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Channelings (Higher dimensional beings - ETs) - what forum to post them in?

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:25 AM

I was thinking that people might be interested in reading some of the "supposed" channelings from ETs and higher dimensional beings maybe for fun or just to gain a bit of knowledge about the new age movement.

Most of these transcripts are free to distribute and I was wondering is there a forum on ATS or BTS where I could put them in?

(Gray area, Psychology, Philosophy & Metaphysics, Faith & Spirituality)?

an example of a channeling below:

Mike Quinsey - Salusa, June 7th

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:22 AM
look here
Pick one.
there are a few

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by enteri

I would suggest that you be more specific about content within the session you want to discuss, and post accordingly. Most channeled material I've read tends to be quite broad, and could fit into a variety of categories. Try to narrow it down.

If you simply want to say "Hey! There's this guy who channels, here's a link...what do you guys think?" personally I'd put it in Skunkworks.

Either way, offer your own perspective in the post. Don't simply quote or link. Otherwise you come across as a salesman, and there's a strong sentiment of frustration with channeled sources here on ATS.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Either way, offer your own perspective in the post. Don't simply quote or link. Otherwise you come across as a salesman

This is true...I also got the feeling you where trying to get me to click an external link like a salesman would...poor form.

Edit to add: nope, I did not click your link...and probably never will
Zep out

[edit on 9-6-2010 by Zeptepi]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by LordBucket


thanks for the replies. Yeah I do agree that this isn't propably the place to just distribute or promote that material given the take that ATS is about denying ignorance and most of the stuff cannot be validated in any way.

The thing is though that there's a huge amount of big threads where people spread their views on spirituality and the unexplainable where the information is originally from various channelings.

My point was to sort of cut the middle man and their interpretations on the subjects and instead give the source which is done very rarely in many of the threads where people come in and say "ask me anything about spirituality / existence and life itself". The point is acctually not to promote the sources in anyway but to shed light on where people get their ideas from.

Another thing i'd like to propose is maybe create a board that's dedicated for various New Age / "Lightworker" subjects which would in turn reduce the amount of "spill of threads" where such information is given anyway and it doesn't necessarily relate to the subforum at all.

For the time being Skunk works is propably as good a place as any to post that stuff?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by enteri

Do we know that channeling isn't our subconscious symbolically representing itself to you? If that is the case channeling is subjective to the observer right?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:53 AM
Channelings cannot be most of the time verified or debunked (do you need to debunk something that can't be verified anyway). You can question the reason why people write channelings anyway. Maybe they are looking for fame, money etc. Most of the times these are free to distribute and the writer doesn't seem want anything for himself.

You can say that they are from our subconscious that's symbolically representing itself to the "channeler" about their views on the world and the future from an outside perspective.

Nontheless there's a lots of people that take channelings seriously and thus it affects the way they think and act. To me it's rather interesting to point out the basis on their ideas.

For example even if you're an atheist or an agnostic you might be interested in what the Bible says since it affects the opinions of so many people around you.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by enteri

cut the middle man and their interpretations

instead give the source

The point is acctually not to promote the sources in anyway

...wait, so you specifically want to give a source directly, and without "interpreting" it at all...but you're not trying to promote that source?

How does that make sense?

If you had read the material and wanted feedback, or to share your perspective, or even simply to whine and complain about it...any of that I could see...but if you simply want to tell people about it without offering any input of your own, or "cutting yourself out as the middle man" as you phrase it...

How is that not promoting it?

even if you're an atheist or an agnostic you might be interested in what
the Bible says since it affects the opinions of so many people around you.

That's completely true.

But if somebody were to make a post saying "Hey! Here's a link to the bible, I'm not going to spoil it for you by offering my opinion, just go read it!"

That would be promoting the bible.

I repeat my advice from before: identify a particular topic of discussion and start a thread on that topic. Refer to your source as appropriate. Don't simply link to a source and say nothing about it.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by LordBucket

Its possible that he wanted an interpretation, or someone elses perspective without projecting his out. Have you ever wanted to hear someone elses opinion as a tool of reflection of your own before releasing your own?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by onequestion

No that's not what I really meant. It was more on the lines of LordBucket altough and I can see the contradiction of what I was intending to do and how it would seem as promoting the source.

You only promote a source you strongly agree with as the word promotion in itself implies you stand for the message and what it represents. So for someone that believes the Bible is a word of god and people that read it will be saved would be promoting to ask people to read it with the intent of saving their souls etc.

On the other hand a theology professor (not like i'm comparing myself to one) who wants their students to understand the bible and why people act in a certain way since they believe the bible is true and thus asks people to read the bible isn't necessarily promoting the bible.

The keyword in my opinion is intent. You can present information (in my opinion at least) without wanting to promote or discredit it. The thing in that case is that the person reading the material can form their own opinions on the subject and can choose to act and think accordingly without being purposefully (or not) mislead.

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