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The Feminist Movement—Ruining The Image Of Men

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posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: wagtail

" ...I would much rather have to go through all that you have laid out there than what my last ex-wife (a feminist) put me through in court.
I would had much rather been raped, at least it would all be over in an hour. Yeah, there might be some depression ...
How's that for what its like to be a man, living in a world of privileged women.
We men want to be groped, some want to be raped....yep, there's definitely a disconnect between the sexes, but the law is on the side of women, "

I'm sorry, that has to be some of the most distasteful, tactless and insensitive commentary on someone's experience of sexual violence I've had the displeasure of reading on this site...

Yea but try to consider that this is the way many men have felt after the female favoring courts get done with them. I have seen several men reduced to slave dogs by the thing.
edit on 30-8-2014 by Logarock because: n

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 12:25 PM
This post might seem very cold... But I have to be thorough... The deception with words can be quite high, when victimization is seen as a legit way to give a certain argument.

originally posted by: bkaust
Men will flat out never understand, because they can't see past the male privilege.
You should really elaborate which privilege that is. Because as far as I can tell, we have no privilege, and it's actually women that are the currently most privileged creatures that have every existed.

originally posted by: bkaust
It's not equal, and I doubt it ever will be. It's much like trying to get someone who's never had depression to understand just how it feels to be depressed. You can't know, because you've never had to deal with it.
Exactly. Which is why you won't understand the issues men are currently facing.

originally posted by: bkaust
At the end of the day, you will find a lot of women can be bitter. It is hard to find decent men (I'm very fortunate to have found a good one).
That's because feminism has beaten the men out of them from the time they're children.

originally posted by: bkaust
I know maybe a handful of women who have NOT been assaulted by men, and that naturally leaves them weary.
Define 'assault'.

originally posted by: bkaust
After endless catcalls, put downs, public groping from strangers in bars/clubs etc, cars following you while you try to go on a walk/run in your own neighbourhood, it is hard to stay positive, and it's hard to give a sh!t about men complaining that there is all of a sudden an uprising in the amount of women expecting to be treated fairly.
The fact that a cat call is considered assault by you is very telling.

originally posted by: bkaust
I've personally had 2 separate rapes,
Define rape. Because your posts reek of exaggeration.

originally posted by: bkaust
3 sexual harassment issues at one job,
Define sexual harassment.

originally posted by: bkaust
had my privates groped when walking through bars COUNTLESS times,
Maybe you shouldn't go to those bars then. If I go at a certain restaurant, and I get an allergic reaction more than once, maybe it's a good idea not to go there anymore. Just saying... There comes a point when you're choosing to be the victim. Where is your own responsibility to protect yourself?

originally posted by: bkaust
had to pretend to be gay with a friend after being surrounded by no less than 10 men at a club, all at least 15 year older, english not their first language, and bigger than both of us,
So why did you do it? You really think that inside a club, men were going to rape you or beat you up without anyone stepping in? The moment a man hits a girl all other men jump on him. The moment a man hits a man, everyone laughs. And why were you there again...?

originally posted by: bkaust
but then we are called bitches for crossing the street from a man, or putting your head down when a random guy is calling out to you - then have to deal with the anger, because as a woman, you should be flattered! it's a compliment that that guy you've never met is calling you things like 'babe' & 'hot' and then if you don't respond to how they want the dialogue to go 'yeah well **** you b*****' 'you're fat/ugly/whore' etc. Can't you imagine how tiring that gets?

Right.. I guess men should be flattered that they are allowed to pay alimony for the rest of their lives if the woman messes up. I guess men should be flattered to be falsely accused of rape, Men should be flattered that they are 19 out of 20 people who die on the job, men should be flattered that they are 85% of the homeless. Oh yeah, I forgot. No one cares about that. It's all about women that feel harassed if a guy whistles at her.
edit on 31-8-2014 by vasaga because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 12:48 PM
I am less than a man. But I don't think feminism made me this wya. I was half born this wya. I got bullied a lot. And I made a lot of bad choices. What a lot of people don't realize is being a MAN is mostly about being responsible, not about abusing your wife or limiting the rights of woman or getting drunk or being an a******. I'm not the most masculine guy, but I think my actions as a man speak much louder and make me much less of a man.

I don' think men in this thread who're defensive are advocating abusing your wife or being an a****** is an admiral thing to do.

Men in this thread who're defensive just don't want to be artificially made to be inferior. Whether its intentional or not doesn't matter. Everybody, man or woman, wants ot reach their full potential. If you feel like you've ben slighted by someone else or misunderstood, it makes you defensive.

