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U.S. Government admits nose cone of Flight 77 SURVIVED Pentagon crash!

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

Thanks, that is a striking picture which I have not seen before. Really brings home the scale of the debris but some people will say it was all planted !

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

Let the derail-fest continue... (although I don't get the feeling you are doing it intentionally Alfie

What gives you the idea this wreckage is from an airplane crash?
I see wires, wood, cement, a cabinet, pipes, a few unidentifiable things... and no visible evidence of sustained fire damage, only minor charring of the ceiling
(probably some people have the ability to see a nose cone in there though

Is that an old style typewriter in the bottom center? Surprised that didn't get burned...

also interesting: it takes about the same temperature to melt steel (2700 F) and glass (2800 F). It's odd that the glass remained unburnt yet all the alleged airplane parts dissolved leaving no trace; in fact almost nothing looks burnt excpt the ceiling!

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Thermo Klein]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:11 PM

U.S. Government admits nose cone of Flight 77 SURVIVED Pentagon crash!

No, they don't.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing PIECES of the nose cone. The article you mention is simply poorly written. Show me A SINGLE witness statement saying they saw the whole, intact nose-cone...

Nothing to see here, folks. Just more inaccurate, fatuous nonsense.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
Since when does the word "including" at the beginning of a list imply the whole articles can be in pieces??

Looks like your attempt at cutting off the quote didn't quite fool people here, but then again neither has your misleading thread title.

Now, let's take a look at the actual quote that you're obviously wishing would go away :

People who went to the Pentagon crash site reported seeing parts of an airplane, including the nose cone, landing gear, an airplane tire, the fuselage, an intact cockpit seat, and the tail number of the airplane

First of all using your logic, by reading that sentence one would also think they found an intact fuselage. That is simply not the case, however, notice the only object referred to as being INTACT is the cockpit seat. This is explicitly stated and that is why all the other objects in the source link that was provided were reported to be in pieces.

You have been caught being dishonest, and you know it. Your best bet is to just come clean, ask the mods to change/delete this bunk thread, or you can just keep digging yourself in deeper while we get a good laugh at it all.

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
I know you can read... try some INTEGRITY!

Now would be the perfect time to practice what you preach.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

Welcome to the thread - it'll be nice hearing from you after you read past the title...

The government website says:

People who went to the Pentagon crash site reported seeing parts of an airplane, including the nose cone, landing gear, an airplane tire, the fuselage, an intact cockpit seat, and the tail number of the airplane, as reported in an e-mail to a conspiracy theory Web site that debunks the conspiracy theory claims

Would you really expect ANY of the nosecone to survive?? It hit (if you believe an airplane actually crashed that day) directly into the steel-reinforced concrete wall with the kinetic energy of a very heavy, very fast airplane behind it! NOTHING would be left of it.

Luckily our government no longer needs legitimate sources for things so from now on I suppose you can believe anything that's ever been written by anyone.

Gosh, I guess that email saying newcasters are reptilian aliens must have been true!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:33 PM
first a .gov site that 'dispels' conspiracy theories with absolutely zero facts, just extremely futile assertions, THEN we are mysteriously treated to the 'nose cone' of the "plane" that obliterated on contact with the pentagon 10 YEARS LATER.


good stuff. aw and it gotta little dent in it too. how realistic.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:35 PM
It was a missile. They are liers. They will deny everything till the bitter end despite releaseing info that contridicts with the origional story.

Case closed.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:42 PM
This video is old, but worth pointing out, that @ 1:27/1:28 you can SEE the missile in the right of the screen. The video then pauses meaning the pentagon probably edited it. No plane in sight, yet a clearly visible missile shaped object moments before explosion.

You were caught RED HANDED!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
Would you really expect ANY of the nosecone to survive??

Why not? It's not exactly implausible. The nose-cone wouldn't completely vapourize at the moment of impact. It would be squeezed and crushed and pieces would break off and go in different directions. And we have the statements of the people who saw these pieces.

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
It hit (if you believe an airplane actually crashed that day) directly into the steel-reinforced concrete wall with the kinetic energy of a very heavy, very fast airplane behind it! NOTHING would be left of it.

Perhaps if the plane was made of sand and water that would be true. Since when is "nothing" left of anything? Things like planes don't just disintegrate.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:44 PM
No plane hit the pentagon. You cannot crash a jumbo jet in a building and endup with a 10x10 hole.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by ATH911

I think the OP worded it wrong too, but funny pieces of the nose cone were reportedly seen, but no traces of the tail found.

Did they find pieces of the toilets? Dammit I want to know! If they didnt find pieces of the toilet then no plane crashed at the Pentagon!

I, for one, am surprised that not a single person found one lousy piece of a toilet from the "alleged" Flight 77 aircraft anywhere in the Pentagon. I mean not even a piece of the lid? What about the seat? Come on, I mean they found the engines, parts and pieces of the nose cone, why not toilets? There are how many toilets on the plane? Then someone should have at least found some parts of the toilets on the plane, I mean come on! No traces of the toilets? Impossible!

[edit on 6/4/2010 by GenRadek]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

I know ur just joking around, but what about those little drink carts! I had my knee smacked by one of those once - they must be made of titanium!!

A few things make it impossible to buy into - they claim to have "the nose cone" (without pictures) but yet the wings and the tail didn't make it?

