posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:35 AM
Canadian Pot?
1. There ARE medical benefits to marijuana. Would you rather be a guinea pig and ingest the # the pharmacutical companies want to pump in you when you
are sick. Here try this, take this, have this, till you are a Stepford wife?
2. Speaking of that, I would also venture to guess that you feel it is OK for people to take mind altering drugs such as Prozac,Effexor, Celexa, etc.
You are playing with the chemical balance of your 'brain' there buddy, but everyone thinks to seem it is OK. People develop dependcies to that
3. Pot does not make every user a 'short-term memory',non functioning member of society. Next time you are in line at the grocery store, look at the
10 people around you. At least 4 have gotten high in the last month. Do they ALL look homeless and mindless? I think not.
4. There are over 150 checmicals in cigarettes, as compared to 40 or so in marijuana. Marijuana is natural, Cigs are chemically enhanced to a point
where some studies revealed the effects of withdrawls from cigs border on herion recovery. The addictive checmicals are added to the cigs themselves
them then delivered to your local store. Why not become a "ANTI-MARLBORO" crusader, and tell people when you see them buying a pack to put them