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Verichip's first customers will be the Ibiza's clubbers :

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posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 12:08 PM
I don't have any comment about this info, except that these people are mad to accept to have under the skin something that we don't know yet if it's without any dangers for health...

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 12:39 PM
I'm surprised this hasn't reached UK news sources yet, we've had a huge (though slowly diminishing) club culture in recent years who make the regular trip to these islands such as Ibiza and Ayia Napa (sp?)

'Why not get the chip and be original?'
Children, this is what too many Es does to you.

Of course, let's see the clubber's side of the story. They just want to go out and have a good time of course, and I suppose this streamlining means they can have a good time more efficiently. If that's what people want.....

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Those wanting a microchipped population won't have to force people at all. There will eventually be thousands queuing to get implanted.

"Never worry for your kids safety again. Have them chipped and know where they are".

"It's cool to be chipped"

"Scared of losing your credit cards - get chipped and lose the worry"

Anyone having something like that impanted in their skin must have a screw (or two) loose. Its just insane.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 01:00 PM
I am always amazed at people's willingness to give up their freedoms in the name of convience. You'd rather have a permanent implant under your skin than to have to queue in a line??? This will spread to other places and situtations eventually. I remember reading about another resort, not this one, where the members got implanted with chips as ID.

You're right pisky, the line for chips will be around the block someday

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
Those wanting a microchipped population won't have to force people at all. There will eventually be thousands queuing to get implanted.

"Never worry for your kids safety again. Have them chipped and know where they are".

"It's cool to be chipped"

"Scared of losing your credit cards - get chipped and lose the worry"

Anyone having something like that impanted in their skin must have a screw (or two) loose. Its just insane.

You're completely right, it's all about convenience to people in their ultra-streamlined, ultra-stylish, media-mated lives. It's like people see some new-fangled whatsit and take it all in until it becomes taken for granted. If I knew 100% in my heart that uses for such a chip would not be abused by a government/organization/whatever then I might consider it, but quite frankly I hate needles anyway.

I think apathy will be the downfall of citizens.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 01:21 PM

So what's the over/under on how many years before this will be REQUIRED.

For those who believe in the mark and believe this may be it. I don't think so, but it sure is a precursor....

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Scary very very scary. Piskys right this hip way of looking at getting yourself implanted could ashamedly catch on. It really does seem that one way or another someone out there wants us all named and tagged. Im sure this has been reported in the UK before. Maybe it was that they were thinking about it. Nice one Nans DESMICHELS.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 02:36 PM
It hasn`t caused any side effects in cats they been chipped for years.

I still haven`t heard any convincing arguments against tagging,sure it`s a new concept and like new things a group will be against it.

we have had an identity know to the authorities for years now.Having a chip just makes things easier.If a leader wants to control the masses the least thing to worry about is a chip.where you gonna hide?.you have no control over your money if its in a bank they deny you access.Do you stop using banks?.You can`t leave the country without a passport
.You have a N.I insurance no so you can recieve benefits.So what differance is a chip or i.d card gonna make?.There are films about peoples identitiy being taken away when they have upset the authorities but this just adds to peoples paranoia.They can deny you access to everything now.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by weirdo
It hasn`t caused any side effects in cats they been chipped for years.

Well, what the hell were they using it to buy: Meowmix?

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
Those wanting a microchipped population won't have to force people at all. There will eventually be thousands queuing to get implanted.

"Never worry for your kids safety again. Have them chipped and know where they are".

Hopefully my mom doesn't think that it is a good idea to get our family chipped. Never gonna let anyone put a microchip in me. Just not a good idea. If thye use sayings like those alot of people are gonna get them in their children. I just feel sorry for them.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 02:51 PM
The identity chip is a silly idea. What's to stop a criminal removing theirs? You could then keep it with you when you needed it and otherwise leave it at home! Pointless.

Having said that, if they raised the spec a bit.. build in some invisible ear/tooth implants (4G of course) for phone calls, plus voice-to-email, address book and planner, net access.. and maybe an iTune's subscription...then they WILL catch on...

