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Statue of Anubis Being Installed at Denver Airport.

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I am so pleased to know that while 1 out of 8 people living in America are on food-stamps and over a million filing bankruptcy (and losing their homes)....... Denver has extra money for decorations.

Perhaps this is a good time for the Statue of Liberty to have her face-lifted too?

No, I know....let's trim the White House in 24k gold-gilding paint!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Whats even more strange is that the artist had one of his glowing-red-eye mustangs at the University of Oklahoma when I attended there years ago. It was horribly, horribly creepy and awkward... and got many requests for removal.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by naught]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Ben81

The new ten commandments should give you an idea of
what change is coming down the pike for you.

The New 10 commandments of the GAIA religion

I agree with most of it, but have real issues with rule #1 as it will
likely mean my death.

Good Luck to you all !

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Skid Mark
Now, that's ironic. Its creator is tragically killed while making the piece.

Wait a second...The creator of the Anubis statue was killed while making the piece as well? That's creepy if true as I know the creator of the gigantic blue mustang with the glowing red eyes was killed during the creation of his piece for the DIA.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:59 PM
I've been laughing at David Icke for years about his conspiracies regarding the Lizard people living under or near Denver Airport. However, I do like many of his other theories.

This one just seemed a little far fetched for me. Until now.

If the show is at the museum, why isn't the statue at the museum?

I can understand the need to attract tourists etc coming through the airport and to raise awareness of what's going on in Denver, but this is a VERY interesting choice of artifact to display given the widespread theories about DIA.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:02 PM
I've been laughing at David Icke for years about his conspiracies regarding the Lizard people living under or near Denver Airport. However, I do like many of his other theories.

This one just seemed a little far fetched for me. Until now.

If the show is at the museum, why isn't the statue at the museum?

I can understand the need to attract tourists etc coming through the airport and to raise awareness of what's going on in Denver, but this is a VERY interesting choice of artifact to display given the widespread theories about DIA.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
It could also be either symbolism, or just coincidence but the statue is being installed at the western gate.

To me that sounds like death will arrive to the west.

I am not saying it is this, but still strange to say the least.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

hmmm. Jesus comes in from the eastern gate on a white Donkey, Anubis from the west on.....a blue mustang?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Anubis : Egyptian god of the dead, represented as a black jackal.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:53 PM
Yes I feel this is the Final Warning and this is why:

edit: OK I hate your gadgets on here they don't work and shot my list to heck! I have people waiting guys.

1. Troop movement - UN in US!
2. Israel
3. Oil spill part 2 - the sequal to 1979 and they are doing the exact same stuff like they are following a script!
4. Many of the different Projects seem to be coming to a head, especially End Game. If you read this doc, it says that these guys did all of this stuff before just like they were rehearsing.

We have got to stop tossing out wacky ideas because they are coming back to bit us in the butt. I am shaking writing this because Anubis at Denver is the bridegroom on the wedding cake if you ask me. Anubis is in position to watch the death march of the UN peace keepers coming and the going of a leader. After all, Anubis ushers Pharoahs to the afterlife right? Bush changed the COG to include a decapitating event didn't he?
And finally, guys (dolls too) don't you call your suspicious spouse crazy cuz they have no proof? Sure perfume and lipstick on collar is meaningless - until they see it on you! Then it's you who are cheating.
This is the month people and big cities aren't nice places anymore.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by DaWhiz]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by DaWhiz
After all, Anubis ushers Pharoahs to the afterlife right? Bush changed the COG to include a decapitating event didn't he? And guys (dolls too) don't you call your suspicious spouse crazy cuz they have no proof? Sure perfume and lipstick on collar is meaningless - until they see it on you! Then it's you who are cheating.
This is the month people and big cities aren't nice places anymore.

I have no idea what you are saying in the above.

What is COG, and what "decapitating event that Bush changed" are you talking about?

Perfume and lipsticks in collar is meaningless until your wife sees it in you?... What does that have to do with this?

