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US Government OFFICIALLY attacks Conspiracy Theories!

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posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:23 PM
Haha I've never seen so many Chicken Littles in one place. So many of you are acting as if "ZOMG they are on to us and are trying to SILENCE us! Fight the future!!"

Look, it's a fairly innocuous little website that provides a very basic summary of some of the more popular and/or ridiculous conspiracy theories out there. But there is a strain of weirdo out there who believes that the creation of that website is PROOF POSITIVE of the Illuminati NWO Bilderberg Denver Airport operatives are real, and that they are all terribly afraid of ATS members and their keen insights.

I thought this website was about denying ignorance, but it seems lots of folks here wrap themselves up in ignorance as if it were a cocoon, and then BOAST about it. Others see this website as some sort of ongoing war personally waged by the Muslim Socialist Communist Fascist Obama and his HATRED for America.

Takes all kinds, I guess. At least this thread gave me a good laugh. Good luck and stay away from the fluoridated water!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
WOW hahaha

is this really an official website? ahhahha crazy stuff

The second language choise is Español. That looks legit to me.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by IamBoon
In all honesty, half of the theories presented that I hear on these boards are made of mostly circumstantial and hypothetical drivel. The government has a right to address these theories and denying those theories DOES NOT mean that it make them true as part of a plan to further hide the truth. It just means that they are denying it and to say it means anything else proves the kind of ideological pandering that a lot of conspiracy theorist use to justify irrational ideas.

I hear you. But understand that knowing the wrong thing remains an impairment to reaching old age. Believe it or not that is the primary handicap with these public internet conspiracy deals becoming more than what they are.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by cagliostro

Look, it's a fairly innocuous little website that provides a very basic summary of some of the more popular and/or ridiculous conspiracy theories out there.

You mean the "ridiculous ones" like you subscribe to?:

Greetings from Cagliostro I've been lurking and reading all weekend, but thought this site is just too good not to get involved with. So far my interests are weighted toward aliens/ufos, secret societies, religious conspiracies and ancient astronauts. Just a cursory glance at the ATS list of topics, however, suggests that I will soon be adding a few more categories.
Somehow, since you are a brand new member, it would be quite easy for some to suspect that you are a government disinformation agent. Now there's a conspiracy theory for you.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:56 PM
i have no doubt whoever wrote this post went through a few websites where they debunk these conspiracies and said that it was all on one website and that is the reason none of us can access it, and that the government did not create a website like that and this is truly just a bunch of conspiracies not truths

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:54 PM
Look, it's a fairly innocuous little website that provides a very basic summary of some of the more popular and/or ridiculous conspiracy theories out there.

Yeah, the Kennedy Assassination, or 9/11 are trivial issues and its ridiculous to have doubts about a scientific report generated by an upstanding agency like NIST adding "then a miracle happened" to their explanation for the freefall of building 7. Only a tin foil hat guy would question that.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by avatar01

I have a feeling that every single one of the conspiracies on that site are true, otherwise why would the government be trying to debunk them?

More money wasted on senseless's something that they've become quite good at since the mid to late 20th century.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by time91

Sorry, you missed my point. That is a conspiracy that has been bantered around since that time. So many conspriacies are rehashes of past favorites; Jews are evil has gone on for centuries, same with the papacy. I don't believe them, and they have never come to fruition. Same with conspiracies today. The "they" hardly changes.
What grand conspiracy has ever played out? I really cannot think of any.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:10 PM
After looking again, this doesn't look so "legit"

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by JustJames

What are you fighting? You are fighting against yourself only!!

Coinsidently, fighting the gov, or the powers that be is pretty pointless
one does not have the forsight to actually know what is going on for real.
I would bet that the very people you are all fighting are in fact ghosts,
not the same people that are responsible for half the conspiracies on here.
To be quite frank I have yet to see any proof that the gov or another
entity is responsible for any of the things people on here you talk about
let alone show any direct evidence of these action. I am not trying to get
people to see it another way I just believe that you need to be far more
responsible in the way you present your findings for "others" to take you
on your word. Prove to me "someone" is trying to cause these events!

[edit on 5-6-2010 by C11H17N2NaO2S]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by C11H17N2NaO2S

You are an intersting rhetorical excercise, C11H17N2NaO2S.

You have admitted earlier in the thread that you have already chosen sides.

So...does the continued employment of such rhetorical "obtuseness" support that admission...or are you trying to hasten the inevitable?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

When one needs to press a point and one has chosen a side then one would need to cover their bases. I may sit on the fence but my loyalties are already chosen. I see no relevance in people suggesting the same things over and over again but offering no proof!

Lets take 9/11. Where is there a single piece of evidence that a government had a hand in the downfall of the towers. I do listen carefully to people on this subject and conclude that I have yet to be convinced. Not one bit if pure evidence.

So in order to stress a point sometimes confusion must be used. People will always lose track of what they mean when confusion sets it. It just a form of debating. People on here will focus on a statement someone makes against their opinion if it seems to make little or no sense. However there is always a message of clarity within.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by C11H17N2NaO2S
"Lets take 9/11. Where is there a single piece of evidence that a government had a hand in the downfall of the towers. I do listen carefully to people on this subject and conclude that I have yet to be convinced. Not one bit if pure evidence."

Let's not go their on this thread you want evidence send me a message and I will gladly show you...

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by stars15k

Depends on what you mean by "grand" and what you mean by "played out". "Jews are trying to control the world", a la the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or some group of super-elites, like the "Illuminati" or Knights Templars, haven't or can't be proved if they have - though the historical Illuminati are real enough as are the Knights Templars. Of course, "Jews" even if the protocols were not a forgery (which it is) are far to diverse to characterize in any one camp. For every Jewish banker you can find ten Jewish revolutionaries and for every Jewish Kabalist, you can find ten atheist Jewish scientists, etc.

