posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 08:06 PM
I have some questions that I haven't been able find in searches is to get a clear line up to compare. What I was looking for is a break down
comparision of President Bush's-
1) 2000 electorial campaign promises.
2) What was
fullfilled prior to the start of the 2004 election.
3) What was
fullfilled since the start 2004 elections.
3) Is there promises from the 2000 campaign being repeated in his 2004 campaign.
And for Kerry:
How is his list of election campaign promises compared to Bush's 2000 and 2004
What I have found is the following:
and this:
I have no idea of these sites credibility or if they are a right or left wingers.
But, to find a clear cut line by line item of " I promise to do this..." and a result of if it was it done as promised or not.
When searching this subject, to me, it is a clutter field and hard to understand.
I am not seeking a flaming feast here, just the simple black and white facts that i can better educate myself and others that may be interested
Thanks in advance,