I apologize, and take no offense, but I don't understand most of what you are trying to imply.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by DaWhiz
After all, Anubis ushers Pharoahs to the afterlife right? Bush changed the COG to include a decapitating event didn't he? And guys (dolls too) don't you call your suspicious spouse crazy cuz they have no proof? Sure perfume and lipstick on collar is meaningless - until they see it on you! Then it's you who are cheating.
This is the month people and big cities aren't nice places anymore.

I have no idea what you are saying in the above.

What is COG, and what "decapitating event that Bush changed" are you talking about?

Perfume and lipsticks in collar is meaningless until your wife sees it in you?... What does that have to do with this?

I apologize, and take no offense, but I don't understand most of what you are trying to imply.

The perfume and lipstick was in reference to a scenario in which people lie to hide the truth from another. Sorry, just thought it was so cliche that everyone knew the reference.

Bush changes COG is old news. In 2007 Bush changed the Continuity of Government plans to include assassination. Martial Law will come down on America if one ever happens.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Here's an interesting site with just about everything you want to know
about Denver International Airport, and the "mysteries" of this
airport, its murals, etc.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by saabacura

Actually, what is really outrageous is
1- american taxpayers can't have real answers about how their money what used on Denver International Airport.
2- the murals there contain the depiction of three children from specific groups of people (a jewish girl, a native american girl and a black girl ) in caskets.

Very strange. In France, the Jewish community would have had the mural erased (the Jewish community in France is rather powerful and very itchy on this kind of stuff).

[edit on 5/6/2010 by jeanne75018]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Originally, the murals and flooring and statues were the clue to those who had a seat that this was the location of the bunker. They couldn't put out a news release or make a public announcement, rather they left obvious but suble clues to those the bunder was intended for, hoping it would go unnoticed by the public. As long as it remians just a "conspiracy theory", laughed off or ignored by those behind it, it is a controlable situation, which is why you will never hear anything about this in the New York Times or CBS.
That being said, an alert that the time was drawing near, call it a two minute warning, would be given in a similar manner, hence the statue. If they're sending the exhibit to Denver, just part of the plan perhaps..
The symbology should speak volumes. Egyptian God of the afterlife? Life after what. Sometimes we should take the obvious for what it is. The Egyptian symbology should also indicate, for obvious reasons, that an alien force will be involved, either as a threat or co-conspirator. Am I an irrational guy? Maybe losing my mind? Nope...I work with investments. I'm a financial planner. I like to think I'm sane and logical. But you just can't make this kind of stuff up. Would I bet three million dollars that all this will come to fruition? Maybe not, but only because I don't want to beleive any of this, If someone could just explain to my why all the underground contruction 16 years after completion of this airport. Why was it built in the first place. How can a planned structure run triple the budget. Why blucifer. Why the murals. The flooring that shows planetary alignment.the gargoyles popping out of briefcases. Who paid the city coucilmen 1.5 mil to approve the project. Here's a challenge. Check the gargoyles and see if they don't match gargoyles on the building and art of an organization. I'm just sayin.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by astrogolf]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 11:23 AM
cant be coincedence that the man died while making the statue.. anyways i think they're upto something nasty with planes again..

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Violater1

Anyone read this post yet?

Then the article is decoded to warn of “dangerous winds” 912 days later, which happens to be June 23, 2010. [Note: Operation Blackjack indicates June 22, 2010 but hidden in its images is a code to add a day. Also, 6/23/10= 6+2+3+10 = 21 Blackjack!] * Then even spookier is the fact that 912 days after 6/23/10 is 12/21/12 = Doomsday!

Looks like alot of things are gonna be goin on this month...lets hope not. The DIA murals give me chills, nightmarish. The masonic capstone located in the great hall with the words new world aiport comission. Message to the people of Colorado 2094?? can someone please explain that. The letter from the young girl. The statue of horse and the gargoyles in the briefcases....

