posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 06:41 AM
Governor Dem
Rory Reid 80,161 70%
None of These Candidates 17,460 15%
Frederick Conquest 16,775 15%
Governor Rep
Brian Sandoval 97,201 55%
Jim Gibbons 47,616 27%
Michael Montandon 22,002 13%
None of These Candidates 4,400 3%
Tony Atwood 2,440 1%
Stan Lusak 1379 1%
I *thought* we all wanted change? It appears that either there wasn't much interest from the Dem party to vote (I did) Harry Reid out of office OR 77%
of the Dem's are happy with him ruining NV and our nation as the Senate Majority Leader.
But that's okay because I see my fellow Dem's have also provided 70% of the votes to Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid, to be our Democratic nominee for
Governor. I just hope the Rep turnout is a good indication of the number of people we can expect to vote for Brian Sandoval for Gov. And I'm praying
the number of votes on the Dem side is because many members of the Dem party is voting Rep for these two seats!
Otherwise, if there were TWO Reid's in public office running the state and nation . . . I truly believe the world might implode.
IF you have friends living in NV, please politely urge them to vote Republican this November. If for no other reason, than the sake of humanity and
the planet.
(visit the link for the full news article)