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How far has humankind traveled, truly???

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:56 AM
In my interactions with ETs tonight(as its a daily thing), they brought the subject up of: how far has your race traveled in outer space. They are not able to disclose to me this answer at this time due to various realities. But its an interesting question.

Whether you believe in ET spacecraft being reverse engineered or recovered or not, that doesnt have to block you from wondering what we have truly accomplished.

A lot of a skeptics to UFOs being of ET origin say they are always government tests when they are obviously advanced craft. Well to me I feel deep down that its true we have craft capable of zooming far outside our solar system in a small amount of time. And its pretty solid that we got this tech from ETs to me.

I heard a story(on Wendelle Stevens website) about a guy who had incarnated here, and was from another planet. And that his old race came to him and contacted him, and eventually brought him back to his former home planet. He dissapeared. Who knows what happened But being in contact with ETs, I know they are here. The question is did it really happen.

I have also heard of stargates. I am unsure if they exist. The nordics(my ET contacts) are often handcuffed in terms of telling me interesting secrets. Particularly ones that the government wouldnt want me plastering all over the internet. That is unfortunate.

The nordics told me they are able to reach superluminal speeds with their crafts. And they also have the ability to teleport objects. I am unsure of the conditions needed to teleport but i do know their computer is very advanced at it. They have teleported things in my experiences before. One time(although its possible it was them making it feel that way perceptually with my mind and it wasnt real) I had worm type things(but with legs and not as slender and long) crawling around inside me. It was a bad experience(and no i dont do crazy drugs). At the end of it they told me they "poofed"(the word they use for teleporting with me) the bugs out of me.

One time they also poofed a rock I kicked. Also negative ETs have poofed many bad smells in my face. One of their favorite things to do for a while was poofing bad smells in my face. Some of these smells included but was not limited to: the air inside a semi newly buried coffin, fermaldahide(sp)[they did this one many many times in the course of a month]. This also has a plus side, the nordics poof all kinds of nice smells to me. Like a perfume their females use, a fruit they have, hormones that smell good. And other things.

Anyway kind of rambled off topic... They can teleport things, I imagine one can teleport a human too although I am unsure. This brings up a distinct possibility that we have already ivisited other worlds. And frankly Im a bit pissed off at the way governments are hiding our races achievements. We should all have access to this information dammit. What douches.

Anyway, I'm wondering what people with an open mind think about how far we may have traveled in this universe. This is a new topic to me so I hope its interesting to some people out there too.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by Myuzik]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:47 AM
Lyn Buchanan, former trainer and remote viewer for the U.S. government's remote viewing (also known as the "psychic spying") unit, has several experiences of off world travels. The unit used a science called "Controlled Remote Viewing" His site is found here,

I believe we have traveled to ET’s home and back.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Myuzik

honesty i doubt aliens would be creating smells for you... it is possible you are interacting with spirts messing with you. With that said yes we have definitely been to at least mars and from what I understand we have a military base there.. I don't know if our human species has gone farther then mars.. there have been reports that there are human type species spread across the galaxy however but not the same as ours..

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:51 AM
Unless you are working in deep blackbook projects than you will never know that information...I'm guessing (because I have seen how fast these things actually are) out of galaxy...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:52 AM
Aliens use the word 'poofed'?!

Sorry but I can't take this seriously. How do you contact aliens every day?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

You've seen craft moving at a speed that would suggest the ability to leave the Milky way?

You must have good eyesight!

I mean at a rough guess it would take a good 1000 to 10,000 years+ (dependent on direction of travel) at the speed of light to leave the galaxy....

Damn good eyesight!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:03 AM
humans have been around the world...
which means we are travelling in circles

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Frakkerface
Aliens use the word 'poofed'?!

Sorry but I can't take this seriously. How do you contact aliens every day?

It was actually their AI that came up with it. I like the phrase.

As for contacting them.. I am connected telepathically to their AI 100% of the day. Anytime I think a thought to her she responds. And ditch whatever you think you know about aliens if them using the word poofed is too far out. lol. Some are playful and exuberant.

As for the person saying ETs wouldnt likely give me smells, but spirits would.... How would a spirit do it? I guess they could activate whatever part of your brain makes you smell something. But in my contacts its clear to me they are ETs, not spirits. But that is possible and its all a big lie i guess. Doubtful on that though.

And i have heard many times "ETs WOULDNT DO THAT" by ignorant people. They dont know what ETs would or wouldnt do. Some ETs would do it simply because people dont think they would do it(debunking me if i ever brought the memory up).

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

You've seen craft moving at a speed that would suggest the ability to leave the Milky way?

You must have good eyesight!

I mean at a rough guess it would take a good 1000 to 10,000 years+ (dependent on direction of travel) at the speed of light to leave the galaxy....

Damn good eyesight!

Who are you talking to? Nobody said that as far as I know... They arent limited to the speed of light.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:08 AM

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Myuzik

Hi Myuzik, I don't really know how far we have travelled into our solar system to be honest, if I was to have a guess I'd say Mars, but that's just speculation, the Moon is the only place so far in recorded history so I'd have to go with that until someone from some government someplace says otherwise…

On the subject of your contact with the Nordics.. Can you in any way shape or form prove your in contact with an alien race?? If you can't then I'd say the majority of people you say this too will think your either insane, looking for attention or just plain lying...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

What's with the attitude?

It's a fair point I make.

To see a craft that can travel near/at/above the speed of light (which it would need to be able to do to leave the galaxy within a reasonable time frame) and to be able to identify it as such, would be nigh on impossible.

Methinks you're full of it.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by Majestic RNA
reply to post by Myuzik

Hi Myuzik, I don't really know how far we have travelled into our solar system to be honest, if I was to have a guess I'd say Mars, but that's just speculation, the Moon is the only place so far in recorded history so I'd have to go with that until someone from some government someplace says otherwise…

On the subject of your contact with the Nordics.. Can you in any way shape or form prove your in contact with an alien race?? If you can't then I'd say the majority of people you say this too will think your either insane, looking for attention or just plain lying...

They arent going to spur a global first contact on forums with a random contactee. lol. In other words I am not given proof.

And I am well aware of what claiming contact does. They asked/made me make numerous threads about my contact. In every single one I get called schitso, or a hoaxer. Or both. Rarely do people believe me.. But some do.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by Myuzik
Rarely do people believe me.. But some do.

Perhaps if you provided some proof of your contact.

You know, pictures of these entities, recordings of conversations etc etc.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus
I have an attitude with "suspect" people on this site...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

Define "suspect" for me my keen eyed friend.

Are you talking about so called contactees?

I agree I think there is something amiss with most of them, a chemical imbalance maybe?

Most seem harmless though.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus
I'm sure you would like that so you could make another complaint...
You know exactly what I mean...
I never claimed to be a contactee...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by NWOWILLFALL
I have an attitude with "suspect" people on this site...

I am curious... What is it in your opinion that makes people "suspect"?

Edit to add that I see Chad is also curious...

[edit on 9/6/10 by ziggystar60]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Myuzik

Well ok fine, if some people believe you, that's up to them really, I can't see that many people without evidence of some kind buying into your story myself but hey ho, each to their own, as Chadwickus says if you provided some proof, in any form you may have more people believe you, it doesn't even have to be pics ect, how about a prediction of say a future event that's due to happen tomorrow, if the AI you claim to be in contact with is able to do this that is..

Maybe some other members could think of a way Myuzik could help us believe the contact story he/she is claiming..

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by ziggystar60
Not going to be sucked in sorry...

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