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by riddle6

It's interesting that you point this out.
So, the statue has been traveling. This could be symbolic in itself.
Could it have something to do with the latitudinal/longitudinal degrees it's been positioned within up to its arrival at Denver International?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by SquareCircleTriangle
Anubis : Egyptian god of the dead, represented as a black jackal.

a symbol of Project Black Jack?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

I just saw your post. You beat me to it!
Ladies & Gents: We have possible thread conversion.
How very synchronistic.

Edit: Having trouble spelling today.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by Afterthought]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:35 PM
I thought that this might be helpful.
I had posted it to a different thread for a different topic, but I feel it may have purpose within this thread, too.

- I was just reading a book last night by Jorge Luis Borges titled "The Book of Imaginary Beings".
In the chapter "The Eastern Dragon", it is described as having "a head something like a horse's, with a snake's tail, with wings on its sides (if at all), and with four claws, each furnished with four curved nails. We also read also of its nine resemblances: its horns are not unlike those of a stag, its head that of a camel, its eyes those of a devil, its neck that of a snake, its belly that of a clam, its scales those of a fish, its talons those of an eagle, ...". The story goes on to say that the beast is rendered powerless if its pearl is stolen from it.
"The Dragon rules over mountains, is linked to geomancy, dwells near tombs, is connected with the cult of Confucius, is the Neptune of the seas and appears also on terra firma." (p. 83)
"The Dragon Kings are immortal and can communicate among themselves, without recourse to words, inspite of any distance that separates them. It is during the third month that they make their annual report to the upper heavens."

Now- The Western Dragon (p. 238):
A tall-standing, heavy serpent with claws and wings ... It may be black, but it is essential that it also be shining; ....the Greeks seem to have applied the name Dragon to any considerable reptile. Pliny informs us that in summer the Dragon craves elephant blood, which is notably cool. It will make a sudden foray on the elephant, coil round it, and plunge its teeth into it. The bloodless elephant rolls on the ground and dies; so does the Dragon, crushed under the weight of its victim."
"In the 11th book of the Illiad we read that there was a blue three-headed Dragon on Agamemnon's shield; ... Among the Romans, the Dragon was the insignia of the cohort, as the eagle was of the legion;..."
"In Revelations, St. John speaks twice of the Dragon, "that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan ...." In the same spirit, St. Augustine writes that the Devil "is lion and dragon; lion for its rage, dragon for its cunning." Jung observes that in the Dragon are the reptile and the bird - the elements of earth and of air."

Couldn't an airport be symbolic of the joining the elements of earth & air?
It's interesting how we see the numbers 9 & 3 repeated within the text. Also, how the snake was smothered by its victim. Sort of similar to the artist(s) being killed by the statue(s). Has it been determined that both artists died in this manner?
There's also the reference to the mountains. And terra firma?

Then, there's another chapter in the same book titled "The Leveler"
(p. 148)
"Between 1840 and 1864, the Father of Light (whom we may also call the Inner Voice) granted the Bavarian musician and schoolteacher Jakob Lorber an unbroken series of trustworthy revelations concerning the human population, the fauna, and the flora of the celestial bodies of our solar system. Among the domestic animals we have knowledge of, thanks to these revelations, is found the Leveler, or Ground-Flattener (Bodendrucker), which renders immeasureable services on Miron, the planet identified with Neptune ..."
"The Leveler has ten times the girth of the elephant, to which it bears a striking resemblance. It is provided with a rather stumpy trunk and with long straight tusks; its hide is of a sickly green. Its limbs pyramid-shaped, widen enormously at the hoof; the apexes of these pyramids appear to be pinned to the body. This noted plantigrade, in advance of builders & bricklayers, is led to the rough terrain of a construction site, where, it proceeds to flatten out & tramp the ground."
"The Leveler feeds on roots & herbage and has no enemies outside of one or two species of insects."

Take the above literature for what you will. I just wanted to throw it out there.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by Afterthought]

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