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U.S. and Israel To be Attacked- With Dates

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posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 02:10 AM
Alo ha,
I have recently posted this video on you tube.
It explains how world events are lining up with Bible prophesy,
and dreams are helping the process of interpretation.
A China/Russia/Multi-country alliance will attack soon.
Attack dates likely- July 16, or July 26, or August 5.
Get prepared. Leave the cities by July 15, have food, water,
necessities on hand to last 3 1/2 months,
find a safe place to hide during this time -

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by mrgalleria

So this attack is only going to last three and a half months?

Do you not realize that if China and Russia attacked the USA with an evasion force that they would not get within a thousand miles of our shores?

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:07 AM
Lets not get hasty here....can you be more specific than the little info you have provided?do you really think that theyll land troops from massive containerships wiyth the containers loaded like trojan horses?
First of all it takes a lot longer to prepare for major conflict than you have given as a lead time...(march those chinamen into the containers with their supply of rice and water....)
Unless the alliance which will attack has been ultra sneaky in making these massive preparations,(spy satelites,and other intelligence sources)
havent picked up anything near that kind of logistics preps.
Even WE would have heard by now.
So, perhaps your dates are out of whack?
The attack will be a swift and decisive nuke option,?? in which case there need be little pre stirrings, but the three months may stretch into centuries of haf lives of toxic fallout etc.
If this is the Russian ?asian force predicted in revelations, wont they be earthquaked?
(strange that HAARP is rumoured to be able to cause them...perhaps america will unleash its haarp to save Isreal in that battle fullfilling the prophecy in a different way than weve envisioned in the past....hmm

[edit on 8-6-2010 by stirling]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by mrgalleria
Alo ha,
I have recently posted this video on you tube.
It explains how world events are lining up with Bible prophesy,
and dreams are helping the process of interpretation.
A China/Russia/Multi-country alliance will attack soon.
Attack dates likely- July 16, or July 26, or August 5.
Get prepared. Leave the cities by July 15, have food, water,
necessities on hand to last 3 1/2 months,
find a safe place to hide during this time -
Pipe dream. People make similar statements on these sites every year. Just like previous years, it wont happen. Why? Because this China/Russia/multi country alliance would be taking a radiation bath within minutes.

The nuclear deterrent in place by the major powers will forever prevent any sort of invasion like you describe. Neither side would have a force to invade with once they decided to actually invade. No invasion but only a nuclear strike? What's the point? Hit Washington just so their own capitals can be destroyed at the same time? Please....

The doom and gloom scenarios need to get back to terrorist attacks and things of that nature that are semi believable. Red Dawn is NEVER going to occur.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by GNRevolution

The nuclear deterrent in place by the major powers will forever prevent any sort of invasion like you describe. Neither side would have a force to invade with once they decided to actually invade. No invasion but only a nuclear strike? What's the point? Hit Washington just so their own capitals can be destroyed at the same time? Please....

That's why I've always scratched my head at the thought of a nuclear World War. Nuking each other back and forth isn't gonna do much but annihilate our planet. I fail to see who a victor would be.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:54 AM
Bit like trench warfare, right?

Of course minus the fallout which scientists will tell politicians (the smart telling the dumb and charming/rich) can subdue if only dozens go off.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by mrgalleria

It explains how world events are lining up with Bible prophesy, and dreams are helping the process of interpretation. A China/Russia/Multi-country alliance will attack soon. Attack dates likely- July 16, or July 26, or August 5. Get prepared. Leave the cities by July 15, have food, water, necessities on hand to last 3 1/2 months, find a safe place to hide during this time -

Oh, God. If only I had a dime for every time a Bible thumper warns of the impending fulfillment of a Bible prophesy...

If we have to read this stuff from now until 2012, I'm gonna wind up PRAYING for God to speed up the process...

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by mrgalleria

While I think the prophecy is bunk, I am intrigued about the idea that by using huge container ships as modern day Trojan horses they could land hundreds of thousands of Russian and Chinese troops and equipment on US shores where they would quickly overrun nearby towns and cities securing supply lines and digging in ultimately heading for Washington.Bringing war direct to the US with no real nuke option and having to fight the invaders on US soil. If Mr Spielberg is watching this would make an epic movie

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:37 AM
Aloha brother,

Let's not become too gloomy with war predictions; I feel too that the world governments and citizens getting a bit tensed up lately but I would like to appeal to everyone to have some posititve and all-loving thoughts.
Pls don't fall into the negative energy trap but create the good vibes after all. Believe it or not, there is still very much hope in the air.

