reply to post by Esoteric Teacher
In my view there is no point to taking a life unless your life or the life of a being you love is in danger. It is not a bad thing to kill something
if you need to eat either because it is not against nature to do so but that is another subject.
If something needs to be killed so that a whole species can live then in my humble opinion moral values are corrupted and there is probably something
erroneous deep within the mindset of the person or persons who really believes that killing a human being is worth the life of an animal species.
As an animal lover and a human with a deep love of nature I find that there is no conflict of interests in saying this because long before we ever
evolved there were mass extinctions and no doubt there were groups of animals that fed on another group until that group died out. There have probably
been land bridges as an off the cuff example that have come and gone over the ancient history of earth that has enabled more evolved animals to cross
to new lands and decimate whole species of lesser animals just because they had no defences against the invader.
Nature could be construed as cruel and merciless but it is neither because it is just nature and sometimes things will die out due to the actions of
another, making room for something else. We are as much a part of the world and in being a part of this world we can cause as much mass extinction as
an asteroid with bad intentions or an ancient predator that has found a land-bridge to new fleshy pastures.
Sadly we are "humping the bunk" in that regard but by our very nature we are not prone to doing things in half measures.
If humans have driven a species to extinction and are about to deliver the death blow then killing that human with the raised axe is not going to make
any difference because that animal species that was saved will probably only be able to survive behind a glass case from there on in anyway but that
slain human will leave a ripple effect throughout your life for a very long time because murder is murder and there will be a price to pay.
Education is the key here not murder!
Therefore a human killing another human for something in that context is not the correct way of thinking or acting and when there are always better
ways to resolve such difficulties then I think that those options should be pursued to the maximum and all should seriously forget about killing a
fellow human being as even being an option.
Unless you are killing something for food there is no need to kill. Unless you like eating human flesh you should never take another life unless you
really needed to but if you enjoy human flesh anyway then you probably quack like a duck but are most certainly not a duck.
Options in that your life or life of loved ones (including a loved animal) is about to be taken, kill to survive or protect = an important, probably
vital law of nature.
Kill a human to gain something material = very bad and there is no excuse or reason at all even if it is to further a theological agenda. Sadly many
think otherwise and I am even considered weak for thinking thus and that is why this world will burn long before we as a species wake up to a new dawn
and a new way of thinking in regard to the importance of not killing other than for inescapable necessity and hunger.
I am therefore with respect, a big fat 0 on all the questions.
*edit spelling*
[edit on 3-6-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]