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Who Is BH Obama Really? A Test For You.

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by IcarusDeepSea
reply to post by serenesupreme

obvious troll is obvious

Oh you can't possibly disagree with you and give a valid, sensible response, can you? No, only trolls would do such a thing.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:57 AM
You do have to wonder whether Obama is just a prop for the secret government. He is almost a perfect stand in for a missing president; looks the part, acts the part, sounds the part, but he is not a president. When you are a president you do not get elected saying one thing to just do totally the opposite as soon as you get into the big chair, that is what someone who is being used does.

It makes me think about the film DAVE where the president is replaced by a look-a-like who does exactly as he is told by his handlers! Does Obama do as he is told and repeat what he is told to say? Think the answer is NO? then why does he need a teleprompter to address school children? SEE OBAMA

If a major change was taking place either for the USA or the world, what better way to usher it in than with a controlled puppet president. No one wants a newbie to come in and rock the boat because he wants to save America!

No disrespect meant to Obama as an individual, but they have made him look more like a Ken doll than a president! If I had the opportunity to speak to Obama myself I would say:

"You are the president of the most powerful country in the world. You are supposed to be leading the world into an era of peace, understanding and co-operation. You are supposed to be putting a stop to these wars which serves no one but the military establishment. You are supposed to be stopping terrorism, so shut down the CIA who keep creating these groups. You are supposed to be The NEW HOPE, instead of which you have become known as The No Hope, Obama bin bad and Odumbo. If you have any respect for yourself as a human being you need to have a press conference without the electronic script someone has written for you and the safety net in case you get asked a difficult question; and tell the USA and the World what is really going on.

NO ONE believes yo are this incompetent! NO ONE believes that you would deliberately destroy what is left of the USA. NO ONE believes you want a civil war. No ONE believes you are deliberately allowing the destruction of the entire eco system in the Gulf and what may turn out to be the planet. NO ONE believes that you want to preside over the death of millions if not billions of people without telling them the truth so they can make peace with themselves, instead of dyeing in abject fear and confused as to what is happening to them; yet even G.W.Bush Jr said 'you will wish you had me back, if you knew what was coming', and he was regarded as an idiot.

So we as a people know something is happening. Gandi, Nelson Mandela, JFK, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X were all people that inspired the world into being a better place; unless you wish to be remembered as being THE ONE who was going to surpass all of them, only to end up relegated into the Stalin, Hitler, Nero category for their dis-stain of their fellow man, grow some balls and tell us the truth."

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by IcarusDeepSea
reply to post by drwizardphd
I wish we had a bone structure expert on our roster.

Maybe we do, but you don't bother to ask as you are narrow=minded hillbillie.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by airvicemarshal

Originally posted by IcarusDeepSea
reply to post by drwizardphd
I wish we had a bone structure expert on our roster.

Maybe we do, but you don't bother to ask as you are narrow=minded hillbillie.

Here's a nuther narrow minded hillbilly asken.


Don't judge a book by it's cover.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 11:54 PM
damn I can read his palm just in that one shot. well almost. ooooo I have never seen anybody's fate line go straight through the mount of saturn.

I might give a semi analysis from what I can read from it.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 01:32 AM
I will be doing this with being neutral. I only read my own palm because people don't like what they hear. This is just a brief summery not a full length version.

Line of head: The Line of Head very open and separate from the Line of Life denotes a character with too little caution or sensitiveness .The subject will go to the opposite extreme of him with the Line of Head and Line of Life joined. When the space is very wide it denotes excessive impetuosity and lack of continuity of purpose, a person who pushes himself forward on all occasions, a great desire for notoriety and one continually changing his plans as far as the world is concerned. When this line is excessively open or separate from the Line of Life, the brain seems to be an extremely excitable one. The subject suffers greatly from excessive blood to the head, mental hysteria, sleeplessness, and all things that affect the brain.

Line of Fate: Since his fate line starts at the wrist he will have extreme good fortune and success. But he seems to also have another fate line rise from the mount of luna and joins with the main fate line which indicates that his success will be on the fancy and caprice of other people. Basically he found his destiny with the public figure head. Since his fate line off-shoots to the mount of Jupiter (finger pointer) it means some type of power and distinction will come into the person's life. Now I mention where the line of fate runs through the mount of saturn. It is not a good sign to have. Basically it could foresee happen that the people who got him into that power will probably betray him in some fashion.

Line of Life: It looks like he has two life lines, but i am assuming the inner life line is the line of influence. it seems most of his line of life is influenced by somebody which I know not. it could be the people that got him into this power as I mention in the life of fate. What kind of scares me is that his life line is short and as well as the line of influence. That is all I can get off the line of life. But since it is separated from the line of head and not too wide it donates that the subject is more free to carry out his plans and ideas. It can also denotes that he has high energy and very go-ahead spirit.

Line of Heart: what I got from the line of heart is that since it rises from the mount of saturn it indicates that he will have more passion toward his attachment and will be more or less selfish in satisfying his affections. But what is strange is his heart line also starts with his fate line and makes me think his love for his wife was fated of sorts.

meh, just a quick observation from what I could read and If I had a better picture I could be a better read.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:08 AM
*crickets chirping*

LOL tough crowd on my analysis of his palm.

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