posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:23 AM
My name is Kona and I often visit here to read stuff and enjoy the UFO/ALIEN section and actually just joined so I can reply to topics.
I am a TS one could say, but never plan on having the srs so Im just me I guess.
I know its odd,,or seems odd when someone comes out and shoves it one's face which I am not doing.
I kinda thought on this because I want to be part of the community and make friends.
I was a member of Giada's cooking and fashion forum for a year and made lots of friends(?).
Then somebody poped in a topic of a transgender useing a woman's bathroom.
I commeneted on it "saying as a TS I would never use a woman's bathroom because the that could lead to CD's,closet crazies to follow suit..
(I have nothing against CD's...)
But then nobody wanted to chat with me and iggied me..
When i was little(I still am at 23///4:8)LOL,,,,I had hormone imbalance and started growing breast while I was in 6th grade and even looked like a
I got teased alot and know how it feels when nobody wants to be your friend,and i cried alot.
But I grew a big heart and am full of love and smiles.
I just thought to be honest if I really want to be part of the community.
probly I dont make scense?
I hope to make some friends and have fun here.
Your friend Kona
[edit on 10-6-2010 by Little_Kona]
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[edit on 10-6-2010 by Little_Kona]