On this note I wish peace to all (including any aspiring 'enemies')
God is with us.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:55 AM
Dear God, when will you stop prophecying, you CANNOT do it. No one can. Not anymore. Zip. Ende.

We all can "predict" things, like, I predict they "might" be a war between Israel and Iran ... but that isn't really a prophecy now is it? It's in your face.

But to say: I have a prophecy: The WW3 will start on July 16, or 17 or maybe August ... WTH?? What is that?

If you have a prophecy then you would say: The WW3 will start on July 22nd, on precicely 13:45 o'clock or something like that.

if it's vague, then it's BS, like all other "prophecies" going around in these forums from some new age "prophets" and "channelers" and other deluded species.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 05:05 AM
Since we are throwing around completely speculative scenarios, how about this one? Bear with me a little bit.

Let's say that China has had a good deal of control of the Panama Canal for the last decade or so...

...and let's say that, being the patient people that they are, they have slowly used this "beachhead" to smuggle in smallish nuclear devices, and place them in strategic locations around the U.S.

Let's also say that the propaganda machine around the world over the last few years has been stoking the idea that sooner or later Islamic terrorists would get their hands on nukes and would use them on America...sound familiar?

So, on one (not so) fine pre-determined day, some statistically significant percentage of the U.S. goes up in smoke and mushroom clouds.


No incoming missiles to shoot hostile nation seeming to have been up to no good...must be the terrorists (and likely about fifty such organizations will be very happy to jump up and falsely claim responsibility).

Now...remember how overwhelming 9/11 was in terms of the nation's ability to cope with an unexpected disaster. How about Katrina? How about a little old oil spill?

Now...times about a million. What can the U.S. do?

Untold numbers dead, even more injured...dozens of major cities affected some maybe even largely destroyed...medical capabilites, transportation facilities, power grids, food production systems etc., etc., gone or completely overwhelmed.

Think of it like how completely unable Haiti was able to respond to the devastation of their earthquake earlier this year. The only way for them deal with it was to allow dozens of countries to send in aid - and military capabilities - to regain order and to facilitate distribution of medical and food aid (and so on).

Well, I don't know about you...but I think that our good friends the Chinese would be more than happy to step up and help us out. Might take about half a million young Chinese men in green uniforms to help us straighten out certain (to begin with western swaths) areas that were relatively untouched, but in need of riot control and other measures. Might start out with only a couple Divisions worth...but the would keep poring more in as need dictated.

Sure a whack of these brave young Chinese men would come down with radiation sickness and ultimately die...but what are friends for? And there are another million or so they can send over if need be after the ranks thin a bit.

...No retaliatory strikes, no wiping out of military invasion convoys, no stopping the establishment of bases and other infrastrutcture needed to consolidate the aid effort. No ability, at that point, to resist the "aid effort"...and the American people, after about two weeks without milk and twinkies will be welcoming all nation's armies with open arms (I am sure the Russians will be happy to help out with Alaska for starters).

Is all of this a predication of my own? No...just idle speculation, for entertainment purposes only, sparked by other ATS folk seeming to be quite certain that an invasion from China or Russia is not at all possible...I assume because of a belief in the overwhelming might of the U.S. military.

Which, I imagine the Chinese and Russians are quite well aware of...and would therefore wish to embark on a non-MAD course of action, if they are inclined to bring about the destruction of the US as we know it.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 05:20 AM
Never belive anything that gives a date, you should know that by now

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 05:46 AM
Have you not played Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare? Two Soldiers against the entire invading Russian army in story mode. Mother Russia is no match for these two Rambo style Army infantry.

Oh wait never mind it seems from your OP this is where you got your Intel for your "prediction"

Sorry guys/gals just sick of the "Your going to die on this date" threads.

Best wishes


posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by mrgalleria

So this attack is only going to last three and a half months?

