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ENOUGH with all this Politic!

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posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 06:10 AM
Are we not aware of what this is? Are we not aware what purpose politic have? Are we still believing that we actually can solve anything trough any sort of political way? You know, what is this whole thing? What is this based on and what is the one and only thing we are arguing about? Of course money, that is all. We need to put more money over there, raise the taxes, lower the taxes. Why do you think people are criminals, why do we have all this problem with recourses? It is a classic divide and conquer society, a slave society a pyramid society if we so want. Cant we see that if we try do some sort of change by using the methods of change that comes from the society, the only thing we will get out is, society's way of change. A spin, a twitch spiral it a bit. This is what we have been doing for along time now. We have this discussion now about Israels boarding this ship to Gaza, or two ships two Gaza, and what is happening there? Well people killing people, that is what happens. Over what? Well money, and some sort of illusionary believe in that someone or something actually can claim anything from this earth, can claim anything from someone else. Where is the perspective and understanding of our birth? Who are we? Where are we from? Is there any need at all to be fighting? To kill? Well you know, no not at all.

In the beginning when we did not have all this technology and actually profound intelligence on where the recourses are and how to use them there was some struggle and we needed to actually fight to even survive. There is no need for that today, at all. And you know why, because we have all the recourses we want, all the technology we want to have to provide this earth with food, water, energy, somewhere to live and a transportations system that will connect the world instantly. What is the only problem to this? Well you know, money. And if we still believe that you or someone else has any guilt or you know in it, # it dont care about that. Care about yourself, care about the ones you love, why? You create your own reality in the way you want it to be, in the way you want it to shape. You/we are doing it now, it is all we are ever doing, creating, changing.

This politic arguing thing we have dont work so well, why? Because you create YOUR own reality in the way you want it to be in the way you want it to shape. To even claim that you have some sort of right or wrong answer, some sort of good bad thing, its ridiculous, why? You are only giving YOUR way of looking at things, a subjective thought based on your experience. That is your truth, not mine, not your friends, not your moms. It is what you are thinking and believing. And we need to start see it as that. Why? We are all humans, that is all. And we are all one, hard to really get away from that. Why do you think it feels bad to hurt someone? Or for that matter why does it feel good to help someone? This is who we are and we dont need more of this illusion, more if this #ing crap that we are caught in now. How to do something about it? Well its you that its all about, and believe it or not you are universe child. You are the creation of it, you are the whole thing, everything. And that really means everything. And how to deal with the "reality", what about put some love and respect into it? What about try to understand? Without any resistance into it, like moral, normalizing, limiting, marginalize, fear, anxiety, division etc. Negativity is something we really dont need to have, why? What does it give you?

This is of course no right or wrong thing, no claiming of any sort, but I really do think that it is time to let this arguing just vanish, this pain, suffering, panic. Let it go and let some love into our life again, lets give ourself the chance to actually understand everything. And we need to start seeing universe as it own consciousness with actual ways of of dealing with problems, such as eveything killing everything.


posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 06:12 AM
Some vids:

[edit on 8-6-2010 by InOurNature]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 06:49 AM
is there a shorter version?

I dont normally say this but...tldr; and your paragraphs are massive. I started to lose focus in my eyes.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by MR BOB]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Ohh im sorry, English writing is not my area, will do some sort of review over it but the whole thing to it is YOU =). And this politic thing we have going on and actually quite alot on ats recently, or maybe always, dosent really solve anything. Its just another illusion, we spin this cool society thing a notch. And I guess thats the main point to it.



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