posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by enteri
cut the middle man and their interpretations
instead give the source
The point is acctually not to promote the sources in anyway
...wait, so you specifically want to give a source directly, and without "interpreting" it at all...but you're not trying to promote that
How does that make sense?
If you had read the material and wanted feedback, or to share your perspective, or even simply to whine and complain about it...any of that I could
see...but if you simply want to tell people about it without offering any input of your own, or "cutting yourself out as the middle man" as you
phrase it...
How is that not promoting it?
even if you're an atheist or an agnostic you might be interested in what
the Bible says since it affects the opinions of so many people around you.
That's completely true.
But if somebody were to make a post saying "Hey! Here's a link to the bible, I'm not going to spoil it for you by offering my opinion, just go read
That would be promoting the bible.
I repeat my advice from before: identify a particular topic of discussion and start a thread on that topic. Refer to your source as appropriate.
Don't simply link to a source and say nothing about it.