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Michio Kaku : oil could gush from the leaking BP deepwater well for years

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posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by sierrawatch
Whats wrong with you people, Michio Kaku really!!!what expertise does he have in the gulf oil leak. Let alone a huricane senario.

Just like his speculations on the universe which are unfonded and only given on his academic standing. James Careron is another one.

Maybe we should consult Al Gore, Dick Chenney, Nancy Pelosi. This oil leak goes beyond all the experts. As BP goes thru the motion to let you believe that it wants to stop the leak, there only goal is to keep the oil flowing eventually to recover this well.

Sure, and while we are not thinking for ourselves, let's just go ahead and ask Sarah Palin and the Bush family what they think about it all. Oh, wait we already know, "DRILL BABY DRILL" us to freakin death.

I do agree with your position on BP though.

I think Dr. Kaku is pretty intelligent, and remember, he teaches a lot of different theories and ideas. He seems to get people to think outside the box a bit, and to me, even if some of his theories are "out there" they are definitely outside the box, and that is very important to humanity these days. At least in my opinion.

Harm None

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:10 PM
I'll stick to listening to T.Boone Pickens on this far he's been right on the money.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by 535cataclysm

this right here is the exactly why we cannot grow it...because everybody thinks its the same plant that gets you high.

hemp is a "non-drug" variety. for it to be considered hemp it must have 0.03% thc or less, which you cannot get high from. its only value will be cultivating it for paper/textile/oil/food/cellulose.the plants dont even look the same.

you can make 50 to 100 thousand products, and not get high on any of them. thats 50 to 100 thousand products we dont have to import from china that all SUCK.

long story short, hemp can make anything, and its always better.theres a ton of products that already use hemp for its superior qualities like Encylcapedia pertanica (thats why the pages dont yellow). or how bout the first couple drafts of the constitution? why? because the paper is way more durable.

ever heard of CANVAS? ever wonder what the CAN in it means? CANNABIS

Levi jeans - hemp.

those panels in your BMW - hemp

some of the first things pirates went after when they raided a ship[ was the lines an sails which were all made from hemp (because of their value)

hemp is one of the most important plants in history, that has unfortunately been erased from the books by big oil. there isnt enough threadspace to explain how important it is.

if you actually look into alternative energy. and i mean real "alternatives" not just "their alternatives" will quickly find that cannabis is also the most efficient plant for bio-mass energy...which could literally power all of our homes.

and its not like this is a difficult plant to grow...theres a reason its nickname is "weed" thrives in the russian tundra for crying out loud.

on top of all that its one of the few plants that puts nutrients back into the soil rather than depleting them. and its roots grow deep and penetrate bad soil and can be used like barley grass(current best legal means) in between crops to bust up the ground. barely grass will penetrate 2-3 inches in 2-3 weeks....hemp will go 12-14 inches....

how bout your home? you can build that out of hemp too...for about a 5th the price...and it will be better quality...

i could go on all day. the main point is growing oil is much safer than drilling for it.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:23 PM
dont you people ever get tired of your I want my joint to be leagel thing hemp this hemp that . So grow 100 million ackers then STARVE .
Ps just how much you going to enjoy your joint without chips anyway?
biodesial only need 30 million gallons a day no problem just plow all the farms under who needs to eat.
ps any seal on that leak will help reduce buy half would be a START god knows i hope it works sounds to me like your all enjoying the gulfs destruction and hope this fails so you can get your next the world is doomed fix
and o you cant get high from this hemp thing wont fly who are you kidden grante to sell more they will be sure its packing you want a joint fine get it leagelised tehn grow some but biodesil will never work as it would DRASTICLY cut food production to produce 30 million gallons a day GET THAT NUMBER YET
just how many ackers will you need to plant HU.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by xxcalbier]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Why legalize hemp to make fuel? You wouldn't have any ulterior motives in mind, would you?
Algae has a much higher production rate and you'd probably only have to cover part of one state with algae farms to make enough. Of course, the processing costs would run up the bill, especially if you needed gasoline instead of diesel, but that is true for all plant oils.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:29 PM
We don't need oil for transportation nor for power if they would release all the info stolen from Tesla. I have seen films of people using his ideas and powering free energy things. One man runs his entire home in Arizona now on a box no bigger than a bread box. It uses the cosmic energy of the earth for its power source. We haven't need oil since 1945........But, as long as there are oil companys we will never get the free energy devices because they said you can't put a meter on it and regulate it...

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by saabacura
reply to post by rajaten

yo dude,

don't blame this accident on this anonymoly. You need oil.
The oil mobilezes your car.
It runs your electricity.
Plastics, everyday use, made from oil....

We are not addicted to oil, we are dependent on it.

I never asked to be dependent on it. In fact, we could have been completely "OFF" oil in the late 90's if we'd had continued with electric cars as we had been.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
dont you people ever get tired of your I want my joint to be leagel thing hemp this hemp that . So grow 100 million ackers then STARVE .
Ps just how much you going to enjoy your joint without chips anyway?
biodesial only need 30 million gallons a day no problem just plow all the farms under who needs to eat.
ps any seal on that leak will help reduce buy half would be a START god knows i hope it works sounds to me like your all enjoying the gulfs destruction and hope this fails so you can get your next the world is doomed fix
and o you cant get high from this hemp thing wont fly who are you kidden grante to sell more they will be sure its packing you want a joint fine get it leagelised tehn grow some but biodesil will never work as it would DRASTICLY cut food production to produce 30 million gallons a day GET THAT NUMBER YET
just how many ackers will you need to plant HU.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by xxcalbier]

Brainwashed by big oil much?

