posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Many years ago... like 1996... I was an avid poster on the Clutch message boards (Clutch is a hard rock band from Maryland), and so was a really funny
guy named WillieOneSac. That's when I met him. I remember his posts always being funny= and good to read, and he was always nice to everyone.
I remember, a few of Clutch's songs had some good conspiracy lyrics, and I remember he posted a link to a very very early version of ATS on the
Clutch boards so that we could learn more about the conpiracies behind the lyrics. So you can say that he is the one that introduced me here, and
I've been here ever since (in a few different account names, of course).
I haven't messaged him in years, but as he is one of my first internet message-board friends, I never forgot him. And I probably never will.
His humor, insight, wit, and charm shall be missed. The world (and most especially the internet) will be a worse place without him.
God rest his soul, and God bless his family & friends.
Cheers Willie. See you on the other side