posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:17 PM
Dear Hemps
I had the same thing happen to me in recent times.
There is some significance to it.
You could be a witch, as they are linked to witches. Or you could be undergoing some kind of change, psychically or even rebirth. They are very
intelligent birds, and there is an old poem that goes:
'One Crow is ill news Two Crows mirth Three Crows a
wedding Four Crows a birth Five Crows for riches
Six Crows a thief Seven Crows a journey Eight
Crows for grief Nine Crows a secret Ten Crows for
sorrow Eleven Crows for true love Twelve's a new day tomorrow
So count them. I always had three, sometimes one, and they would follow me from home to many places.
Crow: Mysterious Pagan Symbol
Sign of Law, Creation, Magick, Prophecy, Cunning and Trickery
© Jill Stefko
May 8, 2007
Most European traditions view crow as bad omens, problems and death. Many AmerIndian tribes believed Crow was both keeper of the sacred law and
Crow is a member of the corvid family which includes ravens, magpies and blue jays. They are found worldwide. These birds are highly intelligent,
adaptable and omnivorous. They can be taught to communicate with people and to count. Crows are mischievous and like to steal shiny items, but are
suspicious and shy.
Crow has been likened to the trickster of Native American power animals. There was a man who hated crows because he thought they prevented him from
trapping rabbits. He decided to try to frighten them by putting mirrors on the ground facing skyward so the birds would see their reflections and be
scared away. Crow is a curious bird and was fascinated by the mirrors and decided to explore them. One by one, they desecrated the mirrors’
surfaces, then flew into a tree and cackled at what they had done.
Some crows live in flocks called murders and musters, nesting in tree tops. There are sentinels that warn of danger. These animals have a complex
language. Other crows are solitary or live in pairs. They will kill sick animals and eat carcasses they find, which is beneficial to the
They are called by different names in Great Britain such as carrion crows, rooks and jack daws. While it is rare, white crows have been found.
Symbolism and Superstitions of the Old World
The Celts believed that Crow was an omen of death and conflict. She was associated with death transitions. Another belief was that the birds were
faeries who shape-shifted to cause troubles. Magickal qualities included bringing knowledge, shape-shifting, eloquence, prophecy, boldness, skill,
knowledge, cunning, trickery and thievery.
In the Middle Ages, people believed that sorcerers and witches used the symbol of Crow’s foot to cast death spells.
In most of England, seeing a solitary crow meant anger, but in Northamptonshire, it meant ill fortune. Crow, cawing in a hoarse voice, meant bad
weather. A death omen was a crow cawing thrice as it flew over a house. The Irish believed that Crow flocking in trees, but not nesting were souls
from Purgatory. Finding a dead crow was a sign of good fortune. Russians believed that witches took the shape of Crow.
Crow Medicines and Legends of the New World
Some AmerIndian tribes believed Crow was the keeper of the sacred law and could shape-shift. Crow protected the sacred writings of Great Spirit.
Crow is an omen of transformation. The bird has been associated with the Ghost Dance movement of 1890. Crow has no sense of time and lives in the
Void, having the ability to the past, present and future at the same time. The Alaskan Athapaskan tribe believed crow created the world.
Crow is considered to be the entrance to the supernatural and is associated with illusion. Along with Coyote and Raven, Crow is considered trickster.
According to the Alaskan Tanaina Tribe, Chuylen, Crow, can shape-shift into a young handsome man. In this shape, he can trick people into getting what
he desires. When he is in the shape of a crow, he does the same to animal