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Man busted by traffic camera gets unique revenge on police department

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Honestly its quite simple, stick to the speed limit. Everyone always goes on about revenue raising and such, and yeah maybe it does pay a part in it, but you know, you're still breaking the law. Everyone thinks they are a fantastic driver but speed limits are there for a reason, sure you might get home 5-10 minutes later than if you went over, but why risk a ticket and the possibility you could hurt someone for 5-10 minutes of time? I know its not a popular view, but these things need to be enforced because cars easily turn into killing machines.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:51 AM
Allegedly, this stuff will keep the cameras from being able to "see" your license plate number. Haven't tried it myself, so I can't vouch for it. Probably worth a try if you frequently get busted by those damn things.

Cool story, thanks for posting.


posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Raustin
reply to post by Hulk Hogan

Well I agree that they are there to increase revenue, but I doubt they actually cause accidents. In what way do you think they cause wrecks? I suppose if someone is trying to rush through the light to avoid a ticket they could wind up rear-ending someone.

Also, would appreciate it if people would stop referring to police as 'pigs'. There are police officers on the board, there are many good cops out there, and I am trying to get in to law enforcement.

either people speed across the intersection...faster to avoid the traffic flash, or they slam on their brakes and end up getting in a fender bender amongst other things. these things cite you if you are in there before it turns red, seems fishy

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Hulk Hogan
Those things are so ridiculous and cause more accidents than they prevent, it's just a revenue stream for the pigs because they can't manage their god damn budgets!

I would have agreed with you about that but on the aforementioned website the guy has a link to a study that claims that about the same accidents occur, but they have gone from T-bone collisions to rear enders. They do cause people to be wary of the lights though.
Personally I say hire more cops like back in the day and kill the cameras.
Now these cameras almost always go to a city or counties general fund, so the revenue can be molested by a suit wearing individual and not by the police. Why do you think they all have such short budgets?
Now for the pigs, not all LEO’s are pigs and I’m sure most of them apply with the good intention to help, just some have bad days and some just get lost in the hopeless pit that the letter of the law places officers in.
Cops aren’t the problem, their bosses are just like the soldier is not the problem it is the gubbment. But in the meanwhile until they find something better they get to drive fast cars and carry guns, almost a good trade.
Oh yeah the guy who snatched the website, he rocks!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:34 AM
Now THAT is harlarious !!!!!!!! S&F my friend.. S&F .. LOL

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:37 AM
Its the same what i do, i never have committed a crime, but i tell everyone about the loons in the police. They set out for 18 years to wreck my life, and its the only way to say up yours to them.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:43 AM
god thats gold. i wish we could do more. it doesnt seem like it enough. i always wanted to drive pas a speed camera with my pants down my plates off and my backside out the window. maybe one day i will do it.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:56 AM
Reminds me of what a friend of mine did when they sent him a picture in the mail of him runnin a red light asking for a fine, so he sent them a picture of his money... priceless :^)

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:58 AM
The man's speeding so it's his fault. I can't see why he should extract revenge when he's in the wrong in the first place.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by Unregistered]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by bonnieprince

you are so right. I see so many idiot drivers on the road it makes me gag. Yet, when a police pulls them over they get all hissy fit and saying the cop is wrong. I find what the dude who got revenge was funny, but if he just left a little earlier he wouldn't need to speed.

My city has those red light cameras and I love the fact that my GPS can some how detect them so I know where they are at. But one complaint many people are having is those red lights take pictures even if you take a right turn on a red light. In Texas we are allowed to do that. I think they fixed the problem though.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by dragnet53]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Hulk Hogan

Governing agencies aren't the only ones who can't manage their budgets.

I know a lot of people out here on the street who aren't very good at it either,and that is why it is mandatory in a lot of states to buy insurance to cover problems that arise on those rainy days.

Old school wisdom is too often disregarded by nearly everyone.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by bonnieprince

Cars are killing machines,even when one isn't speeding.

Roadside cameras monitoring activity would be a good thing if they were properly used,like for completely eliminating the need for high speed chases..

Technology is almost never put to use for reasonable purposes,it is almost always used for revenue generation,and then the revenues generated are generally squandered on unreasonable BS too.

Only Human.....

