I do not expect that this thread will be long, I do however expect much criticism on those who claim to have seen dragons. In my previous thread I
thought that my sources from just the internet would be wrong. Saddly I was terribley wrong, so I have made this thread so that anyone who may think
they had an experience with a dragon may speak thier mind. I will share with any who ask the experience of many others who have had encounters. I
offer proof and references of dragons in the past and the present.
Seriously what is the deal with you and dragons? Ancient people seeing trex bones and flipping out I can understand. Maybe a dinosaur survived the
extinction or theres still a pterodactyl or 2 floating around. But honest to god dragons? Get real.
I had a friend many years ago who saw what he said was a "Dragon" while living in Japan.
He was out hiking up some trail in a rural part of Japan and he came upon this gigantic bright white/silver looking pipe. He walked closer and
observed how odd it was he then noticed it had a scale like design on it but it was incredibly smooth looking. He figured it was some artsy design,
as Japanese are known to decorate various pipes, concrete walls, etc with patterns. Although he found it odd that it was laying across a hiking path
without any construction signs, tape, etc.
He estimated it was about 6 feet or so in circumference and it spanned across a trail that was probably 8 feet or so wide. Before he could get close
enough to "touch" it the thing just dragged off the path quickly and went down into a very deep ravine that was incredibly dense with foliage. It
left a mark on the dirt trail. As it dragged into the forest, he noticed it tapered off gradually and looked like a tail from a snake. He said
that what he saw drag off was probably at least 20 feet or so.
Years later I mentioned this to a Japanese friend and he stated that it was most likely a spirit of some sort that may have accidentally made itself
visible to him. He states that such creatures, demons, dragons, etc exist but they do so outside of our normal vibrational reality and are within the
spirit world, but they are always here, around us, just unseen.
To this day the guy swears it was a dragon or some huge snake, or that he was possibly hallucinating.
If what he saw was indeed real then it is most likely he saw a kind of dragon known as a treasure keeper. Are there any other details you can offer
about it?
If what he saw was indeed real then it is most likely he saw a kind of dragon known as a treasure keeper. Are there any other details you can offer
about it?
"Treasure Keeper" ? I am curious where you found the information and what you used to identify the "dragon" that my friend saw?
What i communicated is pretty much all I know. He was out hiking, saw this huge "tube" on a remote path. Walked up to it, saw details. Walked a
few feet closer to touch it but before he got close enough it just slid off the path and into that heavily foliaged area in a ravine and he couldn't
see anything. It was a bright white/silver skin color with relatively small scales for the size, very snake-like and smooth. He said it was also
From what he said it would be similar to this photo:
There were no spines or ridges on the tail he saw, just extremely smooth like that snake. Although it was a much brighter, purer white compared to
that photo.
Possibly similar to this Chinese/Asian White Dragon
I also found this video that claims to be a dead white Chinese dragon, although it is most likely just a dead Oar Fish.
So is what my friend saw a physical dragon? or does it match up with what that Japanese guy said about it being an Invisible "Spiritual" creature
that does not make itself known typically?
I believe my friend, although he said he could have had some strange mental hallucination. He would rather believe that instead of seeing an actual
dragon or unknown creature I suppose. Although he does not do drugs, does not drink, and has never before hallucinated in his life.
ive seen 3 or 4 dragons asleep and 2 to 3 awake but in a "fractured reality".
the ones ive seen asleep i was able to see as if i were watching them in a picture book or on tv; the few in the "fractured reality" i was not able
to distinguish as being dragons.
I question as to whether they exist at this time. In some places of the world see it as fact that dragons exist today. Unfortunately I've never been
to any o those places so i can't say whether they think they exist today, at least that's the case for most of them.