I am a new poster to this site, so if I'm repeating anything, I apologize.
Anyway, has anyone heard about the E. Cameron 2 (EC2) oil rig that overturned on April 30? I have seen no media press on this, other than online, and
they claim it's not leaking. Furthermore, did you know that the company that owns this oil rig was the first US company to finance with Islam,
according to Sharia Law. This type of finance agreement is called a Sukuk. The EC2 had their original financing with an Australian bank, but they were
taking 50% of the profits, so they refi'd with Islam. This agreement took two years to accomplish and was finalized in 2006. Then in 2008 E. Cameron
went bankrupt, and now the agreement is tied up in the courts, deciding how to handle it. Strange, how it's overturned now.
This is the original fire of EC2:
Article about EC2 overturning:
About the Sukuk and EC2:
Articles about massive oil fields found in Gulf, from '06 and '09.
The BP find is a bit disconcerting, in light of the fact that it's now massively leaking!!
Here's where Goldman Sachs short sells BP stocks 3 weeks before oil rig disaster.
OK, just so you know, I am NOT anti-semitic, in the true sense of the word, but I have come to find that there are two major differences within the
Jewish community. One is the belief of the Torah (first 5 books written by Moses in the Old Testament) and the other is the Babylonian Talmud. I'll
save the details for another post, but here's why I brought this up.
Who is supporting the Muslims? Obama (pissing off the Jews)
Who runs Goldman Sachs? Jews
Who runs Central Banks? Rothschild - Jews
Who hates Muslims? Jews
Who owns most of the media? Jews
Who is disregarding International Laws? Jews (Flotilla incident and phosphorous bombs on Lebanon 2006 and USS Liberty)
Who owned Bayer? Baeyer and IG Farben - Jews - made gas for gas chambers to kill Jews
Who owned Krupp? Jews - built weapons using slave jewish labor to kill Jews
Read these articles, as they will explain better than I can.
My point is this. There is a group of Zionist Jews that have a god-complex, because it sure couldn't be about the money since they have most of it,
and they are taking us down, in order to have One World Govt and be gods over all of us. They are the chosen ones, right? I think Obama didn't react
right away, because he knows what is going on. He is being targeted by this disaster because he has been trying to make amends with the Muslims. So,
the Jews took down the Deep Horizon and also overturned the EC2 rig that was financed by Muslims.
Ok, so more on that for another post. I heard on the radio tonight, by Richard C. Hoagland, which he can be known as a conspiracy theorist, that there
is a huge gas bubble sitting on the Gulf floor that is approx. 20 miles wide...according to his reliable inside sources. If it rises to the surface it
can cause all boats to sink immediately, which is what happens in the Bermuda Triangle. Also, he said that the oil is blowing out at 100,000 lbs per
sq inch and there is nothing to stop that type of pressure. There are also fissures on the ocean floor indicating the pressure could blow like a
volcano, causing massive tidal waves. Any thoughts? That's all for now. Out of space