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My Theory on Everything

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posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 08:17 PM
Came to my as I was ... uh ... excreting waste products. it is:

-> The earth has been around for some billion plus years. [FACT]

-> That being said, we aren't the first intelligent life form on it, sorry to say.

-> Much like the Aussie Bloke issue has raised, we are likely going to experience another MEE (Mass Extinction Event) sometime in our future. [Sidenote: Let's hope it's not June 18]

-> Howza bout the fact that -- the aliens are us. Just previous versions. A previous derivative.

-> Howzabout the fact the -- if statistically believed by many - there are many races in the universe, we are too similar looking to the 'aliens' to be THAT different from them. Do you follow my logic? E.G. if 'aliens' are alien to us [from far away and somewhere else], why do they look so damned similar?

-> Why couldn't it be thought of as us being the 'left behind experiment' that survived a MEE from long ago?

-> We [them/us] saw the fact that we were going to be basically roasted alive by either a coronal mass ejection or a MEE -- and decided to head for the cosmic hills [being another solar system to live in 'temporarily']. They evolved there, and we came to be from ... perhaps ... a genetic strand injected into apes or something. Kinda like a leave-behind.

-> Remember "Mission to Mars" -- but instead of the aliens leaving us and cruising to Mars they did an extended jaunt and went to Alpha Centauri or some similar section of long-distance real estate.

-> Now, they're back. [Or as a tangent theory, they were underground, and now are wanting to get some fresh air. But this holds little weight in the fact that we believe aliens to have superior application of technology and thus -- why wouldn't they get far away from the destruction? Scratch tangent theory]

-> 2 years before the atomic detonation [1945], we were playing with atoms and probably this sent an alert to our long lost cousins to go on and do the family reunion thing and visit us. They were living large at nearby Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Cen A). [By the way, since they ARE us, and need a solar system like ours, why not choose the sun over in that neighborhood which is the same spectral glass as SOL?] That's, uh, 4.3 light years away. Can you say 1947 and Roswell? They needed a little practice landing, etc, but they came.

-> Funny how they chose the spot WHERE we basically tested Nukes.

Now, to the present:

-> I don't have a theory on this. If they have compassion for us, they'll probably be stewards of some kind to us, in one way or another. If, on the other hand, they're not so compassionate, we're going to make nice medical experients for them for quite some time.


-> ... thus our signal indicating we're doing fine thank you very much. Two years later, they're at our doorstep (Roswell serving as both our Nuclear testing ground and the alien's test driving facility).

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 08:51 PM
I've always wondered....for those who say we come from aliens:

Where did the dinosaurs come from?
Where do the current animals come from?
If we came from them why do we look so different?
After the dinosaurs became extinct...what happen? They come back and plant humans instead? lol

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Believable Skeptic
My Theory on Everything
Came to my as I was ... uh ... excreting waste products. it is:
-> The earth has been around for some billion plus years. [FACT]
Now, to the present:
-> I don't have a theory on this.

What's wrong with this picture???? Probably you should have been at your computer coming up with this rather than #ting your brains down the toilet.

>>I can see it now

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 11:51 PM
LOL webserfer!!! That's the funniest post I've seen on here in a while.

Ok ok, back to laughin my ass off.. later..

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:04 PM
Why do so many think we are an experiment by Aliens? Maybe they are just a more evolved species of human from another part of the Universe. Also, your theory is a bit muddled.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
I've always wondered....for those who say we come from aliens:

Where did the dinosaurs come from?
Where do the current animals come from?
If we came from them why do we look so different?
After the dinosaurs became extinct...what happen? They come back and plant humans instead? lol

Are we really so different? two eyes, two ears, four appendages, mouths, hair, brains, nose etc. We feed, we sleep, we procreate in similar fashion.
The models might be different but the chassis are all the same.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:20 PM
yeah everyone that has seen an alien is from some redneck state and city with half a brain. Its never a wall street jounalist or someone rich, or someone important. They must be really good at hiding from nasa too
Aliens are fake

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Believable Skeptic
> Howza bout the fact that -- the aliens are us. Just previous versions. A previous derivative.

What fact? Are you making some giant leap that we are all children of the big bang and so are all related?

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by foxtrot_uniform
yeah everyone that has seen an alien is from some redneck state and city with half a brain. Its never a wall street jounalist or someone rich, or someone important. They must be really good at hiding from nasa too
Aliens are fake

No, but a certain Apollo Astronaut made a comment about a secret group being in the possesion of Alien bodies...

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:16 PM
A proposed experiment:

Group 1 Task: Prove that Aliens exist.

Group 2 Task: Prove that Aliens don't exist.

Group 1 naturally can come up with more interesting THINGS (pictures, objects, stories) to substantiate the existence of an Alien presence. Group 1 can even come up with mathematical formulas that show the high probability that intelligent life exists elsewhere. Although difficult, their job is possible and they begin to amass information and 'proof'.

Group 2 has their work cut out for them. Essentially all they have to do is cast doubt on the issues/facts/proof that Group 1 comes up with -- and they've done their job effectively.

What I'd *like* to see is Group 2 come up with their own independent information, facts, formulas, pictures, etc -- that disprove the alien question entirely without using Group 1's efforts.

Here's the real question: does the absence of belief in something create an absence of existence for the same thing?

Simplified, if I say "I don't believe that there is a tree behind me" -- this statement alone doesn't remove the tree behind me (assuming there was one).

