reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn
My own subjective opinion and I am biased too
Love is an energy that is stronger than hate because love creates something superior, causes a blazing greatness within our hearts and is as pure as
the sun when you feel it in its true form. Love takes something and makes it bigger, it creates the arts and causes us to want to excel in all things
for the joy of it because with love everything is possible, and everything finds its own peace.
Hate is black and bitter tasting to the soul, it tears down the world, it can bring about a sea of bloody tears and it is recognised for the
aberration it is by always feeding the hearts of the damaged, feeding and growing until it can grow and feed no longer as it devours all and
everything in its path.
Once hate runs out of steam it collapses and withers away allowing a time of rebirth to what remains. The only people who might find a use for hate
are those reptiles who care not how many lives are expended in the effort of coveting because to the hater all that matters is spreading their version
of love – love via a sword in the name of something they may think is love but is really only a contemptuous form of control for the sake of
something that they might covet.
Die for your country because you love it so, die for your god because he “wills it” and he so loves your sacrifice, slay the heathen because only
your god knows love, all other gods know nothing and by existing they are in the way of the spreading of your gods love.
Love would never cause another to be inspired to lay down a life for something that does not matter because love is as pure as a new born child. Love
is that energy you experience that has no comparison that when you love you would never envisage harm coming to the target of your love because love
is like that - amazing.
Hatred would see one misconstrue hate as love and cause one to think that one could love something so much that one can destroy half the world or a
people, that such love is justified in maiming and burning and casting into the earth all that might disagree with another’s twisted version of love
– hate disguised and perverted to another’s grim cause.
Love is everything, it was always about the love and everything else is secondary and when more of us get this fact, and it is a fact then perhaps we
can finally stop murdering each other for the slightest of things and when we see the beauty of another’s breath and the song of their voice, the
light in the eyes then and only then will we find that we are at last on the long road back to the truth of our humanity and our real heritage.
Hatred thus is in the sewer whereas love is in the heights, in the sunlight and kissed by zephyrs. Hate squirms down there like a thing in the dirt
with the worms and bacteria and those that think that hate can be put to a use will be doomed to repeat the lesson for as many times as is needed
until they truly understand what it is that is truly important in this world.
It was and is always about the love, hate is an energy that is always going to be doomed to turn to smoke and dust, as it should do because there is
no comparison in my eyes between the two.