[edit on 10-6-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 06:38 PM
Weirdo im not having a go but you seem to be forgetting something crucial. They do not have us all numbered, they do not have all of us on record, and this world is at a crucial turning point when it comes to this sort of thing. What you are forgetting is this. If the governments of the world all suddenly vanished tomorrow, [I know that would please some people], people would still be here, people would still find food. people would still be alive and people would still have a future, yep, and all without government. If they start doing this sort of thing it will only lead to more divide. It is not a good thing. Its about our right to be free, to be without prejudice. You talk about it like it would all be ok. For you maybe, for me not. Why? Because i don't want a chip in me and i don't want to hear in the future "sorry sir you can not benifit from this service because YOUR not tagged", and i don't want to hear it said to anyone else. People can and do travel without passports, people do get by without banks, people have plenty of places to hide and people can and do exist without government. We need to be heading towards a free world for all, not a protected world for the privaliged.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Sorry but l disagree totally with the idea that we have total freedom.You can live without a Bank account sure but you restrict your lifestyle.Very few people travel without passport but when court will be prosecuted,and it is very difficult to live a full life in hidding.Sure you could reinvent a differant I.d. but yyou again restrict your lifestyle.I have differant views on N.W.O and the many over the top therories that have mainly been generated from the conspirice and paranoid capitol of the world AMERICA
I don`t believe that the goverments are out to take over the world.Mainly because the world is a huge place with many differant ideas to take over the planet and cage or control everybody would need a huge amount of people and resources and what would be the point.The presidant of Americ has al the power he needsand will become very wealthy,the hassle that controlling the world just not worth the benefits.Sorry but to be tagged will probably never happen,but to suggest your freedom will be controlled is just a 1960`s way of thinking.They already have you all number and and they do have you all on record
trust me.A free world to all will never happen.Cave men had a primitive form of authority there has always been leaders otherwise humanity would have gone extinct

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:44 PM
wether you believe or not is irrelevant.....sounds like the mark of the beast to me...if I wasnt born with it, I dont want it in my body......unless I can poop it out .....ya know.....even then......I dont want to be tagged

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:10 AM

To save time in line? I'm sorry this is not something that I would want. I know that it has helped people get their pets back but I would just as soon stand in line thank you very much.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 06:09 PM
The world has become a small place. I agree NWO is a paranoid concept but all the same western governments do try to number us all, and I don�t like that. They do have a huge amount of people and resources believe me, and those people don�t necessarily know to what agenda they are working towards. As for freedom, travellers and gypsy�s on the European continent are still very much free. They don�t yet have the capability of having us all on file, but they would like to.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 06:33 PM
Hi Kode.

True gypsies are free to travel around only because they don`t make a perminant home and can move at will,but they don`t pose much of a threat.
Agencies don`t employ people to become spies people are approached when they are required.Sections within agencies work towards finding possible threats and researching peoples views in the hope they can be recruited.People are looked at constantly before a threat is a problem.Everyday info is used to asses your personality.Sites such as this are a great help.When you signed up your info is filed and if you look in termsand condiotions it states that when required it will be handed to the relevant authority.So they no who you are and what your views are.They probaly run this site.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 06:49 PM
I agree with that. Sites like these are great to catch those who just aren�t thinking quite right. There have been a few on this site I noticed quietened down when they where told or reminded about the spooks. Actually weirdo you come across as bit of a spook.

[edit on 12-6-2004 by kode]

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 06:55 PM

Actually you come across as a bit of a spook.

Only in the dark

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:45 AM
Hum... Interesting. Very interesting.

I first thought that the strategy that they would use to introduce Verichip to masses would be by insurance companies regulations, and national IDs... but it seems like they (I'm refering here to the global elite that wants to implement this technology) have found an even more clever way to pass it:


Now it`s jus a bunch of underground techno clubbers who will use it, but in a few months or years it`s gonna be some young teens that will ask their parents for implants ("cause itz too kewl!!!" as they would say), and after that it`s gonna become more mainstream and taken seriously by authorities, so one day you'll wake up and ask yourself why is it exactly that you agreed for having a microchip implanted in your hand, but then it`s gonna be too late because it would be AGAINST THE LAAAW to remove that # from your hand.

Big Brother is coming fast! You`d better watch your butt, people, and do everything you can to stop its spreading across your home country.

On my part, I'll refuse that personal privacy infringement device, even when it will be forced by Law under penalty of death (if it ever gets that far)! Freedom or death!

Who`s with me???

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