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Belfort group con(chem)trail study

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:07 AM
Belfort group con(chem)trail study

Although this is a rather small and unknown group in a small country, they count a few former politicians to their members, who are doing the very best they can to spread public awareness.
They have recently done a study on contrails / chemtrails and sent the results of this study to all embasies around the world, international press, UNO, NATO and as many like minded groups and websites they could find.

It's a long report so I'm only posting the link to the downloadable pdf file:

The Belfort group:
founded in 2009 by Peter Vereecke, the former mayor of the city of Evergem in Belgium.
The purpose : informing the public and defend truth, freedom and the integrity of humanity.

From their (dutch) website:
“It is time that we stand up against -and break loose from- the slavery and hypnotizing state in which they [the elite] keep us … we urge the public to free themselves from suppression, blind faith and fear and claim they civilian and human rights again ...”

It's not all 'big news' to most Ats readers and I'm sure some will have their say on this report.
Personally I don't have enough knowledge to conclude if their claims are valid or not... still, they mean well and I think their goals are rather 'nobel' and not to spread lies.
That said, I hope you'll find it worth the read

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:24 AM
Related thread about an international symposium just held this past may 29th(by the same Belfort Group), citing this pdf compilation/report/study.

I don't think they are 100% duplicates, this is specifically about the report, the other was more focused about bringing awareness to the international symposium.

International Chemtrail Symposium May 29 2010

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by jjjtir

yes I saw that one, but it doesn't contain this report, which was made public only this week

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:39 AM
I'm saving this to read later in its entirety, but this in the Executive Summary is interesting:

"Patents, previously classified documents, order forms for Barium and maps with daily spraying schemes irrevocably denote the existence of a global military sponsored and governmental approved project for alteration of the upper troposphere for global control purposes."

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by yuefo

yes there is a lot of interesting stuff in it, unfortunately also a lot of technical stuff about airplane engines, which is one thing I'm not really interested in... so for that part I leave it up for the 'more informed' people on ats

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Hi GypsK, This paper is quite misleading IMHO, I'll just paste what I wrote HERE.

Come back to us when this get's peer reviewed.

There are so many cases of misinformation and inaccuracies in this thread, such as cloud seeding being called chemtrails.

But my favourite is on page 60, the chemtrail 'prediction maps'

These maps are actually showing where contrails were most likely to form, not chemtrails.

Kevin Martin is actually a member here on ATS (or was) and shared these maps and eventually he shared how he was able to 'predict chemtrails'.

Many a chemtrailer had egg on their faces with that one!

Sorry dude but this paper is just a whole bunch of crap thrown at a wall, seeing what sticks then writing about it.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:34 PM
There was anohter thread on this same thing

I wrote....

Not a very convincing article from what Ive read so far. One of the major things they said is that we ate not concerned with aviation meteorology. That is entirely untrue. We are extremely interested in what happens aloft, as upper air conditions indicate changing weather and the presence of nearing cold fronts and pressure systems. We also forecast for icing and turbulence for aircraft. I doubt you or any of the people that wrote that article would even know what a TAF is, right?

And also, why are all our upper air met stations located at airports or airfields? Why would we bother if we weren't concerned with aviation meteorology, and why would we even launch weather balloons, which give us data up to 90,000ft?

Would be an aweful waste of money

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:50 PM
@GypsK: Since my thread has been closed, I'll respond to you in here. It doesn't matter whether the report is based on a study of contrails or chemtrails or whatever. The point remains, that the rumors and the aspects of chemtrails, are reflected within this study of contrails. The whole point of the thing we call chemtrails is that planes eject chemicals and other stuff for reasons we do not know, and this reports reflects that. It does not matter how you call the phenomenon, it's still a fact that the chemicals of exhausts are not something that can be considered healthy. And actually, it's a good thing that it's a study about contrails, because if they name it a study of chemtrails, the likes of "Maybe...maybe not" (in my thread here 2nd post) will refuse reading it and simply use the same old retarded arguments and bombarding you with links without actually looking at the data.

