posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 07:28 AM
Haha! Oliver & Jesse shredded that corporate mouthpiece twat into small pieces!
"Chicken Hawk Politician"
IMO! the corrupt thought pattern and skewed ignorant opinions & propaganda of this cute brainwashed little 'chicken hawk' politician is symbolising
exactly what is wrong with America, America's foreign policy & corporate lobbying.
But unfortunately, the ignorant brainwashed masses of American voters are still buying the crap and corporate propaganda from corrupt corporate
politicians like this 'chicken hawk'. And they are buying it, hook, lies and sinker!
Thank God for these two fine and intelligent Vietnam vet gentlemens who knows and easily can recognise the real more truthful stories versus the fairy
tales and propaganda lies from corrupt politicians & corporate liars!
And thank God that the agenda of the PNAC neocons & the morally corrupt Corporations and their relationship with corrupted politicians is becoming
public knowledge, and is out there in the open for everyone to see.
And thank God that more and more people are waking up to expose those liars in their Governments.
Awsome video - thanks for posting this! S&F
[edit on 10-6-2010 by Chevalerous]