else, quit settling. In national, state, and local elections, quit settling for a lackluster product. Do not vote for someone you know
nothing about just because he talks well, or belongs to a certain party or church, or any other group. Americans are individual, independent, and
must rise up to support the ideals that our nation was founded on. The political endorsement of an institution is reason enough for me to not vote
for someone. We need to be lead by individuals, with loyalties to The People, not their cronies. Our leaders should enter office owing no one other
than The People. We must try to take back our nation, and put an end to the antics.
The "eagle" we see used on national artwork is not what was originally there. Originally it was a phoenix. This is a fitting national symbol. Our
nation is in dire straits, to be sure. It is unlikely the coming disaster can be averted. But if each and every one of you remember who we are, and
what we stand for, the principles of liberty and freedom will not be trampled in the reactionary recovery that will follow.
Think critically, trust no one completely, and do not settle for less than absolute loyalty to the ideas of freedom, liberty, and the ability to live
without tyranny. We are an armed population for a reason. This is not to say that violence is the answer, as we are also a civilized population that
respects life. But regardless, we are still an armed population for a reason.
Be smart, vote smart, and teach your kids what it really means to be American. God bless.