This is the same old story and not the point of the thread - the point is that our government is claiming something based on an EMAIL as proof! Could it be poor writing and grand assumptions? maybe... but the also claim to have the tail number (but no pictures). The website should have hired some of us from ATS - we woulda done a MUCH better job of researching and finding pictures and citations.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Hmm,so the fuselage and nose cone survived,but the wings vapourised before they had time to smash into the walls of the pentagon...

Yes those people that beleive the offical story don't have an answer for that one or will answer why all the CCTV's on the petagon went worng or want to talk about why the intercepter planes were called back and the reason it took 3 days to put the fire out.

All they think they know is that it is impossible to plant parts on the crime scene and the CIA never perform black ops.

They still maintain Iraq had WMD and Bill didn't have sex with that woman.

Did you know a plane needs to slow down before it lands due to the ground effect and if you force a plane near the ground at 500mph then it will tear tarmac from roads and yet the lawn in front of the pentagon was like a golf field after the so called attack.

if they have nothing to hide then lets have a full and open independant investigation where first reponders can talk without the threat of lossing their jobs and pension entitlement and lets have it live on TV so that all us conspriacy theorists can be shot down once and for all.

The USA under zionist control is the bigest bully in the playground and will invent reasons to pick a fight and the more desperate the economy gets the more willing people are to except untruths because they dare not consider that one day these same evil forces will be used againt them.

Can anyone guess Larry Silverstein religion or maybe Henry Kissinger religion ? Yes they pulled back from allowing him to chair the 9/11 investigation because he would not revial his financial contacts that we all knew about.

Frank Lowy is another one as is Lewis Eisenberg and the list is endless and yet we are told the jewish comunity only makes up 2% off the american popuation.

Your rights are being eroded, incomes are going down and you have a right to question your goverment unless you live under a dictatorship which we do in every way except officaly.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
It hit (if you believe an airplane actually crashed that day) directly into the steel-reinforced concrete wall with the kinetic energy of a very heavy, very fast airplane behind it! NOTHING would be left of it.

Perhaps if the plane was made of sand and water that would be true. Since when is "nothing" left of anything? Things like planes don't just disintegrate.

Right... I forgot I was dealing with concrete thinkers

I was using "nothing" in the vernacular of "nothing recognizable"

I still stand by my statement, you use an airplane to push a nose cone through a thick, reinforced concrete and steel wall (to make a smaller than airplane sized hole) and the nose cone is going to be flattened and unrecognizable, in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by impressme
Great thread, S&F Boy oh Boy
I have to laugh this is the most outrages un-believeable of mother of all lies.

Well folks, here is the PROOF I have been waiting for. For you OS believers read this and learn something. Our government tells lies its that simple. they lie all the time and they are really despreat to come up with this garbage. I believe the heat is on, the false flag criminals are worried.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by impressme]

I fully agree, impressme, TPTB are running scared, and they are mostly afraid we will fully awaken and burn them at the stake, and I cannot really blame them for being afraid. They need to be scared, for all the lies they have told us, and the fake reality they have made us live in. the high prices and hidden taxes with no redress of grievance and our Civil rights are in danger every day of the famous "presidential edict." GWB gave the executive branch power over all other branches, and gave the FED ultimate power to control us through our economy and fiat money system. So let's wake up, folks.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Gold_Bug

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
According to trusted sources within the U.S. Government....


There is no such thing as trusted sources within the U.S. Government,

Lol I was thinking the same!!
Anyone here ever watch forensic files, Or one of those investigation shows?
One thing the investigators do to get to the real story is they get the witnesses and the suspects to talk about the crime. By doing this they compile evidence and find truths and lies with consistencies and inconsistencies.
I propose this may be the Gubbmments way of giving us disclosure. While they will never admit to being wrong maybe just maybe this is there way of admitting wrongdoing by showing all of the inconsistent and conflicting evidence.
Who is to say how the website got started, maybe it was an insider with a brilliant idea to get the stories in the open with the help of the Gubbmment under the false pretense of making a conspiracy debunking site. Or maybe I’m wrong and they really are dense enough to think that thousands and millions of collaborating minds couldn’t find the bits of evidence that will give the story away.
Dunno, just my 2 cents.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:02 PM
They sure don't make nose cones like they used to!

How ridiculous does it have to get before EVERYONE stops believing in the government's Official Fairy Tale?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

The funny thing is...

When there isn't enough evidence (like Shanksville) you say "OMG WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE?!"

When there is evidence (like the Pentagon) you say "OMG HOW CAN THERE BE EVIDENCE - THERE SHOULD BE NOTHING LEFT!!"

So, you win both ways don't you. And that's how your conspiracy continues...

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Good Intentions
I've honestly been in the middle on whether I believe the government did this or not, but I mean if they say they found the nose cone then I'm going to have to say BS. Everything in the official pictures are shreds of metal, yet the nose is still identifiable?

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Good Intentions]

your still sat on the fence of whether or not the government had involvement in 9/11...

are you frigging mad.. were you born in the i'm a gimp with no brain hospital?

seriously dude, we're at the 11th hour of all this madness, you've been coming to this site for x amount of time and your still sat on the fence about the event that catapulted the nwo agenda into the fast lane!!

its like the bible, if a few bits of the story dont add up then does the whole story add up, no it doesn't, it has to be BS!! you cant pick n chose the bits you like and dont like!! so you do the research and you find as clearer picture as possible to give yourself an educated opinion! i recommend having a watch of 911 mysteries on youtube!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Maybe...just maybe a plane actually hit the pentagon.

Nah, it's more fun and delusional to believe a conspiracy theory.

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