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Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA

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posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by solosister
I read here so many conflicts as to if Hitler was good or bad, right or wrong.
We live in a world that is mostly grey. And there is a big danger in condemming Hitler and the like totaly. Just because they were barbaric and immoral against a great many people, they were not so against all.

I think , that for most sane people, that is enough to put them in the BAD column!!! Wow, just WOW!!!!!!! The progressives really have done a number on our children.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

Where do we put the Americans?
Perhaps in the category WORSE!!!

wo studies have been conducted that attempt to number the natives killed by the United States. The first of these was sponsored by the United States government, and while official does not stand up to scrutiny and is therefore discounted (generally); this estimate shows between 1 million to 4 million killed. The second study was not sponsored by the US Government but was done from independent researchers. This study estimated populations and population reductions using later census data. Two figures are given, both low and high, at: between 10 million and 114 million indians as a direct result of US actions. Please note that Nazi Holocaust estimates are between 6 and 11 million; thereby making the Nazi Holocaust the 2nd largest mass murder of a class of people in history.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

Where do we put the Americans?
Perhaps in the category WORSE!!!

wo studies have been conducted that attempt to number the natives killed by the United States. The first of these was sponsored by the United States government, and while official does not stand up to scrutiny and is therefore discounted (generally); this estimate shows between 1 million to 4 million killed. The second study was not sponsored by the US Government but was done from independent researchers. This study estimated populations and population reductions using later census data. Two figures are given, both low and high, at: between 10 million and 114 million indians as a direct result of US actions. Please note that Nazi Holocaust estimates are between 6 and 11 million; thereby making the Nazi Holocaust the 2nd largest mass murder of a class of people in history.

So you cannot refute the original argument that INDIVIDUALS, such as Hitler were evil, you have to turn it into, again, blaming a whole group of people for the actions of a few.

I would bet a majority of the Germans did not approve of the holocaust of Jews, as the majority of Americans would not have approved of the Indian treatment.

And arguing Hitler wasn't bad because he killed less Jews than "Americans" killed Native Americans, thats some convenient logic there!!!!

BTW, using "wikianswers" as a source, NOT valid!!

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

Than why did your ancestors convict the entire German population?

"Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place – that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization."

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:46 AM
The pro-Hitler crap I am reading is quite sickening.

How pathetic. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, defending him.

[edit on 6/8/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Now that's a very mature analysis from you... you contribution is of incommensurable value...

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

Than why did your ancestors convict the entire German population?

"Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place – that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization."

STOP deflecting the blame and actions of the original argument. Until you admit, that Hitler, and many Germans are just as guilty of genocide, (even if it was guilt by turning a blind eye), as any Americans that were complicit in the Indian genocide, you are guilty of deflecting.

Again, 2 wrongs do not make a right, why is that fallacy being ignored?

BTW, a majority, by definition is 51%. If 49% of people were complicit, it would be impossible to sort out the innocent from the guilty. AND If 51% were against what Hitler did, very few did little to stop him.

Stop blaming the U.S. for your guilt and remember, we did a lot to bring your country back to life after the war, nor did we commit mass murders of your POW's or civilians like Stalin did. NO Germans wanted to be caught in the Russian tide, they did what the could to surrender to the Americans, why is that?

I think you should be thanking us for saving you from yourselves and at least half of you from the Russians.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:02 AM
I have a suspicion that may be right or wrong. My suspicion is that history repeats itself because information is suppressed, truth is berried and lies are surgically inserted into every aspect of the account of the current and historic world.

How can we learn from history if we don't really know history. And how can we avert repeats of tragedies if their onset is hidden.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:06 AM
The Bible states very clearly that Jerusalem will be destroyed as part of God's wrath for all of the sins it has committed against God. There isn't much reason to keep worrying about the Zionists.

They don't have much time left according to the Biblical time line.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Red Cloak]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

Die Rheinwiesenlager

50 years after World War 2 1.4 Million German are still missing - why ?
Before the Iron Curtain was lifted all the missing were assumed to have been in Russian hands. But since opening of the Russian archives which contain detailed information of all their prisoners and made available for public scrutiny. These records show about 100,000 are declared as missing and about 200,000 German soldiers died in Russian hands.

