posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by projectvxn
I do understand your point of vue either.
But ...
If we allowed the forum to become clogged with insults, denigration, and all manner of tactlessness
All the problem is here : what is an insult, or more precisely, what is FELT like an insult ?
If I say "JEW", this will be felt like an insult by some persons.
If I say "zionist", this will be felt like an insult by some jews.
But "Zionism" is a word which exists since 150 years (and more ...), and the zionism exists as fascism, communism, liberalism, conservatism, etc
"Denigration" ?
Is this the way we have to name "opposition" ?
Are we denigrating Israel when telling that a boat-jacking in the International waters is Piracy ?
"Tactlessness" : this is exactly what I meant when telling that naming a cat a CAT, depending on the cat, is tactless.
You see, this is exactly the issue I adress :
We are civilized and educated people.
We understand the constraints of a public forum.
Is THIS compatible whith free-speech ?
Or will it be necessary, from now on, to tell the intelligent ones to read between the lines ?