posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 09:52 AM
Hello ATS, this is my first thread.
I feel as if there is a lot of racism on these boards. I also feel that there is a lot of agenda driven instigators on all sides of a given
Instead of saying things like "America supports Israel" or "Israel is a terrorist state" or "Palestine is a bunch of suicide bombers" we should
really be sensitive to the people of that nation.
That is a rather blatant method of stereotyping and the sooner we rid ourselves fallacy of thought, the sooner we can unite as a people and cause real
change to occur.
The majority of America doesn't support its own government.
The majority of Israel doesn't support the actions of its own government.
The majority of Palestine chose the lesser of two evils for its government and if they weren't being persecuted by Israeli LEADERSHIP (see what I did
there?) a more stable party would be formed.
I used those three countries as examples but it applies to any country.
If we can raise ourselves beyond our personal biases and prejudices, then we can move ahead as GLOBAL HUMANITY.
In short, people will respect your views a lot more if they are unbiased and objective.