posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Hi everyone-
I picked this title for my introductory thread because they that is the phrase that I keep coming back to with every nugget of information that I am
able to gather about how truly screwed up this world of ours truly is.
Basically, I find myself posting to this site because I was informed by a very trusted source, that this is one of the few places I can engage in
intelligent conversation and debate about meaningful subjects.
I'm not much to worry about things that are out of my control, but I'm also not one that keeps his head in the sand in order to avoid doing
anything... I'm actually quiet the opposite.
Considering how the government is systematically taking away all of my god given rights and means of controlling any aspect of my life...
I thought I'd reach out to other people that have wandered out of the fog of "un-reality" TV, corporate sponsored news broadcasts, and mindless
regurgitation of similarly meaningless distractions to what is really affecting our lives and our futures.
So thank you for reading my initial rant. I look forward to hearing opinions that aren't feed to me through mass media and advertising agencies.
All the best,