Why is it that people are so closed-minded? Can't you see the correlation between the two? What you argued is like saying the report was based on milk chocolate and not on cacao, even if the milk chocolate also contained cacao.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:51 PM
Chem-trails---i see the dis-info governement deniers posted right off the bat. Well to the people who know what is up never mind them suckers.
We carpenters who work out side here in n-wisconsin have seen them for over 10 years now. We were building a lake home for a retired air-force pilot. We asked him what the government planes were doing , wehave no air-ports here for these big planes that we noticed were spraying something in striping patterns and sometimes checkerboard patterns. The air-force pilot said he didnt know, but they WERE NOT NORMAL con-trails. WE were concerned since we do alot of working outside in our short summer and we noticed these trails spread out and blanket the sky by noon. WE also have been noticing how our weaher has changed drasticly here in n wisconsin.
We now know that its the government DIMMING PROJECT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE. period. If you see these trails you will knotice that they start in early morning [not just around the clock] You will notice that these trails go from horizon to horizon then spread out to join togather creating a blanket of smear. We have noticed these planes always really pouring on the smear ahead of all storm fronts. WE have noticed that starting the winter befor last they are now spraying here in n-wisconsin even in the winter-[after we had one so warm nobody could sno-mobile or ski since it was in 40's almost all winter] WE know the deniers are a evil lot who want to help the government hide what is happening to our planet. But god knows and we carpenters here know-------its THE GLOBAL DIMMING PROJECT THAT IS WORLD WIDE dont believe, who cares since the end result will still come, dont believe and you help evil, since all the science is there to study, only your too lazy or a government dis-info agent helping the nwo. or you are just to ignorant to watch the planes and put two and two togather----

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by itsawild1
We now know that its the government DIMMING PROJECT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE. period.

Clouds, ice and snow have a higher albedo than anything on the planet. They do a prefecty good job of reflecting sunlight back out into space. Contrails being ice do the same thing

If you see these trails you will knotice that they start in early morning [not just around the clock]

Coincidently the same time that aircraft curfews finsih, and planes are allowed back in the skies....

We have noticed these planes always really pouring on the smear ahead of all storm fronts.

Any meteorologist (myself included) will tell you that contrail persistence is a good indicator of approaching fronts, as the upper troposphere always moistens out prior to the lower, rain bearing levels.

dont believe and you help evil, since all the science is there to study, only your too lazy or a government dis-info agent helping the nwo. or you are just to ignorant to watch the planes and put two and two togather----

Ok, since I study the upper air environment and actually observe and interpret the data, which most people have no access too, Im automatically evil and assisting the NWO?

Sorry, Ive seen some pretty weak arguments for labelling people as evil and/ or disinfo agents, and this one is waaaaay down there

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by itsawild1
"wehave no air-ports here for these big planes that we noticed were spraying something in striping patterns and sometimes checkerboard patterns.:
Plane fly in different directions so their trails will, too.

No airports doesn't mean you will not have planes flying overhead.

Oz added other valid points, and I bow to him as a professional. I am NOT, though. I am a middle=aged, middle-American, midwestern USA housewife and grandmother. Not an agent of anything, I am a cloud-watcher and have seen contrails for over 40 years. I've also reseached "chemtrail" claims extensively. This video spotlights your assumptions:

[edit on 4-6-2010 by stars15k]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

no its just your denying the existence of chemtrails, since most people are in fear of them, i understand that.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:32 PM
I have finished reading the report. To me, I wonder why you have added the "chem" to the title. It is a report about contrails, just as the actual paper title suggests. They do come to some conclusions based on patents, which is something tried before. A patent, does not mean something willl work, or that is even exist beyond paper. They acknowledge this.
The take on "chemtrails" is interesting, and even they put the word in quotation marks. On page 13, it gets a two paragraph mention, but includes, "spraying in a grid". Logically, this is because planes fly in different directions; to not note that...well, makes me wonder if they figured that out or not.
I think all "chemtrail believers " should be required to read Section 5.1, and stick to the protocol mentioned in 5.3.1, especially with regards to pictures (and videos). "Photographic material in the context of this research protocol should only be released when the probability of error is close to zero." (page 44) That would cause all "chemtrail" believers to think a bit about just what they are accomplishing beyond spreading conspiracy, ignorance, and fear. And it would support the search for an answer beyond personal, usually flawed, observation.
On page 15 there was an interesting comment, though. "Because contrails are not considered as a weather phenomenon thre are subsequently few science surveys covering the topic." Which part of the 70+ years of scientific study did they miss?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:38 PM
I plan to take a look at this study more closely a little later and hope to be able to make some informed comments. Until then, S&F all around for OP and all the good people not trying to derail the thread. Thanks for sharing your exp, itsawild1.

Keep spreading the word about this Belfort group as it sounds like they are doing good work!

