posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 04:46 AM
It is interesting that turnout is actually up across the whole of the country, nearly 40% last time I looked. So this is a more significant vote than
the last local elections with only about 31% turnout. That said, still not near to general election turnout.
I do think the whole anti-Europe thing is slightly stilly. 50% of our trade is with Europe, 25% with the US, we have to align ourselves with one of
the major trading blocks so which should it be? The problem with the US is that we will perpetually be the junior partner, or as an American put it
yesterday "America's bi*ch". So, it's that, or being a major partner in Europe where we could have significant influence.
If we move out of Europe our economy will collapse. But there is still a strong anti-European movement in this country. I guess it's mostly fueled by
the tabloids and the Daily Mail (is there a difference?)... In reality most Europeans are close to us in terms of politics and culture, but the
language barrier is a major pro for the US side of the argument. Couple that with a large amount of US ownership inside UK media and you have an
interesting recipe for conflict.
Anyway, we'll see what happens. But I do hope this vote is enough to convince Blair to go, it's telling that 4 years ago there were 54 photos of
Blair on 24 local election pamphlets, this year there were 0 photos of him, and 0 mentions of his name. Tony Blair is an electoral dead-weight for the
labour party...