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US reporter Helen Thomas quits over Israel comments

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

Understandable. That is the accountability though. Her work is that of public nature thus comes under public scrutiny, both from peers and the general public.

I condone her ability to speak her mind, as it was apparent to that which she believes. Members of the press have personal thoughts that they fight to supress in the name of objectivity. She let loose and that cost her. Right or wrong

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:22 PM
I can't believe some of the postings here.

It's OK to you to criticize people for supporting Israel but show support to those who slaner her.

What if her comments were towards homosexuals, blacks or hispanics? All of you would be crying for her head on a platter.

And by the way, she RETIRED because she can't take the heat!

Mod Edit: Profanity – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by gimme_some_truth]

You have a U2U

[edit on 7-6-2010 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:25 PM
That's funny, hey Helen Thomas if you're reading, why don't you yanks get the hell out of North America and go back to Ireland and Italy.

(this comment is not meant to be taken too seriously).

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by john124
That's funny, hey Helen Thomas if you're reading, why don't you yanks get the hell out of North America and go back to Ireland and Italy.

(this comment is not meant to be taken too seriously).

You know, I was wondering. How does that work for mixed people? Do you cut us in half or quarters or something?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:31 PM
Good riddance to the antisemite.

For all of you Jew haters (and there are plenty of you here on ATS I am embarrassed to say.)

What if Sarah Palin had said "All of you muslims need to go back to Pakistan and stay there"

Would you still support her "right" to say this?

I am thinking your answer would be no.
As an example I give you Imus' "nappy headed" comment.

Hypocrisy much?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by john124
That's funny, hey Helen Thomas if you're reading, why don't you yanks get the hell out of North America and go back to Ireland and Italy.

(this comment is not meant to be taken too seriously).

The yanks who live in the U.S. now had nothing to do with the injustices of the past. But they can do something about the injustices of today.

So why don't you go back to your pie in the sky dreams while those who are living in this present world try and keep bad history from repeating itself.

(this comment was meant to be taken seriously).

I agree with the general sentiment here. This lady spoke what she thought was true and got canned over it. One more feather in the hat of a Zionist controlled media in the USA.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by warequalsmurder]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007
It's possible that the subject is just way too far above even what she can tolerate......

Could be!

Helen Thomas - Wikipedia

Thomas was born in Winchester, Kentucky.[3] Her parents, Mary (née Rowady) and George Thomas, were Lebanese immigrants from Tripoli, Lebanon;[4][5][6] her father's surname had originally been "Antonious".

There is a LITTLE history between Israel and her parents homeland, Lebanon.

Guess this MAY have been a factor in her comments about Israel.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Can't say I disagree. Personally, I think the comment is inexcusable as well. As I said in one of the other threads, its about time her bias, on this and a number of issues, finally caught up with her.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Guys this is really not good that she left
This woman has had an amazing career and I always respected her

If you don't know who this woman is please do some reading
It's very sad, she was and is a living legend!

Journalism has lost a big part of itself today.

She ALWAYS asked questions NOBODY else would ask
I'm sure she's been a thorn in politician's skin for some time now

Look at this legend!!

Why do they want to harm us and she gets no answer

She went out like an honest hero, she deserves respect and admiration!

[edit on 7-6-2010 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

This I agree. Her politics aside, she performed her job for many years with honor and respect. I personally was not a fan of her style, but you cannot please everyone.

Unfortunately this goes along with a speaker I recently saw somewhere on line. He was talking about the experience memory and the feeling memory. A lot in the world feel she was an excellent reporter. She did her job. With her comments, our experiencing memory will impart us with the reason she retired. That is the impression that will stick with a lot of folks. There is always that nagging question now of: Was it because of this incident or policies that she became fed up or has her reporting always been skewed and masked brilliantly?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Cito
she was 100% correct in what she said.

problem is when you work for Jew run media then you gotta watch your mouth and not criticize jewish politics

sad though, since this was one time she was 100% correct.

just US people are scared to stand up to the Jews like other countries are.
But we are good at kowtowing to the Jewmedia

Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews. Let's not let our racism seep out too quickly now. I think we should give Texas back to Mexico, Manhattan back to the Indians, and Syria back to Russia, it's only fair people.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
Good riddance to the antisemite.

For all of you Jew haters (and there are plenty of you here on ATS I am embarrassed to say.)

What if Sarah Palin had said "All of you muslims need to go back to Pakistan and stay there"

Would you still support her "right" to say this?

I am thinking your answer would be no.
As an example I give you Imus' "nappy headed" comment.

Hypocrisy much?

so true as a new member on this site I honestl am staggered by the levels of jew-hating! for a community of what i believed to be truth seekers I find a large proportion of bigots. Can you not have a view that doesn't involve persecution of the jewish people.. If i was jewish and lived in the U.S ( where most of these posters seem to be from) I doubt I'd have the courage to leave the house. It's comments like these that lead to people picking up there rifles one day,strolling down to the local synagogue and doing something very bad. I am all for freedom of speech but surely some things are wrong...if i called a black person/pakistani person etc a disparaging name i would be strung up by posters on this site yet this blatant anti semitism is condoned!

