posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 11:41 AM
I have a theory concerning the gulf oil spill. This may account for what would appear to be foot dragging on the part of BP, the White House, and
other agencies normally responsible for curtailing and dealing with such disasters. I propose that the gulf oil spill which is releasing ~40,000
barrels of raw crude oil, ~100 MILLION cubic feet of Methane a day, and now perhaps benzene as well. Is this the beginning of the end game of the
Reptilians? Let me just say that I'm not so sure that I believe there are Reptilians here on planet Earth or if there are anything such as Reptilians
in existence. In all my years of investigating the world of paranormal activities, extra terrestial beings, and the world of conspiracies there seems
to be a fairly large consensus by different investigators that Reptilians are indeed here. I've read that they are everywhere, that they shape shift
into the form of human beings. That they are masquerading as Presidents of nations, Royal Families, Billionaire investors and business men and the
prominent Banking families such as the Rothschilds.
Is the Gulf Oil spill a terra forming project undertaken by the Reptilians to transform the Earth as we know it into a more comfortable world for them
to rule and live in? The release of such a large amount of methane, a naturally occuring greenhouse gas is a giant red flag! Here's what the EPA has
to say about methane:
Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas that remains in the atmosphere for approximately 9-15 years. Methane is over 20 times more effective in trapping
heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100-year period and is emitted from a variety of natural and human-influenced sources.
Human-influenced sources include landfills, natural gas and petroleum systems, agricultural activities, coal mining, stationary and mobile combustion,
wastewater treatment, and certain industrial process. Methane is also a primary constituent of natural gas and an important energy source. As a
result, efforts to prevent or utilize methane emissions can provide significant energy, economic and environmental benefits.
OK so methane is 20 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2(carbon dioxide). Is this a plan to start warming the Earth up to
a much more suitable temperature for these cold blooded Reptilians? With the oil continuing to flow at a rate of ~40,000 barrels a day if a few strong
hurricanes blew into the gulf the oil will be transferred well inland. Creating a serious hazard and danger for a large portion of the southern
states, midwestern states and the atlantic seaboard states. This may be allowed to happen so that a national state of emergency is declared and the
populace will be herded into "safe zones" perhaps FEMA camps. Once they have large groups of the population in easily controlled areas such as this
the people will be disarmed due to being in a federally protected zone. This would allow the Reptillian leaders to have unfettered access to do pretty
much what they will. Perhaps round up the populace to make room for the rest of the Reptilian hordes that are coming to take over our planet.
Any thoughts?