The other day a thread got 170 flags for stating that TPTB want us all discussing important issues, instead of burying our heads in the sand. The
solution was to forget the important stuff and focus on chasing unicorns and butterflies, over the rainbow, instead of maybe focusing on solutions for
a true change rather than just the darkness itself.
The irony was that the night before I posted a thread offering a 'new' solution that might just be the one total solution (we each choose item by
item what we're willing to pay taxes for), combined with some other good solutions, while asking for even more good solution ideas.
The stick your head in the sand thread got 170 flags and 12 pages of replies. My
solutions thread got 3 flags and FIVE replies total.
No this isn't about complaining that my thread got totally ignored, and no it isn't about KILLING elected officials. Instead it's about a rally
cry to get people focused on solutions instead of problems alone, and perhaps actually motivating the masses with these solutions... AND my solution
is about marginalizing the power of elected officials to the point of them being almost irrelevant.
I see very few threads on ATS, or articles out elsewhere for that matter, that focus on actual solutions. Pick any subject, and this 'constant'
likely applies.
As Einstien said:
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.
This is the 21st Century folks, and I propose a solution that can put an end to majority of our problems:
Tax Form Funding Check Boxes:
If you don't support something, don't elect (for yourself) to pay for it! Currently the "elected" Congress / President are completely off the
charts funding endless things that if The People had an actual choice they themselves wouldn't fund.
They often say "vote with your pocketbook". I say lets take that concept to the extreme. Imagine if on your IRS form instead of focusing on the
check-boxes of 'dependents' you claim, the majority of the ordeal would be a compendium of
all of the various things government does, and
taxes us for. The form would be more like a book. In the reality of the situation, there would be so much that people would only have time to flip
through trying to find things they actually support.
I argue that this alone would solve pretty much everything. In fact, it would almost negate the need for congress critters and the office of the
president, especially as we know it.
"Elected" officials are the root cause of our problems as far as I'm concerned. They supposedly voted in things like the income taxes, and the
Federal Reserve Act. Citizens didn't vote for those things. They voted for some chumps that then served their own personal interests in whatever they
got out of all that. Today, these same sorts of crony lowlifes are the gatekeepers to shutting it all down, while causing immeasurable other problems.
The libertarian / capitalist type arguments against socialism / communism being flawed because the concepts overlook human nature are correct. But
they also fail to actually completely solve those same problems.
This is the 21st Century, and I'm ready for a real change. My concept wasn't even possible 200 years ago. Today it is. And this one is relevant
unlike all of the bogus claims 'law makers' attempt to use to justify everything they do that circumvents the Bill of Rights etc.
Even if corruption were a non-issue about half of everyone (who actually votes) still lose: You "vote" for some (basically always establishment
hacks)... oh but then you LOSE. Now that other douche is on Capital Hill voting for spending on things you likely won't agree with, and you'll be
taxed for it.
And agreement is the biggest lesson I've learned about trying to affect massive social change. If people don't agree then you wont get too far in
radical change. We NEED radical change, but it's hopeless in all that I've studied to find radical change that the overwhelming majority will agree
upon. In fact, if most agree that a proposed change is still futile then they'll agree to go back to bed, America.
With my 'new' concept people who want certain things to happen can still pay for them to. It's like when you call the phone+internet+cable-tv
company: you can choose just Internet, or everything if you're willing to pay for it.
Although I detest 'emotional wedge issues', I do often point out how it's unfair that people who don't support abortion are forced to pay for
abortion related programs. If it were the other way around, and abortion were outlawed, should avid abortion supporters be forced to pay for
anti-abortion programs? Considering this concept again recently brought me to the conclusion of this case point.
Imagine all of the issues. Now imagine all of those who avidly support them, and nastily don't. One example: millions of people are rightfully
obsessed with having a new 9/11 investigation. Let them! Let them opt to pay for it, or ignore it. Or consider Global Warming. Vast amounts of
government funding goes towards things related to that issue. Hey, if people want to pay for such things, let them. But don't force everyone else to.
If people didn't have to be taxed to death in relation to things they don't support, what damage would it do for others to do so?
Who couldn't agree on a system where we can still financially support the things we like, and not fund the things we don't?
Supplements to this concept would be Electronic Direct Democracy, where ALL laws are voted on by actual citizens, and Congress critters have to on
their suits wear the logos of the groups and corporations that fund them. Then you know who their propaganda represents. Sure, try to motivate us to
favor things, just so long as we know who it is that funds you so we can actually know where you're coming from.
I suppose we'd still want some role for elected officials, but not to dictate everything there is to be decided on. They can still draft legislative
proposals, and the like, but not dictate them. That should be up to US. And of course we'd want tons of watchdog groups.
This is my big idea. What are yours? Any flaws in mine, lets iron them out! The list of problems we face is too large for any single person, but we
all can attempt to strategize solutions for the problems we do know a lot about, and help each other find the flaws and further solutions in the
problems think up.
PS: If 'my' 'checkbox' idea here isn't a new one, please let me know!
[edit on 12-6-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]