Apologies to all those on this site who have nothing to do with these...Oh yes hate attacks.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by yellowcard
I think we should give Texas back to Mexico, Manhattan back to the Indians, and Syria back to Russia, it's only fair people.

You are correct
However those were different times whereas many here were alive in 1948.

People who's generation was in the late 40s are still alive today.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
What if Sarah Palin had said "All of you muslims need to go back to Pakistan and stay there"

All muslims go BACK to Pakistan?

Do you know how little sense that makes?

Here's some reading for you


posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by consulmac
so true as a new member on this site I honestl am staggered by the levels of jew-hating!

Hardly anybody here is against people of the jewish fate
It's VERY important to understand that

People here are just against Israeli policies whether it is a jewish state or not. The same people, many american people, are also against american foreign policy, does that make them anti-christians?

People do not dislike Israel, they dislike the Lukid party.

Originally posted by consulmac
Can you not have a view that doesn't involve persecution of the jewish people..

Do you have examples that would allow people to have a view that doesn't involve persecution of the jewish people wherein in that same view Israel is not persecuting the palestinian people?

See i'm talking in your language there, as if their view persecutes the jewish people, but that's not what people feel. I'm just trying to speak in your wavelenght.

Originally posted by consulmac
If i was jewish and lived in the U.S ( where most of these posters seem to be from) I doubt I'd have the courage to leave the house. It's comments like these that lead to people picking up there rifles one day,strolling down to the local synagogue and doing something very bad. I am all for freedom of speech but surely some things are wrong...if i called a black person/pakistani person etc a disparaging name i would be strung up by posters on this site yet this blatant anti semitism is condoned!

Simple question
Do you have any such examples of such posts and threads?

ATS is a heavily moderated website, trust me when I say they do not allow racism here whether it be targetted at people of the jewish faith, muslims or even atheists.

Do you have any examples?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by warequalsmurder

The yanks who live in the U.S. now had nothing to do with the injustices of the past. But they can do something about the injustices of today.

I thought this was about people living on the land that used to belong to someone else regardless of which generation supposedly stole it. Most Israeli's were born after 1948 and aren't directly responsible for any injustices.

So why don't you go back to your pie in the sky dreams

Which are???

while those who are living in this present world try and keep bad history from repeating itself.

And this can be achieved by becoming extremist yourself? Please explain...

In fact explain why are you even standing up for this crazy anti-semite woman? It is possible to criticise the actions of the zionist regime without going all Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about it all. Ooops look, the zionists have pissed in your underpants again whilst you weren't looking. Let's blame all the Jews for everything like the Nazi's.

(this comment was meant to be taken seriously)

Why the need for insecure provocations? It's logical to assume comments are serious unless stated otherwise.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by Just Wondering
What if Sarah Palin had said "All of you muslims need to go back to Pakistan and stay there"

All muslims go BACK to Pakistan?

Do you know how little sense that makes?

Here's some reading for you


Rephrase it to "all Muslims go back to SOUTHERN EUROPE, NORTH AFRICA, ASIA and MIDDLE EAST, and the analogy applies". But of course you knew that!

[edit on 7-6-2010 by john124]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering

For all of you Jew haters (and there are plenty of you here on ATS I am embarrassed to say.)

I find this really offensive. Nobody hates any ethnic, or religious group, I hope, as everyone should be past that stage of ignorance.

People are possibly aghast, at what is happening in the middle east, and thinking about all possibilities, given the past few decades.

Not everyone in Israel is a Jew, but the policies of that particular country, I believe is what people are finding to have issues with.

edit to add:

I also think, in regards to the topic, it was time for the old bat, to retire.
She's done a great job, but damn, she doesn't need to work until she dies. I think she deserves a rest!

If you find people who hate atrocities, anti-semite, Jew haters, I think that is your own problem.

Talk about hatred, is anybody who speaks against Israel an Jew hater? It's a country, not a religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Blanca Rose]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by warequalsmurder

This lady spoke what she thought was true and got canned over it. One more feather in the hat of a Zionist controlled media in the USA

Isn't that her fault for going too far instead of just commenting on the actions of the zionist regime....... all media would rightfully slaughter her over it.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I've got to agree with you. She is an incredible lady. She has said so much that really touched me, I can't tell you! I love her honesty and guts. I'm really sad she felt she had to leave the business and under such uncomfortable circumstances. Because she was one of the very best.

I'm not sure there was any "pressuring" for her to retire. From listening to her all these years, I'd tend to think that she got completely disgusted at the outrage that her honestly-spoken sentiment provoked. In other words, she probably retired because of political correctness.

For those who are comparing this to blacks, homosexuals, Muslims, etc., Those people aren't bombing our people and trying to take over our land by force like the Jews in Palestine. Whatever side you take in the Israel situation, and I don't take a side, saying that the Jews should leave Palestine is not the same as saying blacks should go back to Africa. Blacks aren't trying to kill a segment of people and take over our country. If they were, then I might even suggest they go back to Africa myself. I would defend my country.

And I know what I said isn't politically correct and I know what Helen said wasn't either. But if one county were invading and taking over a nation so vehemently as to attack relief aid ships for that nation, no matter WHO they were, I would probably want them to go home.

[edit on 6/7/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

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