posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 06:23 AM
Using the latest figures, something like 120,000,000 million cubic feet of methane have been released every day for the past 53 days, or 6,360,000,000
cubic feet of methane so a MINIMUM.
The figures being bandied about in the press actually represent the range of the LOWER bound of the leak...the upper bound hasn't been released yet
(for fear of creating panic I think).
6 billion cubic feet is an awful lot of methane, but the true figure could easily be 18-20 billion cubic feet so far. Before this is over, this could
reach over half a
TRILLION cubic feet: surely death to damn near everything that lives in the Gulf.
Sure microbes eat the stuff...they turn it into CO2 and H2O, not exactly great news: anoxic water with vastly reduced salinity.
For more details than you want to think about see this thread:
Gulf spill: is the methane a bigger problem than the oil?