posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 05:24 PM
Can anyone help me and tell me what is happening??
Before I go to sleep I practise looking for my 3rd eye with my eyes shut. I stare in the area where I think its located for a bit and I kind of feel
like I am going through a tunnel. Then all of a sudden a rush of energy goes from head to toe and my jaw tenses and locks.
Sometimes my jaw moves backwards and forwards, grinding my teeth a little. After that I sort of come out of it a bit but with my eyes still shut I
look towards my hands. I can see them but they are white energy, like etheral smoke. Then I open my eyes to check I am not unknowing looking with my
eyes open and it goes.
I am just trying to convince myself something is happening to me and its not my imagination.
ALSO I dream vividly. Why is it when I wake up in the middle of the night I feel so...vunerable?? like an energy is beside me?
Responses would be great as I really have no one else I can ask in real life.