Do you not realize that if China and Russia attacked the USA with an evasion force that they would not get within a thousand miles of our shores?

Alternatively, they could just dress as Mexicans and pour over the border unhindered.

America (or rather it's government) is more likley to implode through it's own arrogance and destructive attitudes than be attacked by any external force. Of course, they'd see the whole country torn apart rather than admit any culpability or responsibility - but hey, like the Israelis, they can play the blame / victim game and point at someone else as the cause.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:16 AM

That's why I've always scratched my head at the thought of a nuclear World War. Nuking each other back and forth isn't gonna do much but annihilate our planet. I fail to see who a victor would be.

This is the MAD doctrine. It stands for Mutually Assured Destruction. It prevents anyone from getting an upper hand.

No incoming missiles to shoot hostile nation seeming to have been up to no good...must be the terrorists

Each reactor makes it own signature in the materials it produces. Every bomb leaves it "fingerprint" all over the place.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:12 AM
Alo ha,
Well, I see some hypothetical responses.
Some condemning the use of dates.
The Bible accurately used dates from the prophets,
if you are eager to do the research.
For the rest of you, I have posted another video,
which explains how the Chinese Alliance will accomplish
there goal with success, from the Chinese own Secretary of Defense.
The Bible only confirms the Chinese plan, made many years ago.

I recognize most here will only ridicule me, so
my intent is to reach the tiny few who might listen.
Still, you can say what you please, you can't hurt my feelings.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:20 AM
Joel Rosenberg wrote a great series about "these times" and in one of them, container ships have parts for a cruise missile launcher, which is assembled rather quickly just a few hundred miles out from the US coast so by the time they fire the missiles, there is no time to prepare. One of the missiles, ends up being one of those Sunburst missiles they have now... anyway its a great series although ive only read the last 3 out of the 5.

Not to spoil it too much but they WERE able to figure out where the plutonium came from. As a previous poster said, each reactor has come kind of signature that is unique to the plutonium it produced... But I wont say who did it. But these books seem like they could happen, with a few details changed since a lot has actually happened in the past 2-3 years since they were written. Great, quick & easy read, either way. While I like books that make you think, this series works because it makes you think but just in a different way.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:49 AM
i can't be the only one around here who is sick to death!!! of any and all things 'israel'

and if there is some sort of prophesy loophole that says i have to endure some sort of attack under the same banner as they since i live in the US...

well, i'm moving to Oz!
right away!

screw israel and their nuclear arsenal and their occupation and their holocaust and their world-to-come!

not anything personal, just general.
but screw it all!

i'm so over it.


posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Praying would do you a world of good.
I know that praying helps me a lot.You
may not believe this,but God does answer

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

We have had threads about this for a long time. It is a known fact that for example COSCO ships are designated as zhanjian, or "warship" and can be easily reffitted to be military ships and to hold men, and cargo.

Astonishingly, Chinas COSCO controls an expanded Pier J at Long Beach in Los Angeles Harbor, even after Chinese Gen. Xiong Guang Kai threatened to rain nuclear bombs on Los Angeles. Should Los Angeles feel secure? COSCO is owned 100% by the communist Chinese military, and COSCO ships have been deployed in Chinese military exercises and are designated as zhanjian, or “warship.” Hong Kong’s Ming Pao newspaper reported that China’s Navy is stepping up its refitting of China’s COSCO ships for use in war. Just last summer, yet another Chinese General threatened a nuclear attack against the U.S. Curiously, the General did not lose his job…! Delivery of a nuclear bomb on board a cargo ship would offer no warning and leave no trace of its Chinese origins after the ship was vaporized.

U.S. Customs caught the Chinese Overseas Shipping Company smuggling 2,000 fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles - destined for Los Angeles street gangs – aboard The Empress Phoenix. The guns were manufactured by China’s Poly Technologies, which is owned and managed by the Chinese government. Court documents reveal that Poly Technologies planned to expand their smuggling into the U.S. to Chinese-made hand grenades, mortars, RPG-7 anti-tank rockets and hand-held anti-aircraft missiles capable of knocking commercial airliners out of the sky.

I made a thread about this as Muaddib some years back.

[edit on 11-6-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

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