One other thing. And yes this is a personal unproven hypothesis I have and not based on verifiable scientific evidence. It's that some feminists are lesbians and because they share some mental traits in common with men they're much more competitive and even envious. Lesbians are simply more aggressive mentally than other woman. THIS is the source of most of the conflict between feminism and men who don't like it.

YES I just expressed an prejudice: I think men are more aggressive than woman in most non-empathic matters in society. I don't thin there's any science to back this up, it's just my own opinion based on what I've seen. What I've seen is woman tend to be more submissive or afraid. It's possible most of these indicators are just a response to being abused and marginalized by men historically, but I think some of ti's genetic. Think about it: If for millions of years men abused and marginalized woman, it's not unexpected if this produced an genetic effect in woman. Woman who responded better to being abused and marginalized were more likely to do well and spread their genes - and men found it attractive.

Woman are NOT dumber or unable, I just think they're more afraid. Also keep in mind in the past things were much more physical than they're today. Physical strength was more important. Thus, men had an obvious advantage. They could move faster and carry more. They used this physical advantage to dominate woman by threatening them - abusing them. This kept woman from dominating governemnt or other non-physical activities. This also allowed men to evolve genes for leadership roles and stunted woman.

Society is trying to reach a point where the differences between the sexes is more equal. We're fast approaching a time in society when the differences between man and woman are unnecessary. We may be able to grow babies outside the mother and we also have large quantities of male sperm. We're unlocking the secrets of stem cells. Who knows where it leads? Machines can do what men traditionaly did. Weapons of war no longer need a man to carry them - they can be operated remotely. Lastly, the aggressive traits in men have is becoming dangerous to the order in society. And the fears woman have limit them from having enough infleunce on the world.

I think more and more woman with aggressive traits will succeed and they'll also be more attractive as a result of a societal campaign to make them more attractive. All sorts of things can assist this - like medications. Men with more aggressive traits will find it harder to live in this wolrd. Woman who don't have the aggressive traits will also find it hard to live here. Medications and therapy and educational things can help.

But this happen slowly. Keep in mind even as woman are gaininng ground in the US the vast majority of government and administrative and military occupations are dominated by men across the world.

NOTE: I just looked and apparently scandinavia ranks as having one of the highest percentages of woman in parliament. Asia, the middle east and Africa still rank very low in representation for woman. Commonly what I say is still true: Men dominate the authority roles across the world.

Here's my reference for the woman in parliament: - Government_Participation_by_Women_compressed.jpg...
edit on 31-8-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:04 AM
Scott Adams has a recent interesting blog post, "Is Feminism Sexist?" here:
Scott Adams - Is Feminism Sexist?

In my perfect world there would be human rights. Period. There would not be special rights for anybody based on gender or race or religion or anything like that. If everybody supported human rights, a whole lot of special interests and competitions and problems would be solved.

There might be special considerations for a human as recognition of their participation in something exceptional that likely comes with certain support needs in advance, during, or later, such as combat warfare or giving birth for example. But while some things are gender-specific that way, others aren't, and it shouldn't be about that.

I think men have a whole list of issues ranging from indignities to stuff that is horrifically injust to them either socially or in the courts or both, that women ought to be as determined to see made fair as men.

We are designed to work together and anything that makes us competitive in a negative way based on gender is usually bad for individuals and bad for society as a whole.

I suspect there is an underlying problem gradually getting worse over the last say, 60+ years or so, which is the overall reduction of individual maturity and responsibility in our culture (in both genders). A ridiculous amount of bad behavior toward the opposite sex stems from this, in part because it's just part of a larger issue of bad behavior period. And in part because these problems directly contribute to poor parenting, which makes the next generation even worse and more dysfunctional besides, and we've had quite a few generations to work this into a gradual idiocracy scenario.

I also think that there is a fairly strong psychological tendency toward dominant/submissive traits in both genders that most people are oblivious to (and these can be either, though I suspect genetically it's more common the male is dominant), and that this ignorance creates a great deal of poor judgement in mates, and then poor behavior from the mate who is also oblivious, and then bad experience because the dynamics of the interaction are not understood and arranged intentionally. And then judgment afterward about that.

