posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Let us weigh the aftermath of the Turkish Flotilla.
Nine brave souls lost their lives and all of the rest, according to Ken O'Keefe (,were subjected
to ruthless beatings and humiliations along with depravities for their brief incarcerations in Israel.
In lieu of their attempted brave venture to Gaza it has been anounced by Egypt that they will no longer honor the blockade of Gaza.
Let us look at the damage these peace activists have visited upon Israel by their courageous act in the face of brutality.
-Now, Israel has further isolated itself from the international community.
-Israel has lost a key ally in the region, that being Turkey.
-Egypt has dropped the blockade indefinitely.
-U.N. is opening investigating Israel for criminal action.
-Israel has burned another favor with their political lackeys in D.C. "Cough, Obama, Cough, Cough.
-Investigative journalists are opening calling Israel a "Lunatic State".
-And now more than ever the entire Middle East along with most of the world is seething with disdain for Israel.
I'd like to ask the contributers of ATS if I've overlooked any other political catastrophic fallout that Israel has visited upon itself in lieu of
the Flotilla raid.