If you're new to chemtrails watch Don't Talk About the Weather or Aerosol Crimes

Don't be sheep.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:39 PM
Contrails are, and I have said this before are, without any conspiracy theory, in effect chemtrails. Jets have heavy, toxic metals in sacrificial parts of their engines, in additives in their fuels and chemical reactions as by products. The exhausts release all this stuff in fine particulates easily breathed in. Now, the "Gobal warming" theorists have been pretty clear about what they think is the reason for global warming, at that is a lack of cloud cover. So, rather than "Cloud seeding" they want to make clouds. The military have their own agenda, and throw out toxic Aluminium for their purposes. All this stuff is happening over our heads, with noone in control, and everybody in charge.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
I have finished reading the report. To me, I wonder why you have added the "chem" to the title. It is a report about contrails, just as the actual paper title suggests.

actually I added the 'con' to the title because I realize that the paper is a study about contrails.
If you look for this study report on other websites you notice that it is overall presented as a 'chemtrail' report, this is also how some members of the belfort group try to spread it.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by vasaga

yes I totally get what your saying!
That's why I made that comment in the first place...
A lot of people speculate about chem and con trails without knowing anything about it, while they might very well be the same thing. Only, in the mind of the uninformed, a chemtrail means big doom and the term is pushed in the corner together with all the hoax theories, while the term contrail rings no bells at all.

I personally do believe that
1. we do have the technology to spread chemicals by air
2. some people are stupid enough to experiment with it
3. contrails do have an effect on our environment (and maybe our health) and some day someone will undeniably proof that :p

that said, I will also look into the arguments presented by others here, rather then blindly believe a paper.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
Hi GypsK, This paper is quite misleading IMHO, I'll just paste what I wrote HERE.

There are so many cases of misinformation and inaccuracies in this thread, such as cloud seeding being called chemtrails.

All I can think off is that they call it chemtrails because, with cloud seeding, they do spread chemicals in the air (which is the definition of a chemtrail: a trail that contains chemicals)

As you may know, the chemical they use mostly for cloud seeding is 'silver iodide'

and this is what wiki has to say about it:

Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the EPA, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and as a toxic pollutant.
Chronic Exposure/Target Organs: Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce “iodism”, which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss of weight and general depression may also occur. Chronic inhalation or ingestion may cause argyria characterized by blue-gray discoloration of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic skin contact may cause permanent discoloration of the skin.

wouldn't you consider that a kind of chemtrail?

and as you can read in the paper, at this moment only China and Russia are admiting that they manipulate weather patterns.
Does that mean that the rest of the world doesn't? I think one has to be very naive to believe that...
(disclamer: I'm not calling you naive :p)

edited for spelling (my english is very bad today!)

[edit on 5/6/2010 by GypsK]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Hey Oz,
I don't want to derail this tread and we did talk about this in chat once...

as a profesional, do you believe global warming / climate change is real? If yes, do you think it's caused by man or a natural cicle?

and about the con/chem trails, you say you can use them to predict the weather, in how far did you study them? have you taken air samples and tested them?
Because I think that you, being a profesional weather man, explain the trails from your side of view, while an environmentalist (is that the right word?) will perform tests and see a whole different side.

then again, even the profesionals from all areas of expertise do contradict each other...

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by GypsK

All I can think off is that they call it chemtrails because, with cloud seeding, they do spread chemicals in the air (which is the definition of a chemtrail: a trail that contains chemicals)

I'll touch more on cloud seeding shortly, but in effect, every fuel burning engine will exhaust particulates, this includes cars, buses, trucks and jets.

It is only when conditions permit that contrails become visible.

As you may know, the chemical they use mostly for cloud seeding is 'silver iodide'

and this is what wiki has to say about it:

Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the EPA, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and as a toxic pollutant.
Chronic Exposure/Target Organs: Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce “iodism”, which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss of weight and general depression may also occur. Chronic inhalation or ingestion may cause argyria characterized by blue-gray discoloration of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic skin contact may cause permanent discoloration of the skin.

wouldn't you consider that a kind of chemtrail?

and as you can read in the paper, at this moment only China and Russia are admiting that they manipulate weather patterns.
Does that mean that the rest of the world doesn't? I think one has to be very naive to believe that...

Have a look into how China seeded the clouds (and that's the key word here btw), they used artillery shells.

The other method is to set off flares from a light aircraft in low cloud.

The method of cloud seeding isn't what is described by the chemtrailers.

It also is no secret.

There are plenty of businesses who cloud seed, it's no big secret.

Here's one in the USA:

I wrote a thread regarding cloud seeding, it also has a pretty good video too that is recommended viewing if you want to learn a little about cloud seeding:

(disclamer: I'm not calling you naive :p)

lol good good

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