posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:57 AM
Rule by secrecy, or government as we know it, is the real or primary cause of the ecological catastrophe in and adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico.
It's a cinch that transparency - REAL transparency, not the phony baloney, half-assed (at best) "transparency" people like Barack Obama espouse -
in government is THE catalyst for greater knowledge, which governs all things political, spiritual, scientific and educational in general. If,
beginning in 1947, the National "Security" State would never have been permitted to exist, the greater knowledge the public would have received
would have resulted in, for instance, our being able to quit using poisonous energy sources like petroleum, coal and nuclear power, at least soon
enough. Or IF it wouldn't have worked out that way, at least we could say we exhausted every possible effort, like an intelligent enough species
would do. Certainly the crude oil required for manufacturing solid products could be extracted from land-based wells only, assuming oil would be used
for anything at all.
So, to whom it applies, please carry on with your blaming BP for its safety violations of the blowout protector as the "cause" of the oily disaster,
or whatever other weak, small time criticizing. Such huffing and puffing is purely farcical. It's the equivalent of screaming for Band Aids when
major surgery is needed. It's ignorance to the degree of psychosis. Everyone who's comfortable enough with anything resembling the
beyond-gargantuan level of secrecy that runs everything (at least now) is responsible for all environmental destruction. Rule by secrecy equals rule
by fear/cowardice, ignorance and greed. Period. You have only yourselves to blame (to whom it applies).
It's difficult to put into words, but I'm getting a feeling that Earth humans are entering a new phase that's all about determining the overall
worthiness of the species. Soon enough it will be sink-or-swim time. Will there be a strong enough migration away from the passive, reactive,
wallowing, breast-beating weakling routine? Will enough people choose to forget about their meaningless egos and get rid of their mere (political and
religious) BELIEFS in favor of the DESIRE for objective reality?