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Are You Feeling the New Galactic Waves Yet?

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:25 PM
I was wondering how many here have noticed the jump in awarensss and a raising in their level of consciousness. I have!

What with the coming of the 26000 year precesion cycle and the galatic alignment and all I wanted to ask if anyone else has picked up on it?

Mine has taken the form of a serious awareness jump in the game that I am playing whilst in trance. Maybe other game players out there have noticed a convergence of energy or their game coming to the end of a level too.

I've also noticed that in lucid dreams my gameplay has become much more complex, as though the energy is much clearer and more amplified.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by pharaohmoan]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:30 PM
About a week ago the water seems more clear.

More people in the global consciousness waking up, kicking it up a notch?
You have to stay on top of your game now, clarity can be blinding.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:33 PM
Actually its been the complete opposite for me. In the last six months my lucid dreams have all but stopped. Having said that, the last few nights I have been having some extremely strange dreams.

Ones where I am a completely different person.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:34 PM
Yes the galactic waves have impacted me greatly in recent times, I have reached a whole new level with my BS detector and have developed a strong liking towards pepperoni pizza... all due to the galactic waves.

Am I doing it wrong?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by serbsta

Haha you say that but I to have taken a strong liking pepperoni pizza as of late.

coincidence? I think so.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I agree that there is a higher rate of information being transfered throughout the population that seems almost exponential in it's magnitude.

But what is the causation of this predicament we wonder?

You offer the possibility that it is being caused by the actual physical state of the galaxy we live in. Perhaps in this theory, we could assume that this is a poorly understood facet of gravity or energy waves. We just do not know about or understand such grander scheme physics because we have no experience.

OK this IS possible, but it ONLY has relevance IF we can PROVE beyond any doubts that our solar system is INDEED PASSING THROUGH the galactic plane. This is critical evidence to support this theory and without it the theory collapses into fiction.

There are however, other possibilities we can examine that may also be the primary causation of the increase in knowledge that we are experiencing.

One certain contributing factor to the explosion of "awareness", is the increase in the spread of information. We are indeed in the midst of the "digital age", where we can share information with blinding speed and in mass amounts. Corroboration is also fast and easy now.

100 years ago the transfer of information or even technical data would take days or even weeks depending on who you wanted to correspond with.

Ah but this is where it gets tricky.

Is the increase of technological development over the last several centuries directly proportional to the Earth's position in the galaxy?

I don't know now, I suddenly am struck with skepticism because new questions arise.

So does this mean a ancient advanced civilization like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria , etc. Could not exist? Because their galactic alignments were not in the right places to have created such advanced philosophical societies.

I am going to have to draw the line there and decide I do not think the galactic alignment has much to do with it.

I am thinking now, that the most likely scenario is that we can develop awareness, advancement, etc; in any location at any time. It's more likely that due to our better technology today, it "seems" like it has increased but rather it's transportation rate increased.

Also, might I add that information transfer rates are increasing, but is that information factual or diluted with fiction?

And how many humans can turn this information into Wisdom?? Very few, I bet.

Most people just repeat what they have heard, they don't really think about it very deeply.

So, call me skeptical lol.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Like the poster below your OP, my dreams have faded over the last few months. However, I now have an awareness of myself and my purpose for these times. I can say that I have been set free to begin what my purpose is. The only thing that is lacking at this time seems to be complete confidence that what my purpose is will not get smacked down by the group think mentality. Maybe someone else's mission on earth is to prepare the way for me to make the changes necessary. We will see.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
I was wondering how many here have noticed the jump in awarensss and a raising in their level of consciousness. I have!

What with the coming of the 26000 year precesion cycle and the galatic alignment and all I wanted to ask if anyone else has picked up on it?

Mine has taken the form of a serious awareness jump in the game that I am playing whilst in trance. Maybe other game players out there have noticed a convergence of energy or their game coming to the end of a level too.

I've also noticed that in lucid dreams my gameplay has become much more complex, as though the energy is much clearer and more amplified.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by pharaohmoan]

The placebo effect is a neat thing isn't it.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:05 PM
I'm sitting here laughing at myself. Right before I clicked on Recent Posts. I had a thought about this exact "awareness" right before I found this thread. I saw the latest David Wilcock video releases so I'm familiar of this galactic wave you speak of. Right now I don't know whether I'm feeling more awareness or just the placebo effect. But I do have a little experience to add.

I've been having these split-psychic-moments. I take sentences right out of my classmates' mouth and I'm not talking about television- or movie-quotes. I blurt out their opinions, as if they were my own, on subjects just before they were about to share it with me. Subjects are usually religion, natural disasters, conspiracies, most stuff we have here on ATS.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
One certain contributing factor to the explosion of "awareness", is the increase in the spread of information. We are indeed in the midst of the "digital age", where we can share information with blinding speed and in mass amounts. Corroboration is also fast and easy now.

100 years ago the transfer of information or even technical data would take days or even weeks depending on who you wanted to correspond with.

