posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 06:23 AM
I have never truly left an opinion piece on any of these forums so if I am incorrect in posting this please inform me or if a mod sees this then
please move to the appropriate section.
I have been reading the Gulf Oil Disaster pieces almost daily on the site and I just recently had a thought that calculated up pretty well.
I personally am not sure if weather manipulation is possible to the extent of Hurricanes, Earthquakes, or such. However, I do recall Katrina vividly
since it affected Texas in a huge way with the influx of refugees from Louisiana.
Now, I have noticed something rather funny…
First, Katrina happened which has caused millions of people to leave the state of Louisiana. The destruction was so great that to this day the city
is still not completely fixed.
Secondly, in the same general area "the BP Oil Disaster" has happened causing massive destruction to the area and even the possibility of job
creation which would allow for growth or further development in the area.
Third, instead of cleaning it up, stopping the leak, or listening to anyone with any knowledge of fixing these types of situations – the government
and BP seem to be deaf.
Fourth, the chemicals used (dispersants) are highly toxic and will cause massive damage to the ocean, ocean life, Gulf Stream, land, human life, and
the air. Not to mention the damage of the oil, gas and other chemicals exiting the "Spill" this is not an actual spill but a "LEAK".
Fifth, the National Guard, the Navy, or any other military presence is only there to observe and to assist which is rather fishy since the
"Government" is sitting on its hands waiting for BP to fix the problem when they are the one that caused the problem. (50+ days out and still no fix
or real cleanup or prevention of spreading is happening).
Sixth, there are four states directly affected by this disaster and can increase to the whole East Coast and to Iceland, Greenland, the UK and Europe.
If caught up in the Gulf Stream.
So if you look at all this there are questions that have to be asked…
Was Katrina created on purpose?
Was the "the BP Oil Disaster" on purpose?
Why not fix the disaster, clean the mess, or listen to more options?
What is the true size of the oil deposits, reserves, and resources under Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida?
Why are we trying to make the land unlivable, worthless, barren, and a waste?
Why are we acting as if this is just something that happened and that the guys that created this mess are the only ones that can fix it?
Now, IMHO I believe that this whole disaster was on purpose to require the Gulf residents which live in the affected areas, right above the HUGE oil
reserves, deposits, resources to move out.
This disaster will destroy the land, livelihoods, and cause havoc for decades.
To make amends with the people of that region, BP will be required to purchase the land from the people that are affected at a highly discounted rate
due to the land being unlivable and due to the government putting a cap on the price. People will be compensated to get the hell out of dodge and
will be sad but at the same happy to at least get something for a now worthless piece of land.
Since the disaster will spread to Mississippi, Alabama and Florida either the federal government will pull a land grab from the fleeing people or the
destruction will make it viable for them to turn this region in to another piece of government property.
This is a power and money plays my friends, there is way more to this than meets the eye. Greed blinds you of your senses, and my senses say the
idiots that think this will benefit their pockets are quite blind indeed. The repercussions of this action will be felt so vividly and strong that
this could be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Fakshon Avion Amari…
P.S. This is my opinion and a thought that occurred while researching and contemplating the info below face value.
[edit on 12-6-2010 by Fakshon]