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The New World Order Currency Crisis

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posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 10:35 AM
The global financial crisis is now officially turning into a currency crisis as predicted by Ron Paul and others years ago. With the new $1 trillion E.U. rescue package, central banks around the world are printing money out of thin air to prop up a failing system. The idea that American citizens are paying to bail out Europe is astounding. The Federal Reserve and other central banks are intentionally devaluing currencies worldwide to bring in a new international reserve currency regulated by them. In other words, the people who caused the crisis are coming in and offering the solution giving them total control over the world's monetary system.

This fraudulent, corporate looting is transferring wealth from ordinary citizens to the ultra-rich, consolidating global power. This is unprecedented in world history.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by aenfroy87]

Mod Note: All About Embedding

[edit on 6/3/2010 by TheRedneck]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:16 AM
Problom - Reaction - Solution

Make no mistake if one of the major currencies goes down then they all go down and this has been planned and they will wait a few days for riots and panick to kick in and then turn up via the states propaganda machine telling us all how luckey we are because they have converted all our saving to ameros.

You will get 50c on the $ and the new currency will remain 100% digital so they can monitor every penny you spend and then will come a personal carbon tax bill with your bank statement and down the road you will pay charges at the ATM's if you're not using your implanted RFID as security at the machines.

in effect the IMF/WTO/NWO/Zionists bankers wants to cut out the middle man, your goverment when it comes to collecting carbon taxes taxes on the amero and any country that resits will be taken out like Iraq trying to sell Oil in euro's and Iran if Russia and China don't help out.

Well don't panick or trust those that engineered the problom to be the solution else you will have the rest of your lives to regret it.

Tell them to keep your money and your debt and the taxes , police state and we the people will seize their assets and put the world back on track.

I don't give a $hit if you think i'm wrong, it matters not but do remember what i say about not being panicked into excepting their offer if it happens like i say and you owe it to your kids to make a sacrifice because your as gulty as me for letting it get to this stage.

One final point don't think you can get out of this by buying over priced property because it's not realy yours and they will tax you to death on it so that carrot is not as sweet as it looks.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by LieBuster]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:19 AM
I watched a show recently on life after arnaggedon. They mentioned that currency is not going to be gold but that each individual community will most likely develop their own paper currency to us as a bartering tool. And that one is better of investing in items that will be in short supply such as coffee, gasoline and foodstuffs that are not easy to make at home.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Its not a crisis to the PTB, its a manufactured opportunity.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by IcarusDeepSea
I watched a show recently on life after arnaggedon. They mentioned that currency is not going to be gold but that each individual community will most likely develop their own paper currency to us as a bartering tool. And that one is better of investing in items that will be in short supply such as coffee, gasoline and foodstuffs that are not easy to make at home.

I think good garden tools is the way to go.

No oil means a lot more manual work and seeds are no good if you can not dig the ground plus they will make good defence tools if you are attacked.

When the time is right i will grab a skip load of tools and give them out to local people to draw them closer togeather as a comunity.

I don't agree with the theory that people will uses a local curency made from paper having seen how it can become worthless so i suspect they will revert to silver/gold or even ingots of brass and copper and barter for more common goods.

Someone will need to get people down to the farms whilst ensureing the farmers don't become too big for their boots.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by IcarusDeepSea
I watched a show recently on life after arnaggedon.

So, you get all your ideas off the box in the corner of the room, because you can't think for yourself.

Originally posted by IcarusDeepSea
They mentioned that currency is not going to be gold but that each individual community will most likely develop their own paper currency to us as a bartering tool. And that one is better of investing in items that will be in short supply such as coffee, gasoline and foodstuffs that are not easy to make at home.

Well, that's nice isn't it? Encourage tax fraud, a nice quick route to a jail term. Do you ever have anything wworthwhile to say or just just trash off the TV to spew out?

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