A little on the less "grand" side, has the CIA sponsored their covert ops since World War II with drug smuggling revenue? Did American capitalists hatch a plot to overthrow FDR, or did they trade with the Nazis until two years in to the War? Did the CIA, Mafia, Cuban Exiles, or all three, conspire to assassinate JFK? Was 9/11 an inside job? In the first two cases: case-closed, yes they did and its been confirmed in either Senate Hearings or courts of law complete with guilty verdicts of some of the perpetrators. Did Puerto Rican liberationists plan for months to assassinate Truman? The answer right there is yes and uncontroversial.

Kennedy's death has had two congressional commissions come in with conclusions that Oswald did not act alone and a conspiracy was in play. We'll see a complete or fairly complete confirmation of the participants involved in our lifetimes - its very close. Of course, 9/11 will take longer, but the evidence of some kind of inside complicity and controlled demolition have attracted over a thousand architectural and engineering professionals and hundreds of congression, military, firefighter and police supporters, including this years call by both Keane and Le Hamilton (who headed the 9/11 Commission) for new hearings into the matter.

Was the 2000 election stolen? Recounts of the entire state of Florida (not just Dade County) say yes. Was the 2004 election stolen? Not conclusive yet, but votes in Republican Counties in Ohio exceeded registered voter totals and normally Democratic Black districts have yielded evidence of massive suppression of African American votes in both getting into the polls and in highly unlikely tallied totals in voting machines there. Kerry wins Ohio: Kerry wins. Were these both planned conspiracies? Yes, with many hundreds of people involved, and some of them who talked or testified to election fraud.

Did the CIA conspire to assassinate Castro? Only eight times they've now admitted to. This was once called Conspiracy Theory by those who proclaimed that.

So, "Grand Conspiracy" is a relative term and you need to define what you mean by that. There's all kind of conspiracies and some very large and complicated, but it does not eliminate their basis in truth, though that base of evidence is always obscured and contested.

Like I said, I would tend to agree with you on the big internationalist conspiracies, though not with total belief in my own conviction. And I would disagree with you on most others. There are flaky CTs, but there are many solid ones too. Like FDR said, "If something happens in Washington, you can bet it was planned." People in power or who want power do conspire (ie. plan their ascent or maintenance of power). When they do, that's called a conspiracy both in cultural nomenclature and by law.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

You're right, I didn't want to get into specifics here, but when blanket denials are made, it's hard not to resist at least an example. I'll catch you on a 9/11 thread sometime where it's more appropriate and I have more time to gather my sources together. Until then . . .

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by ghostpigeon
Alright sounds like a plan...

As for your signature...If they get the chance.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by C11H17N2NaO2S
So in order to stress a point sometimes confusion must be used. People will always lose track of what they mean when confusion sets it. It just a form of debating.

So you are admitting to inducing confusion to dilute attempts to structure a rhetorical synopsis of what may indeed be a truth?

Agreed with NWOWILLFALL...9/11 has no relevant primary focus in this thread...but Drexel in the eighties (tenant of WTC7) and the scandal that led to Salomon Bros (the subsequent primary tenant) focuses away from the government as a sole provacateur.

But that is a different thread. Proof will likely never arrive...but piles of circumstantial evidence suggests past the "supposition".

By the way...I don't get confused.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by C11H17N2NaO2S
I see no relevance in people suggesting the same things over and over again but offering no proof!

By the way...what do you see relevance in?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Originally posted by C11H17N2NaO2S
I see no relevance in people suggesting the same things over and over again but offering no proof!

By the way...what do you see relevance in?

I think that relevance is how you get to the truth! Most people
make the evidence fit the theory as I said before. This is hardly
a way to instill belief in people of significant normality. It must
mean that the truth and the "powers the be" are at polar opposites.
After all if the government is coming out of its way to curtail peoples
simple views on events that are at best mysterious in nature then
obviously all of you REALLY do have something to fear as history
never has a happy ending for the people in general.

You should see that anytime a challenge has been laid down the
only response that has come is the eventually demise of the people
upon which they have based these outlandish points of view.

Can anyone tell me what they honestly think they can get out of
an action that in itself is "treason". Openly stating that the government
not only had a hand in such event like 9/11 but actually killed its people.

No one with any reasonable doubt would believe this unless there is
over-riding evidence in the form of ultimate proof. This is the relevance
that I talk about. This is the problem you are creating for yourselves.

Without this proof you will never stop what is in the works if
in fact their is any negative activity going on. Everything is done
now with speculation and an eye on the side of evil!!!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Yog-Sothoth

Originally posted by avatar01

I have a feeling that every single one of the conspiracies on that site are true, otherwise why would the government be trying to debunk them?

I do see your point but let me ask you this.

What If someone accused you of lying about being a child molester?
I think you would defend yourself in public from those very allegations
not stay quiet and hope it will pass by...which it never will. Same applies!!!

You must think why they put up this site. IS it too defend themselves
or is it to create a diversion for something else? Did they think that the
ulterior motives of the site would be enough to pacify people?

Lets consider the fact that they know ATS is full of people against
or at least with differing views to the governments movement.
Should they let this pass by with out any word or statement. Would
everyone think it was normal to keep quiet when accused of a crime?

This would be an admission of guilt for the government never to
have their say and defend these wild allegations. This move was
expected by those who knew that rumor was running rife.

Our collective accusations can and will spread to other governments
which in turn means some neutralising has to be done by the gov to
lay rest to others that these claims are not justified, but fear induced.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by C11H17N2NaO2S]

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