posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 09:37 AM
I'm afraid to say that there is very little postivity left for us to talk about! Yep, its true that even in our modern times there is very little
one single individual can do, if your honest with yourself! Ok, I don't want to dance around with my hand up your ass, so please allow me to step
out of the box and excerise that wonder thing which still exist in this "slaughter house gone bad"...and that's the freedom of speech. Believe me,
it will be very hard and painful for the ear to swollow what the rectum or vigina can so easily adapt to. Ok, call it what you want but just a vain
attempt lubercate your outer ear so that I might be able to force something big down such a small hoe which is very near to the brain. Ok, got your
attention? (pun intended)
What's wrong with the world's picture? It's not all about the United States! If you don't want to believe nothing else about ET's, then fine,
but I am telling you that they are behind everything from our dirty DNA manipulated beginnings to all the horror daily taking place around the world.
Fear, war, violence, murder, hate, racism and confusion is why they created us and we are over-productive right now. In short, we will soon get a new
hair-cut(putting it in a nice way).
In our times things are way too late. The regressive are into control, and the only way they can control us is to dominate. Now, when there is a
planet that has self-rule, you are not in control of it. There is no mystery to this. But now we are brainwashed idiots who have allowed our own
elected figures who's taken over control of world political, military and finanical systems and now have free will to make decisions within their own
circles without the voice of the people. Just like magic, they have coerce us into giving up our individual power and free will. This makes us worst
then brainwashed materialist, we have become free self-breeding zombies. Religion since it's manipulated small beginnings have never had a positive
effect as far as unifying people or supplying a basic foundation of values simply because it was always trial and error. In my minds eye, the
appearence of a small german theologist known as Martin Luther single handedly delivered the death blow to the catholic church after 1500 years of
control, and they still somehow wessled their way through for another five hundred years.
From that time and up until today, they have kept their mouth shut and never really involved their self in any real way concerning issues of the
people nor natural desasters(I won't go any further into that subject but I could write several books on it blindfolded) Is it not strange to you or
can you not see that "Human kind has no common vision". I mean come on folks, what the hell is that when a world leader stands up and shouts, "YES
WE CAN"! And I'll tell you what, "YES HE DID"! Nobody and I repeat, Nobody knows what the hell is going on. There are a very few objective minds
who are setting the plains straight (Sorry, no name dropping). So, indecision married with a lack of vision explains at best the cluster f*ck we now
find ourselves in as a race.
Yes, people everywhere are negative and on edge violently waiting for some Guru to appear claiming to have all the answers to life's questions and
world situation to only to kill and shut them up. This does not mean that somebody has to come forward and say "I've got the answer so all of you
follow me because, it is quite clear that we already follow blinded psychopathic politicians who don't know a rat's ass about who they're
following." I don't know about you, but this doesn't work for me that the world is such a reaccuring disaster. The world is no better than it was
2,000 years ago. All they do is kill the teachers, and then its business as usual. But, if we all stand up and say, "hey, we are going to do this
together," and we make a leap of faith towards each other, even for a week just trust each other, maybe we can make a change here.
We are the ones who are going to have to do it. Please wake up World! The people at the top have sold us out a long time ago, and they are so
petrified that they even lie about lying. So you can't believe anything. Ten days before Kennedy died, he said "the office of the Presidency is
being used to subvert the rights of the people, and it is my right to tell them"! Without a doubt, he was the only last real president the USA will
ever have witnessed. So consider yourself lucky to be a member at ATS because at least the people here are concentrating on the objective issues
which will make a great difference in the lives of a few when were all commanded to get down on our knees and pray!