"Die vermißte Million" by Michael Zahlen.
Counting the dead near the camp entrance, all those perished in latrines and mud holes we can estimate a death rate of 15 % .
There is no reason to assume a lower death rate in the other camps which had similar conditions.
If we look at the 5 Million prisoners in American camps alone a death rate of 15 % (750,000) is remarkably close to the numbers Bacque states, considering there were also English and French POW camps.
So officially there was never any need or desire to look for the mass graves or the dead of these camps which officially did not exist.
Dem Volksbund für Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, a agency which looks for and maintains the graves of soldiers can only take care of graves outside of Germany. A law instituted 1952 limits this agency to apply to the German government for permission to find and look after those graves.Such permission was never given, in effect when looking for graves inside Germany their hands were tied.
Anyway who is able under oath to state the position of a mass grave, So far is has not happened. Who would have seen it ? The Americans made sure there were no witnesses. Only with a official, professional search could those mass graves be found.
The Kreisverwaltung Bad Kreuznach has declared all this area a "Gelände unter Denkmalschutz" , protected from anyone searching for burial sites. With a penalty of 125,000 Euro
Why are the war crimes of the Rheinwiesenlager still unanswered?
Why are our fathers, grand fathers still in mass graves, mud holes and latrines near the Rhein?
Why are the losers of Word war 2 after half a century afraid to look after their dead soldier?
Why are the losers of Word war 2 after half a century discouraged to remember those dead?
Why is it a criminal offence to honor the dead of the Rheinwiesen lagers ?
It is like a curse not only because of the death camps by the Rhein also over the entire land where the dead call to their living country men.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Regenstorm]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Did I put the bit about Eisenhower deliberately starving 1.7 million german civies after wwll on this thead somewhere?
with references

Some 20 million first nation peoples where killed in the making of the US
2 million buffalo were harmed (killed from the train) in the making of this nation

I guess people didn't read the zionist control of BOTH sides in WWll with references...

thats why some subjects are Illegal to discuss
the finall wall against truth.
why erect walls against truth...?

how about G Soros the jew what did he do during wwll?
he turned in other jews for a profit
this is public and easy to find.
how is it he hasn't been hunted down as a war criminal...
sending so many people to the death camps and all?

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

Die Rheinwiesenlager

50 years after World War 2 1.4 Million German are still missing - why ?
Before the Iron Curtain was lifted all the missing were assumed to have been in Russian hands. But since opening of the Russian archives which contain detailed information of all their prisoners and made available for public scrutiny. These records show about 100,000 are declared as missing and about 200,000 German soldiers died in Russian hands.

"Die vermißte Million" by Michael Zahlen.
Counting the dead near the camp entrance, all those perished in latrines and mud holes we can estimate a death rate of 15 % .
There is no reason to assume a lower death rate in the other camps which had similar conditions.
If we look at the 5 Million prisoners in American camps alone a death rate of 15 % (750,000) is remarkably close to the numbers Bacque states, considering there were also English and French POW camps.
So officially there was never any need or desire to look for the mass graves or the dead of these camps which officially did not exist.
Dem Volksbund für Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, a agency which looks for and maintains the graves of soldiers can only take care of graves outside of Germany. A law instituted 1952 limits this agency to apply to the German government for permission to find and look after those graves.Such permission was never given, in effect when looking for graves inside Germany their hands were tied.
Anyway who is able under oath to state the position of a mass grave, So far is has not happened. Who would have seen it ? The Americans made sure there were no witnesses. Only with a official, professional search could those mass graves be found.
The Kreisverwaltung Bad Kreuznach has declared all this area a "Gelände unter Denkmalschutz" , protected from anyone searching for burial sites. With a penalty of 125,000 Euro
Why are the war crimes of the Rheinwiesenlager still unanswered?
Why are our fathers, grand fathers still in mass graves, mud holes and latrines near the Rhein?
Why are the losers of Word war 2 after half a century afraid to look after their dead soldier?
Why are the losers of Word war 2 after half a century discouraged to remember those dead?
Why is it a criminal offence to honor the dead of the Rheinwiesen lagers ?
It is like a curse not only because of the death camps by the Rhein also over the entire land where the dead call to their living country men.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Regenstorm]

Dude, you need to water down your koolaid......your misinformed anger is going to lead you right back into an early/mid 20th century situation.