Puleeeeze, mushrooms should be illegal too if we follow the logic that any plant related to another that can cause an altered state should be illegal theory.

Which part of "hemp does not contain thc" along with "just because a plant is a cousin of another plant does not make it the same plant", that is too complicated for many people to understand? I know I know it is complicated and does require some usage of the brain cells, but come on, it is not "rocket science". GET THAT YET?

Wait, mushrooms do not have the hundreds of uses that hemp does, not to mention big oil has zero to lose when it comes to mushrooms.

I thought this was ATS deny ignorance. Not ATS propagate as much ignorance as possible.

to your post, I see zero denying ignorance in it.

Harm None

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Interesting read about a person who offers their idea to stop the oil spill :

Insert deflated car tires then pump them up.

Anyway, years of this would be nuts. I'm wondering if it will ever get to South Carolina. Got a weird feeling about this, I think there's something going on more than an oil spill. Just not sure what it is yet..

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by saabacura
reply to post by rajaten

yo dude,

don't blame this accident on this anonymoly. You need oil.
The oil mobilezes your car.
It runs your electricity.
Plastics, everyday use, made from oil....

We are not addicted to oil, we are dependent on it.

Free energy does all those things too.

But more efficiently.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:51 PM
link d-to-atlantic-coast/

Very relevant link above showing computer projections of the oil spreading up the Atlantic coast.... excerpt below...

The model indicates that oil at the surface is likely to be picked up by a fast-moving stream of water in the Gulf known as the Loop Current, which feeds into the Gulf Stream current that carries water northward along the Atlantic coastline.

“I’ve had a lot of people ask me, ‘Will the oil reach Florida?’” Synte Peacock, who worked on the model at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, said in a press release today. “Actually, our best knowledge says the scope of this environmental disaster is likely to reach far beyond Florida, with impacts that have yet to be understood.”

It is impossible to accurately predict precisely what will happen to the oil because it will depend on the ever-changing Loop Current and regional weather patterns. But the model, which is based on typical wind and current patterns for the area, can provide a range of possibilities.

Bad, bad news.
BP are muppets.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by xxcalbier

and one of the byproducts of producing hemp oil is ....



imagine that!

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Right on! But the oil companies couldn't go on raping the Planet then could they? We must realize that we will never have access to alternative, clean energy because these bastards will never let it happen. They and the banksters and Wall street own the the white house and congress. The whole system is rotten, corrupt and completely out of touch. Drunk with greed, the head of BP Hayward wants it over because he " wants his life back". What a sociopath! Do you understand who is running your World? Psychopaths are running the Planet. They are totally void of compassion or empathy. They have no regard for the Planet. They have no regard for their fellow creatures. There is nothing but contempt for nature and humanity. They are motivated by power and greed. Soon they will meet in Spain to deside our future. Will you allow this to continue? Or will you demand a new World based on love? I am. Angry, but I realize that all is according to Divine plan. These things are a wake up call to those who haven't chose yet, the fence sitters. It is time to choose, business as usual or a new World? Service to Self or will you serve your brothers and sisters?

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Caji316
We don't need oil for transportation nor for power if they would release all the info stolen from Tesla. I have seen films of people using his ideas and powering free energy things. One man runs his entire home in Arizona now on a box no bigger than a bread box. It uses the cosmic energy of the earth for its power source. We haven't need oil since 1945........But, as long as there are oil companys we will never get the free energy devices because they said you can't put a meter on it and regulate it...

I'm sorry but this is just so ridiculous that I need to respond. How did your acquaintance in Arizona build this magic breadbox? How is it that he alone discovered the technology? what does the 'cosmic energy of the Earth' mean? Why would the world powers conspire to make oil companies rich since 1945 when they could have just started the magic breadbox company and done the same thing? Why is it that whenever people ask for scientific proof of one of these inventions, suddenly the prototype goes missing or is claimed to be 'suppressed by the man'? surely the inventor could simply produce a new breadbox to demonstrate to journalists/scientists/the public?

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Dr Michio Kaku is a great man he must have studied this topic to comment on it otherwise he would not tust talk crap like some people!

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:04 PM
I see the gov't/BP shills are responding quite vigorously in this thread. Sure looks like damage control to me, considering how respected Dr. Kaku's opinions are. The same type of reactionary response is happening in the fisherman thread, since they don't want the public to know how bad the leak truly is.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:06 PM
well one why to solve the Oil Spill !
( calling all Countries ) Free Oil to all who
help clean up the mess!

Free Oil you pick up! on your expense !

is the Navy helping with the spill ?

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by TheFinalTruth14
Interesting read about a person who offers their idea to stop the oil spill :

Insert deflated car tires then pump them up.

Who has 5,000 psi+ car tires?

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Quantum Logic

Kaku's opinions are from a physicist. The oil could leak for years....or maybe not. What genius does it take to say that? Just some press for Michio to keep him in the public eye.

The opinions that count are from the petroleum engineers who have to fix this.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by pteridine

Originally posted by TheFinalTruth14
Interesting read about a person who offers their idea to stop the oil spill :

Insert deflated car tires then pump them up.

Who has 5,000 psi+ car tires?

EXACTLY! Some people have these "ideas" and propose them before researching the details of the problem. It sounds great until you do the math. How bout we just make a large cork.....duh.

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