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

I'll drive if you moon. Just not taking my car.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:19 AM
Typical that there is so much support for a guy that breaks the law and from some strange braintwist decides he "needs to get back at them".....
Like a murderer shooting a judge for convicting him :')

Wonder what most ATS'ers would do if this guy would kill one of their friends or family speeding. But hey, the right for a man to drive his car is a holy right in the US so who gives a damn about some collateral damage right

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:29 AM
I don't think it would be entirely unreasonable to fit a car with a transponder which links to sensors in the roadway to limit the speed the vehicle can go,regardless of how fast the driver wishes to go.

I hear many claim that that would be an infringement of their rights,but I don't get how one has the right to end anothers life,or injure anther in a pointless accident because one cannot manage their own time.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by no special characters

Speed cameras don't prevent accidents,they just capture an image of a license plate to attain a mailing address from records on file, to forward a ticket demanding funds for committing a non-crime.

So just spray the plate to make it impossible to photograph,like many do.....

A camera at an ATM doesn't prevent anything from happening,it just idly sits by witnessing what a flesh and blood person may have been able to prevent altogether.

Cameras don't prevent anything,they just record events.

Money would be better spent on public transportation,preventing unskilled drivers from being on the road at all through actually testing people more often than they do now,and separating traffic by building infrastructure to keep pedestrians,bicyclists and other types of traffic from coming into conflict with one another.

But that might just cost too much,not building the infrastructure,but the revenue stream created by allowing events to happen would be reduced.

America is missing the bus,and it is costing us dearly.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Raustin

Research the term "tail-gating",something might just be pointed out to you,like that it's mostly your fault for following too close.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by no special characters

I don't know that the angst is so much against law enforcement ticketing speeders. It is the violation of a basic right to face your accuser. I have gotten speeding tickets when I was younger, and I was polite to the officer, and paid my fine because *gasp* I was speeding. I had no problem with it at all. I committed the infraction, I paid the fine. No issue.

Policemen are human, and make mistakes, and if I had felt I was being cited when I was not breaking a law I would have gone to court faced my accuser(the officer), and plead my case. I don't like the idea at all of an equally faulty piece of electronics made by a human that makes mistakes automatically generating a fine for me, and if the citation is errant I cannot face my accuser.

It's all automated. If you are one of the unlucky certain percentage of false positives you have to spend your time, and money to defend yourself against an automated system that has a false image of being highly accurate. Besides the fact that the camera is incapable of taking the stand, and deliberating with you. The whole concept to me is reminiscent of the movie Demolition Man where ATM-like machines spit out citations for everything from cussing to assault. Law Enforcement is a human service that should be administered by humans. It is not an environment that should lend itself to automation.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by doctor j and inmate c5779
Reminds me of what a friend of mine did when they sent him a picture in the mail of him runnin a red light asking for a fine, so he sent them a picture of his money... priceless :^)

Haha, your friend is awesome. As is the guy who nabbed the URL. I personally think red light cameras are BS. If the cops want to stop a certain behavior, they should punish the offender when he offends; not a few weeks after the fact. Automation of certain things should not be allowed and, I believe, this is one of them.

On a side note, I don't think all police officers are "pigs". It's true that some of them take their frustrations out on the Joe Citizen. But I've hung with a few (while on duty even!) and the crap they have to deal with... I can understand their frustrations. Can you imagine arresting a violent rapist THEN handing out a speeding ticket?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 06:14 AM
I don't get this. I do find the website thing pretty funny, but senseless. He was in the wrong. Simple as that - he was breaking the law and potentially endangering people's lives.

I do not understand why people are complaining about the cameras - don't break the law and there isn't a problem. Some of you claim there are more accidents because of them - I don't know about that, but if there are it's only because people slam on their breaks at the first sign of a speed camera so that they can pretend to be driving safely for a few minutes, before engaging the hyperdrive again. Frankly, I find it a little disgusting that people a whining about not being allowed to drive dangerously.

I know almost every driver claims that they are good enough not to have a crash no matter how fast they drive, and that they are always in complete control - bull#. A friend of mine, 40+, was driving down the road one day, at 30mph. A car reversed into the road ahead of him and though he slammed on the brakes, he still smashed into the car and killed the driver. That was at 30.

If this same twat had been caught, not by a traffic camera, but by a child running into the road in front of him, would he have still felt like some kind of victim? Would you be whining about the cameras then, or would you be calling him all kinds of names for being such a dangerous and careless driver.

And to whoever said the cameras are the to take people unaware - I really hope you don't have a driving license. A driver should be aware all the damn time, and it doesn't matter if the cameras are hidden or not - you shouldn't be breaking the law and putting lives in danger; which is what you are doing every time you get into a car, at ANY speed.

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