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David Cameron will fly St. George's flag above Downing St.

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posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by blupblup

It's all part of the anti-English nonsense that has been so prevalent for decades now.
Any display of English nationalism has been discouraged in an effort to appease our fellow Brits.
However, they are actively encouraged to revel in their own individual national heritage and pride.
The Scots are quite rightly proud of their own seperate history and culture as are The Welsh and Northern Irish and expressions of it are seen as healthy patriotism.
But any such expression of Englishness is seen as arrogance or racism.

I remember having an Angelic Upstarts England T-Shirt back in '81 or '82ish.
Most people thought I was weird and couldn't understand why I didn't have a Union Jack t-shirt and why I was so pro-English.

Over the years I have seen The St. George's Cross gradually becoming more and more common place and accepted as awareness of our English heritage becomes greater.
Despite the repeated and concerted efforts of the PC Brigade the stigma of racism has reduced and the obsession with The Union Flag has diminished.

I am English first and foremost and have long got past the feeling that I HAVE to broadcast my pride at all times.
But I should be able to do so whenever I want.

As a quick aside, I am also very proud to be considered British and have pride in the Union Flag which represents The Union.
And I have no problem with the other nationalities expressing pride in their own culture, just please extend me the same courtesy.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 12:20 PM
As he's an Englishman why the hell shouldn't he fly his nations flag at his home.
As a Scotsman living in England I am astounded that you lot are afraid to upset minorities, it's your country and it's about time you took it back.
Fly your George crosses with pride.
I would wish England well in the world cup but unless I've missed the news Hell hasn't froze over yet lol.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:19 PM
I cant see anything wrong with DC putting a georges flag up. I cant see too many people complaining, apart from the whinging Scots, who will no doubt be supporting anyone other than England. I know if Scotland had qualified and not England I would have been rooting them all the way.

Scots just seem to have a bit of chip on their sholders

Just out of interest, How many of the English ATS members have England flags on their cars? or flying from their window? Just interested as Ive seen loads in town today.

I cant say i have, maybe if i had kids, but, it just looks a bit naff

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

Yeah man, It certainly has been going on a long time and I feel it's going to have to be sorted out sooner rather than later.

I also consider myself English first and foremost but I also like being British too, I don't see the two as separate and think that you can quite happily be British and English, much as the Scots and Welsh are.

I certainly feel more British than I do European.... something I find odd.
We're part of the continent, obviously, and are also part of the EU, but strangely I don't really consider myself or ever really refer to myself as European.

I wonder why?

It's not a conscious thing and don't dislike the idea of being European.... with the liberal views on sex and all the other cliché's (
), It's just I never really think in those terms.
I wonder what other European nations/citizens feel that way?

I find the whole topic of identity and particularly national identity pretty interesting.

[edit on 10/6/10 by blupblup]

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:28 PM
What do you expect from us Scots. We're still hearing about your dubious win 44 years later. We Scots know we have no chance of ever winning the bloody thing but that doesn't stop us from having a good time, win lose or draw we party but if England get 1 bad result you call for the managers head.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
Just out of interest, How many of the English ATS members have England flags on their cars? or flying from their window? Just interested as Ive seen loads in town today.

Na man.... It's not something I really do to be honest.
Have no flags anywhere or anything like that.... It's just a personal choice I guess, not really something that floats my boat, but I certainly don't mind others doing it and actually quite like to see it... has an almost carnival/holiday feel to it when you see it everywhere, It's cool.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Despite what they may admit publicly, there are quite a few Scots who actually will be rooting for us!

I personally think it is heresy!

I have lot's of Scottish friends and visit Glasgow frequently.
They are great people and very loyal friends
Despite being a very proud Englishman I also am proud of The British Union, it's people and it's achievements.

But when it comes to sport I want their national representative sides to lose always, unless they are playing France or Argentina, and maybe Wales,

I would gladly lay my life on the line for them in any conflict, but this is just how it should be between England and Scotland at sport.

Anything else is a different matter completly!

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by executioner

I live in North East England and I assure you Sir, I have shown many a Jock how to party, lol.

Dubious victory?
4-2 says it all.
Just hope we get a Russian ref in South Africa!

Strange you tar us with the same brush as our media, the media call for their heads, not necesarily us.
And anyway, Scotland changes it's manager religously every 2 - 4 years, either before or after a European or World Cup qualifying campaign.
Wonder why?

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by blupblup

I don't feel the slightest bit European and have far more in common with our Canadian, Kiwi and Aussie cousins and possibly The Irish and Yanks.

Yeah, I get on with some continentals as individuals but I don't feel a common bond or anything like that and certainly don't feel any sort of loyalty towards them.

I am English and British, and proud of them both and I too see no conflict whatsoever.

Yes, we need an English Parliament along the lines of Stormont and Holyrood etc and it needs to be done soon.
And we still need a UK Parliament.
We need urgent and radical electoral and parliamentary reform.

But more importantly we need politicians of conviction who are prepared to stand by their principles and beliefs and put the care and concerns of their constituents before party dogma and allegiance!

As for displaying flags?

Think I covered that before.
I really enjoy seeing outpourings of national pride, but don't do it myself apart from no-one else is doing it.
My English pride is with me at all times, not just during The World Cup etc.
but wtf, it makes for a hell of a party etc.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by blupblup

I am so pleased that Cameron with be flying the St. George's flag - Hear, hear.....

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 02:23 PM
You can rest assured that we are living in troubled, perilous days when a nation is afraid to fly it's own flag in support of it's country men for fear of backlash.

Makes you wonder what England will be like in 50 years, if it is still standing that is.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by blupblup

I don't feel the slightest bit European and have far more in common with our Canadian, Kiwi and Aussie cousins and possibly The Irish and Yanks.

Totally agree mate.

I pretty much get one with everyone and wherever i've gone, always made friends with the locals.

But yeah, you're right... we do have more in common with the aforementioned nations.

[edit on 10/6/10 by blupblup]

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by vesta

Yeah mate.... I actually really like Cameron's stance on Europe and how he's not afraid to annoy the PC brigade and not afraid to be patriotic.

Makes a change anyway.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Never been a massive fan of the Tories being honest.

But fair play to him for this... Could just be a way of winning hearts and minds, or could be genuine?

Who knows.

Rest assured it'll put pay to the nonsense about not flying flags.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Deffinately welcome the idea! I think it's great! but has left me wondering like somebody has said previous, why can't our flags be flown all the time? i've never even thought about it before, but I can't believe that they aren't!

But yeah, I don't like the man at all, fair play to him for making a little effort, it's very much welcomed! I welcome any support for our country no matter how small!

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by valiant

I hate the Tories and "Dave" too.... but as with all the 3 main parties, there are things I agree with them on and things I disagree with them on.

I do though, applaud "Dave" for this move... good on him.

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