Yep, 1000's of U.S. troops are covering up their slaughter of over 1 mil. German POW's. C'mon!! I am a war historian, I have seen footage only a few have seen, I have read books most have never heard of, I have talked to many, many vets and there has never been even a twinkle of such an accusation.

You are trusting Stalinist paper records over actual U.S. observed actions/decorum? Our government may suck, but the U.S. people in general live by higher standards.

It is a well known fact that many returning vets said they found they had so much in common with the Germans as far as attitude/work ethic is concerned, they couldn't understand how the Germans did what they did. Of all the people they came into contact with during the War, they came away actually liking the Germans the most, while they had the most disdain for the French, Japanese and Arabs (not my words, just something I have read many times)

[edit on 8-6-2010 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 8-6-2010 by I_am_Spartacus]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:49 AM

A bunch of Jewish people who survived the camps say they knew the real
Elie Wiesel in the camps, they have been asking this guy
to show his Tatoo
he won't.

Why do so many 'Memiors" and authors keep turning up hoax?

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:55 AM

yup i did post how IKe killed 1.7 million ex soldiers after the war - civies
with the refences

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Just study WW1 and the time before it to understand WW2.
Its not that hard!

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Hitler was a master orator, and enthralled the German public with his speeches, which seemed very reasonable at the time. But he was backed by a huge propaganda machine administered by Goebles, which made the people believe he was the new Messiah. He was insanely popular among the German people, because they were hoodwinked by the mass media.

But there is an old-adage: "you will know them by their fruits." The fruits of the Nazi regime were beyond despicable. It may be that similar despicable acts were later perpetrated upon the German people by the Allies, after the war, or previously by the Americans upon the native Indians. But that in no way excuses the Nazi regime.

A plague upon all their houses! Governments have been a source of deadly enmity toward the peoples of all nations, since the dawn of human history. That is why our Founding Fathers sought to minimalize the power of a central Federal Government--because they viewed it as a deadly enemy toward the people, and sought to put it in chains as best they could. Today, all governments, without exception are corrupt and acting against the best interests of their constituents in favor of large financial interests.

In WWII, there were ideological issues at stake, but even then the financial interests trumphed the ideological interests, and were the real motivating factors for the conflicts. The Hitlers of the world could not pull off their atrocities without major financial backing--mainly by big banks, who stand to profit no matter who wins the conflict.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Angiras

Can you define the fruits?
As said before, the Dutch economy boosted after the occupation and it had happened a couple of years before in Germany itself.
If it wasn't for the war, these were Hitler's goals.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Angiras
In WWII, there were ideological issues at stake, but even then the financial interests trumphed the ideological interests, and were the real motivating factors for the conflicts. The Hitlers of the world could not pull off their atrocities without major financial backing--mainly by big banks, who stand to profit no matter who wins the conflict.

Indeed! No one on its own.. always backup!

He was a puppet, who were the puppet masters?

BTW, I think he was a puppet what eventually got rid of the masters, what got him defeated.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 02:57 PM
he was against 1 world government, wow this was something and no doubt one of the best public speaker in history, shame they didnt teach me about this back at high school but he's a rothchilds and they want 1 world government, doesnt make sense btw He is right about america still the same back then as it is today, but killing innocent people is no excuse, but the speach sounded honest as roosevelt was a total prick

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Hitler may have identified the problem of zionism, but did something absolutely stupid to achieve eradication of zionism, which was the holocaust, which was pretty much retarded because it would never stop the zionists and only aided their cause because now they can hide behind a blanket of anti-semitism.

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