In the absence of physical PROOF of the alien question -- does doubt necessarily remove the actual existence? Or is doubt the side of the fence that one rests upon until shown otherwise?

Some tend to believe that Aliens exist because they have an inclination to lean that way in their beliefs. Some tend to NOT believe that Aliens exist in the same manner.

All of this DOESN'T remove the fact that they MAY exist!

I cannot explain (nor can any competent scientist) where the universe originated from. There is no simple explanation and more complex theories have yet to be proven. Then, should I believe that it isn't possible for matter to be created? It would obviously be a POSSIBILITY -- simply believing that matter can't be created (as modern physics tells us to) doesn't remove the potential existence of that particular probability.

Please simply DISPROVE that aliens exist. While you attempt that, I have already presented a simple and logical explanation that addresses the fact that they COULD Exist. That, you cannot disprove at all.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:28 PM
Text Your theory is good but it can be worked on alittle!

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Believable Skeptic
Group 2 Task: Prove that Aliens don't exist.

Please simply DISPROVE that aliens exist. While you attempt that, I have already presented a simple and logical explanation that addresses the fact that they COULD Exist. That, you cannot disprove at all.

How do you expect anyone to prove a negative? You cannot prove that something doesn't exist but you can prove that it does. The fact that nobody can prove a negative (aliens don�t exist) doesn�t support your claim that they do.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by echosounder
Are we really so different? two eyes, two ears, four appendages, mouths, hair, brains, nose etc. We feed, we sleep, we procreate in similar fashion.
The models might be different but the chassis are all the same.

Well then...maybe we came from...kangaroos. They have two eyes, two ears, four appendages, mouths, hair, brains, nose, etc. also

I'm not talking about whether aliens exsist or not, I'm talking about people saying we came from them or we are the aliens. There's no logical proof of that. My questions still haven't been answered btw

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 06:02 PM
The History channel had a bunch of stuff on UFOs today sayging pretty much that UFOs are real and as far as we know or led to believe they do not jeopardize security of the USA.

The UFO sightings have been reported all over the world and their is evidence in historical documents and art that they have been here throughout our history.

I could just be a great hoax by the government to distract the masses from stuff they are doing.

I think there is more going on and would love to meet some aliens and learn about them and their techology.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 06:05 PM
Many consider God to be an alien in that he is certainly didn't come from earth and isn't an ordinary mortal.

We are made in His image. Bible Code website

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
How do you expect anyone to prove a negative? You cannot prove that something doesn't exist but you can prove that it does. The fact that nobody can prove a negative (aliens don�t exist) doesn�t support your claim that they do.

Interesting. Please disprove that 2+2 != 5.

Ok. Here, 2+2=4. There. Mathematically, I have have shown proof that the primary reasoning is "2" + "2" should equal a product of "4".

Can I now say that there is no way that 2+2 = 5? Moreover, can I now say that Aliens don't exist because of some concrete explanation otherwise?

To disprove the alien existence question, there can be many concrete proofs (amusingly, many are rooted in statisticaly and probabilistic mathematics exercises).

The point I'm attempting to convey is that there is a liklihood that aliens exist (due to the lack of physical evidence in either case), and without a comprehensive proof otherwise, that liklihood -- no matter how far fetched and ludicrious to the "Educated Christian Mentality" it may seem -- must exist.

I only mention the last phrase (ECM) because I'm finding that the more people are locked into a religion, the more they are abstracting their reality from that religion. Not per se that you are. I hope I don't incite a religion/alien riot here.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
Well then...maybe we came from...kangaroos. They have two eyes, two ears, four appendages, mouths, hair, brains, nose, etc. also

Actually we ARE related to Kangaroos due to the mammalian/marsupial link. And FYI, we share DNA with many other species [fruitfly, kangaroo, dog, whale].

Why is it that we could not have all come from one source?

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Not exactly "your theory"

you seem to have just cobbled together some general paranoia and fear based events and passed them off as your own.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Believable Skeptic

Originally posted by kinglizard
How do you expect anyone to prove a negative? You cannot prove that something doesn't exist but you can prove that it does. The fact that nobody can prove a negative (aliens don�t exist) doesn�t support your claim that they do.

Interesting. Please disprove that 2+2 != 5.

Ok. Here, 2+2=4. There. Mathematically, I have have shown proof that the primary reasoning is "2" + "2" should equal a product of "4".

Can I now say that there is no way that 2+2 = 5? Moreover, can I now say that Aliens don't exist because of some concrete explanation otherwise?

We are talking about the existence of something are we not? Nobody can prove that aliens don�t exist, in the same way nobody can prove God doesn�t exist that is why we call it faith. How can you prove something that has no evidence?

If I want to show my car is not in the garage, I can prove this by showing that my car is in the driveway or at the neighbors house. The negative has then been proven. Or the proposition that the car is not in the garage could be proven by going to the garage and finding a car. In either example evidence has been found and proved thereby proving a negative. You are asking for us to prove that aliens don�t exist, what evidence could one collect to prove this negative? You can assign a level of probability but you cannot prove aliens exist because we can�t prove they don�t.

[edit on 12-6-2004 by kinglizard]

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:17 AM
Welcome to the fun world of logical fallacies.

Argument from Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam)
The inability to prove the non-existance of aliens is not proof of their existance.

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