This is one of those taboo areas of culture where our dominant neuroses prevent open exploration of things like genetics or sex. It's considered uncool now to be submissive or to serve, to be protected and guided, so many women won't go that road, even though many women actually have some psychological need for this as evidenced by their choosing men who implicitly need to be dominant -- opposites attract for a reason. Intelligently done, they could assign certain parts of their lives to playing this out and have it only strengthen their relationship. Badly done, they are oblivious and next thing you know he's making up stupid reasons to punish her in some way and insisting she can't hang out with friends, and she's not leaving him like she ought to for that, but instead is passive-aggressively doing her own stupid things through resentment, because both have these dynamics that need some of that energy that is acting out, but the energy is now manifesting into areas completely inappropriate and damaging to both the people and to the relationship.

How many women do you know who would just say: "I actually kinda like it when he is dominant, it makes me feel protected." ? The list is short. Now how many women do you know who will ignore or stomp over nice guys and choose jerks for mates, and then gripe about what jerks they are? The list is endless. The latter are the former, they just don't know it, because our culture has kept us in ignorance about this sort of thing as a terrified reaction to the fact that some of it overlaps into areas of sexual behavior (or can; it doesn't always have to).

Anybody who doesn't believe me, please feel welcome to engage in reading some romance books. There is a reason why 99.9999% of all the heroes are authoritarian, autocratic, ridiculously confident, physically strong men (and usually men who are rich, or in charge of something). This is the biggest book market, utterly vast, and the formula is nearly unchallenged, and there's a reason for that: because this is the most common (though not the only) dynamic between men and women. Romance writers know it's true and if money talks, women statistically prove it's true by being that market. Yet half the behavior of the heroes in romance novels would get the average guy labeled the biggest *zz who ever lived and outright misogynist and even slightly abusive.

I don't know any man who believes that a woman doing the same job equally well deserves less pay. (Ok, I once met one.) Or who thinks women shouldn't be allowed to vote. These sorts of basics, men are already on the same page as women for, for the most part.

I don't think that feminism beyond these basics has been too helpful, since some of it takes the dynamics discussed above, which are equally powerful in both genders, and then in complete ignorance of them, blames men for the behavior those dynamics tend to drive (while oblivious to their own decisions and behavior those dynamics also drive). I suspect until a better understanding of basic human psychosexuality comes about, any intelligent discussion related to how the genders interact with each other is going to be mostly impossible.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 11:25 AM

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: vasaga

Women are far more dangerous to children than men are, especially right after birth, when they go through postpartum. There have been way more child murders at the hands of women than men, which is why its so confusing that in 99% of divorces with children...women are given the child, child support payments and sometimes alimony, and are never legally responsible to the courts as men are. They have no legal monetary responsibility whatsoever. Men are ruthlessly attacked by the courts, and lose protection groups for us to run to, and all we get is just bereavement no matter what we do. Even if the female cheats and the male ends the relationship...she gets awarded everything, such as was my case....but I am by no means alone here. Women are truly favored, yet they try to turn the tables by using illusory "one liners" like "male privilege", which doesn't even exist.

Here is just a recent article to make a point. An "alleged" model (not sure how that happened), who is smoking and drinking while pregnant, simply because she found out that her baby was going to be a boy. (I might add that, my ex-wife did this too and hated me trying to "control her life" while she smoked and drank while my son was in utero).

Source: Mother smoking and drinking because she is giving birth to a male
edit on 19-5-2015 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:19 AM
I don't think men are supposed to feel insulted by commercials that portray them as bungling idiots. I think those ads are a ham-handed attempt to make nice with women. "We know who REALLY runs things (wink wink), so show everyone how smart you are and buy this!" They make me feel kind of insulted.

I've known 9 men involved in custody disputes. Only one actually wanted his child. The others just didn't want to pay child support. Two even admitted they wanted to stick it to their exes by having the upper hand with the kid as leverage or control over her. One bought an expensive truck the day before court thinking the judge would see his bills and let him out of paying at all to help his 3 kids. My own dad ( back in the 70s ) never paid a dime because he was broke and had mental problems. They worked it out without court. He saw us on weekends when able and helped when he could. They never badmouthed each other and it worked out.

The family court issues are two sided, not always the woman's fault it goes bad. This is the one I hear being piled onto women most of the time.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: bkaust

Oh boo hoo. Your entire rant reeks of an agenda. And "male privilege"...hilarious! The western world is bending over backwards for women at the expense of males.

And just because you had regrets the next morning for sleeping with someone who didn't take you seriously doesn't mean that you were raped. Ask women in Syria right now what it really feels like to be treated like trash and maybe you'll pipe down.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 10:59 PM
Dear humans, I love you all. There are differences in our current bodies however our souls/spirits are the same. We may not live forever. Let us treasure this precious life.

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