Yes i've been thinking about this also. Perhaps the energy has always been there. It is only now we are beginning to be able to tune in due to the possibilites and new information we've been exposed to through the increased transfer rate of information as you rightly mention. Pile experience upon experience and information on information and your bound to have a raised level of consciousness it seems.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:17 PM
yeah, no doubt!

it's been a steady but exponentially intensifying ride, all along.

but definitely in the last 10 days to 2 weeks, it's been all new and way amped-up!

it's like it is individually intensified and farther to the other side than ever before yet less surreal in that un-real kind of way that leaves you unsure later.

and right before that, it seemed like there was a big boost right around Mother's Day.

weekend before last, my *dreams* were more like lucid dimension jumps, or something.

like i was multi-dimensionally conscious in my lucid dreams.

and i finally got a handle on the whole idea of dimensions, universes, worlds, etc - somehow through experience.

so i've been looking at everything like its a whole new world, since then.

i also have this sort of oscillation within me - like a quartz crystal might oscillate in a watch - it makes me rock back and forth ever-so-slightly, but it isn't controlling me nor is it from any personal effort that is voluntary.

it's like a vibration but of a much bigger wavelength than a vibration would be.

i've had it for more than a year, i think, but this last week it is really intensifying. it's kind of a neat feeling, actually.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:26 PM
/me is feeling the cosmic vibes!

It gets weirder and weirder - time (4th dimension) is where the bizarre is coming for me at this point in time - it is FAST!

Notice people around you - most are in some life change - most are feeling something but don't know what it is...

It's all happening!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:32 PM
sign of the times! i have felt it, its a tipping point time in history thats coming up.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:32 PM
lol double post

sorry bout that ;o

anyways, do you mean literal galactic waves or metaphorical?

[edit on 9-6-2010 by togetherwestand]

[edit on 9-6-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:44 PM
I dont know if I'd label it 'Galatic Waves' but I have definitely been feeling and falling into [ and out of again ] something like a greater awareness and broader perspective about my Self. Something that has a more loving and easy feel to it.

I can only explain it as it almost feels like apart of myself which has long been dormant or put to sleep has woken up, and I dont recall the feeling, not since my innocent times as a child. And just to add, as I've read it in Spiritual books before, 'There is no such a thing as Coincidence'... I've too, developed as of recently a strong desire for not just Pepperoni Pizza but just Pizza in general !!

As poster 'queenannie38' shared, I too find myself rocking back and forth ever-so-slightly, but its been much more frequent and grows in its intensity at times. Something I can agree I feel isn't controlling me nor is from any personal effort that is a conscious act.. I find it very comforting, almost like a trance state or something like that, I dunno but It feels real peaceful and gentle to me.

I wonder how many others have experience like this too?

Whatever's going on be it 'Galatic Waves' or a growing awareness or what have you, I strongly believe it to be a good thing. Maybe Im being too much here but it sorta has that Divine Presence sort'ave feeling to it. Either way I had some bomb Pizza for lunch today, the Boss bought us all some Pepperoni PIZZA to enjoy!

Love & Peace & Pizza Grease

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:00 PM
i also have this sort of oscillation within me - like a quartz crystal might oscillate in a watch - it makes me rock back and forth ever-so-slightly, but it isn't controlling me nor is it from any personal effort that is voluntary.

it's like a vibration but of a much bigger wavelength than a vibration would be. (quote).

I too have been feeling this. It's like a low vibration in or on my whole body. It started about 6 months ago, I think. Could of been a year ago but I was in India, so I dont think so. I have told no one about this Because if I'm not crazy others might deem so. Thanks man. I've been keeping my awareness open to see if someone else was having the same experience. Your the first to mention it. Thanks again. I'm NOT CRAZY !!!!

Ok, star for this thread.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
weekend before last, my *dreams* were more like lucid dimension jumps, or something.

like i was multi-dimensionally conscious in my lucid dreams.

and i finally got a handle on the whole idea of dimensions, universes, worlds, etc - somehow through experience.

so i've been looking at everything like its a whole new world, since then.

i also have this sort of oscillation within me - like a quartz crystal might oscillate in a watch - it makes me rock back and forth ever-so-slightly, but it isn't controlling me nor is it from any personal effort that is voluntary.

it's like a vibration but of a much bigger wavelength than a vibration would be.

i've had it for more than a year, i think, but this last week it is really intensifying. it's kind of a neat feeling, actually.

This is great news and it's seems your handle on or new found awareness of the dimensions and worlds have amped you up recently so to speak. On me this had the effect of a trip switch. Watch out for that serpent within rising, aka kundalini energy which can be a wild ride at first.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Sk8rDude7

I can only explain it as it almost feels like apart of myself which has long been dormant or put to sleep has woken up, and I dont recall the feeling, not since my innocent times as a child.

Yes it feels like we've been in a deep slumber or state of hybernation.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 12:10 AM
Are You Feeling the New Galactic Waves Yet?

Maybe: I don't know. Do they feel like waves? I feel dizzy and swaying sometimes while conscious. Is that it? But those symptoms could be from undiagnosed hypertension, high blood pressure and such.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 12:16 AM
i have also been eating more pepperoni pizza.....

Maybe i should buy some !YUM stock? with all these pizza-hunger inducing waves we could be in for a huge shift in the food buisness.

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