posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Yep, I immediately thought of "Dark City" when seeing the trailer for Inception.
As for Robin Hood, it was really an unfamiliar take (and a mish-mash of various legends), that left most moviegoers going "I don't know what I just
saw, but it wasn't Robin Hood"....
I'm with the above poster, Errol Flynn is still THE Robin Hood.
I was really thrown by the "Normandy" WWII landing craft used by the French. What the heck was that? Then, the English have a line of archers on the
high ground, and heavy cavalry approaching the French below. Do they wait, set a defensive line, and let the archers waste the French? No, the idiots
charge into battle, basically making the archers (kind of the whole thing about Robin Hood) completely useless. And then the French, seeing that all
is gone terribly wrong, KEEP LANDING? REAL French would be getting out of Dodge (and they'd be right for it).... Crazy...